Just Like Old Times

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It had been a week and Feister still switched partners in the morning to the afternoon; she had gotten used to it and so far there was no sign of Will. That afternoon she was selling with Kid Blink and Mush, which she was excited to do, she couldn't wait to go back to her selling spot. Not that she didn't like selling with the other boys, she loved getting more time with them.

But with Mush and Blink it was different, they're her two closest friends and she hadn't been able to sell with them since Jack thought it would be the obvious target or whatever. So when she found out that day's partners for the afternoon she couldn't wait till the afternoon, which couldn't come sooner.

That morning she was selling with Jack, and Crutchie, who could all see Feister was anxious. Though she hid it well it was kinda obvious she was antsy.

"I haven't seen 'er this excited since.....ever," Crutchie whispered. It was kind of a shock to Crutchie since Feister doesn't get excited for things. Unless if the headline is good, but even then she stays under the radar.

"Well can ya blame 'er?" Jack asked. "I mean it has been a long time since since she went sellin' with Mush; she misses 'er best friend." he had to admit it was nice seeing Feister excited for once.

Especially with everything that has been happening, it was good to see her happy again."I's just hope 'er brudda don't go nowhere near 'er," Jack said as he watched Feister sell another paper. He had to admit it was good seeing Feister smile again.

But at the same time he was worried that the worst was going to happen. But he also knew that Kid Blink and Mush wouldn't let anything happen to her, not by a long shot. Especially Mush. Jack knew for a fact that Mush probably wouldn't let Will or anyone who's a threat lay a hair on Feister. Plus Blink will be there for backup. So it's not like something would go wrong. But that thought still stayed.

"Stop thinkin' that," Crutchie said a little loudly (but not to loud that Feister would hear) when he noticed Jack's worried look. "I know yer worried, we all are; but ya do know ya can't say anything ta 'er, right? If she sees ya worried she's gonna start panicking an' ya know how that goes well...kinda. All I's know is that I's never seen 'er act the way she has been lately."

"I's know, I's know," Jack replied.

"But?" Crutchie knew that there was way more to the story then what he was getting. Jack may be tough, but he can't do everything on his own.

"I's want 'er ta sell with Henry an' Tommy boy," Jack replied. The whole morning he had been very antsy with Feister going back to her own selling spot. While she was happy and he loves seeing her happy, but he had a bad feeling about all of this. "But I's didn't say anything cause she'd just put up a fight an' ya know how that goes."

"Jack, stop worryin'. you'se knows very well that Blink, an' Mush won't let anything happen ta 'er. Plus, ya know she's been on edge lately an' if she's with Mush than she'll be more relaxed," Crutchie said, trying to talk some sense into Jack, who only nodded. He still had a really bad feeling about this. And while he knew Crutchie was right about Feister being on edge.

When he got reports from the other boys they said she was on edge and would jump when they said something to her. So of course what Crutchie said about Feister being more relaxed around Mush. After all, those two been best friends for eight years.

"Hey," Feister said as she walked over to Jack and Crutchie. "you'se almost done sellin'?" she asked with a smile.

"Why, got somewhere ta be?" Crutchie asked sarcastically.

"I's know what yer thinkin' so stop thinkin' what yer thinkin'," Feister replied. She knew very well what Crutchie was thinking. But he was too nice of a guy to say it out loud like the others.

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