Turn the other cheek

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I open my eyes and see machine beeping everytime I take a breath. I try to lift my head and can't.  I test my arms and legs. my arms with move my fingers won't.  my legs won't move and neither will my toes. I feel around for the bitton to push the bed up when I find it I slam my arm down to press the button.  I'm sat up and I can see the lake out the window. I raise my arm and drop it on the nurses button. a nurse comes walking in chewing some bubblegum.  "What you need sweet cheeks?" she asks. I recognize her. she was fired from the grocery store a month ago. "...Where...my...dad...?" I manage. she walks out her hands in her pockets. her shoes squeeking on the floor i can tell when she reached the carpeted waiting room. thats when I hear the guys running down the hall towards my room. tgey all whisper to smile slow down not so fast to let me sleep or that they should just leave since I'm alright. "...Ya'll...come...ing...in...or gonna...be lilly...livered...?" I ask. They all file in smiles on their faces tears in their eyes. tough firefighters crying over a little thing like me. " I...ok..." I tell then making a clearly crooked smile. they all gather around me and start talking about how much they missed me around the station and how crappy I looked I laughed. I looked around the room. "Where...da...and. ..bro..?" I ask my mouth becoming to heavy to keep closed. Billy Joel starts tearing up and walks over he smiles through his tears and wipes my mouth and kisses my forehead. "T...hank...s..." I tell him with a lisp. "Your dads been out on the lake and your brother hasn't come out of the chapel. we haven't seen either one since." Billy Joel tells me.  I reach out my arm to Billy Joel and he start crying as he take it in his hand. " We thought we lost you," he says kissing my hand.  "You...can't...get...rid of...me th..at...easy..." I tell them throwing them anotger crooked smile. they all laugh and wipe their tears. "Can...you...tel..l...da...tha..t...I wan...t...to see h...im..?" I ask starting to drool again. "Yeah, I'll tell him." grandpa Buck tells me kissing my head then leaving. one by one they all file out except Billy Joel.  " I'm staying with you till your Uncle comes. " he says kissing my forehead. "Wher...e...Ish...m...ae...l...?" I ask.  "He's at the station. he couldn't take it, afyer losing your mom, he didnt want to see you...die..." he says. I reach my arm out and touch his cheek. "T...ha...nk...s" I tell him.  he wipes more drool from my mouth and smiles.

He talked to me a lot, he even took me down to the chapel where we found my brother asleep in a pew. "We...lea..ve...al...one..." I say waving my arm for us to leave. Billy Joel smiles and takes me out into the hall. "Want to see the garden?" he asks.  I nod. he takes me to the door and I can see the flowers and I gasp a few time Billy Joel wipes my face again. we sit next to eaxh other him on the benxh myself in the chair. My head falls to the side and rests on Billy Joel's shoulder and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "You okay?" he asks. I nod softly not wanting to disturb the moment. Not long after Billy Joel takes me back to my room my dad and brother both wait anxiously by my bed. "Da...Bro..." I say happily. dad seems guilty and hurt my brother just iritated. " I spend days praying and God can't help you speak any better?!" he yells.  " So...rr..y" I say.  he walks over hugs me tightly then heads to the door. "Do...n't...be a...ge..ry...at...God..." I tell him.  Dads face twists like I hit him deep. "Bi...lly...jo...l...ca..n...I...ha..ve a...second...with...m...y.

da..." he nods wipes my face kisses my forehead and leaves the room. "Mo...m...sai...d...no...t...to...be..angr...y an...y...more..." I tell him. " you saw your mother?" I nod. "Sh...e...sai...d...she...lo...ves...you...an...not...to...be..ang..ry...at...God..." my dad fell to his kneea and cried. "I...lo..ve...yo..u...da..." I tell him.  he comes over hugs me then leaves. I'm all alone now.  "Som...e..bod...y..." I say trying to move the wheel on the chair.  " I've got it," I hear Billy Joel say touching my hand.

He's only 26, I've already turned 19, but will he want someone broken like me?

I look up into his eyes and see him smile. "Your, so beautiful." he tells me leaning down kissing my lips. "Bi...ll...y...jo...l..." I say reaching up to him. I pull him closer and hold his lips to mine. "li...ke...yo...u..lo...t" I tell him.  he smiles.  "I like you too Emily, " he says touching my cheek. "Come on, leta get you back in bed you have a busy day tomorrow. you start your therapy." he tells me with a smile. "See you when you wake up," he tells me stroking my cheek gently. I give him a crooked smile and he kisses me. "Good night." he tells me.

I dose off his hand in mine. maybe...one day... I tell myself. 

One day...

Thanks for reading.

Yours truly Vampiris!

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