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"First off the goil ya know as "Claire" is gone, an' second there is no way I'm goin' back with you'se," Feister snapped, she started getting really mad. The next thing that happened was a blur. Mush grabbed Feister's hand and started running to who knows where. But the Delanceys caught them and dragged them to a nearby alley and started soaking the both of them.

Well, Mush ended up getting most of the blows, but that didn't mean Feister got off easy. She got a few punches and got knock to the ground. Not even thinking twice Feister got up and went to help Mush.

But Oscar pushed her to the ground and then she felt someone grab her left forearm that hurt like no tomorrow. She let out a small scream as she tried to pull away, but the grip became tighter and she felt something slightly snap, which made her cry out in pain.

"Let me go!" she yelled; trying to wiggle her way out, she stamped her feet, push, pulled and did everything she could to get out of the strangers grip. But nothing worked. Feister started getting frustrated and it didn't help that she could hear the soaking that was going on behind her.

Her eyes were closed because every time she looked back she could see Oscar soaking Mush while Morris held him in place, and she didn't like it. Which meant she did have a pretty good feeling on who it was.

"C'mon Claire, we're leaving," Feister heard Will say while trying to pull her away from the alley.

"No!" she yelled. "I's ain't goin' with ya!" with that being said she stamped on Will's foot which made him cry out in pain and let go of her arm. Without even thinking twice Feister ran over to the other side of the alley and said, "Leave 'im alone!"

"Looks like yer little girlfriend wants ta play," Morris said into Mush's ear.

"Don't touch 'er!" Mush exclaimed while trying to get out of Morris' grip. But it was no use. Just then Oscar punched Feister in the gut and not knowing what came over him, Mush was somehow able to get out of Morris' grip and then gave Oscar a brand new shiner.

"You ok?" Mush asked quickly as he helped Feister up. Who only nodded. "C'mon, let's get outta here." with that they started to run out of the alley but just as they were almost out Mush felt someone pull him back.

When Feister noticed that Mush wasn't behind her anymore. So, when she turned around and saw that Will had a tight grip on him, she then went over and tried to get Mush back, but the Delanceys stopped her. And before any more damage was done they heard a voice say, "Mush?! Feister!? Where are ya?"

"BLINK!" they both yelled. With in seconds Kid Blink came running around the corner and into the alley where it was all going down. Will had Mush in his grasp and Feister was in Morris' grasp. Thinking fast he ran up to Morris and punched him square in the jaw, which made him drop Feister and then shoved Oscar to the ground.

"You'se ok?" Blink asked as he helped Feister off the ground. Not giving an answer she started to run over to Mush who said, "Feisty, get outta here."

"Not without you'se I's ain't," she replied. Just then the Delanceys got up and stood right in front of Feister.

"Get out of my way," she spat.

"Blink, get 'er outta here!" Mush yelled. He knew very well that if Feister didn't get out this would end badly for all three of them.

"I said I's ain't leaving without ya," Feister replied. But before she could say anything Kid Blink started to pull her away. "Blink let me go!" she said as she struggled to get out of the older boy's grip. There was no way that she was going to leave without Mush. Not in a million years.

"Don't worry," Morris said evilly. "We's gonna take good care of yer little boyfriend here."

"One wrong move an' my fist is gonna meet yer face!" Feister grunted. She had broken free of Blink's grip and was about to start wiping the smiles off of the Delanceys and then go take care of her "brother"

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