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It was the end of another day as Mush and Feister walked back to the Lodge. It had been a few days and there hasn't been any sign of Will, which was good, but it also put them on guard.

As Feister was talking Mush listened with a smile. Though it had only been a few days since he realized his true feelings for her, he felt like he's been in love with her since forever. Actually, now that he thinks about it maybe there was a little something there when they first met. But Mush had a feeling that Feister didn't like him like that. He was just her big brother/best friend. Plus, why would an amazing girl like her, go for a lame guy like him.

Besides Feister still wasn't the kind of girl who went out on dates, or flirted with other guys, but Mush knew it was going to happen sooner or later. After all, she's fourteen, isn't that the age when girls start liking/dating boys?

The only thing Mush knew was that if, and when Feister starts dating, he would just smile and be happy for her. After all, that's what she did for him. There was also something else Mush knew, and it was that when Feister does start dating he can, and will soak anyone who breaks her heart.

And he was sure the other boys would do the same. After all, she's their little sister, and they're her brothers. As he was thinking that there may be a small chance Feister would start dating it made him sad to think she might leave him for some bum she met he knows how she felt when he went out with Lacey.

"Hey, you'se ok." was what pulled Mush out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I's fine, why?" he asked quickly.

"Yer thinkin' bout a goil," Feister said, with a hint of sadness in her voice. But she learned to hide it when the subject came up. Now, Feister knew very well that Mush had been taking a break from dating after the fourth break up happened back in spring with some girl named Genevieve.

But as soon as Feister saw that look she knew all too well it would only be a matter of time before Mush started going out with random girls, and forgetting all about her. Again. All Feister could do was put on a smile, bite her tongue, and remind herself that she'd rather lose him to some random girl then lose him completely. Which is easier said than done.

"How'd ya know that?" Mush asked worriedly. Which made him wonder, how does this girl know him so well?

"Ya got that stupid look that makes ya look like an idiot," she replied with a half hearted smile. But she felt her heart drop, and that burning feeling in her stomach. Now, Feister knows that Mush wouldn't go for a lame girl like her. Why would he? After all she's just his little sister/best friend.

"What? Ya mean like this?" Mush made a funny face that made Feister laugh.

"Yer such an idiot." Feister shoved him to the side, which made him shove her back. Mush then snatched her cap, making her braids fall just a little ways past her shoulders.

Now, Mush knows very well that Feister hates it when someone snatches her cap. Hence why he did it. For some odd reason he didn't just liked. He loves getting her mad. Yes, it's tempting fate by getting a girl like Feister mad. But Mush still does it anyways.

"Mush!" she exclaimed while jumping up to try to get her cap back. Mush only held her cap in the air and laughed at her sorry attempt to get it back. This was one of the many reasons she hates being short. "Give it back!"

"Ya hafta catch me!" with that Mush ran off to the Lodge.

"Hey!" Feister yelled while running after him. By the time she got back to the Lodge Mush was already there. She walked up to him with an annoyed look on her face. "Bout time ya got back," Mush said as he put Feister's cap back on her head and pulled it over her eyes.

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