When a miracle happens

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I wake up with Billy Joel sleeping beside me our hands tightly together as we lay over the alter. "Marry me..." I hear. I look over and Billy Joel moves closer. "Marry me and make me that happiest man in the world." he says. "But I'm dying..." I tell him.  "I know that, please marry me," he aks again, pleading. I smile at his persistence and wrap my arms around him. "I do," I tell him. he smiles and runs his hands ovwr my back pulling me closer. he kisses me then we both get up and head out to find a pastor.

Billy Joel gets permission from the head nurse and my doctor to take me out to the fire station. we arrive as they're loading the bikes for the bike-a-thon. "Hey kid!!" I hear Uncle Ishmael say standing up in the bed of the truck.

"Hi Uncle I...s...hmael," grandpa buck walks over and hugs me. "Hi sugar," he says kissing my forehead. "I need to talk to ya'll..." I say trying to miss the letter S as much as possible. 

After a few minutes they were all gathered around to listen to what I had to say.

"fir..s..t of all I want to ju..s..t tell you I love you and Billy Joel,  and I are getting married," I say avoiding the turn for the worst. everyone erupts with cheers and I smile. Then Billy Joel takes my hand from over my shoulder and squeezes it tight. "But...I'm dying..." I tell them tears streaking my face. They happiness quiets and silence replaces it.  "Then We'll have to throw the biggest best wedding this town has ever seen." grandpa Buck tells us. "Thank you..." I tell him. "How long?" he asks. "A week, max..." I say.  "Then we'll have the place ready when you get back from the bike-a-thon." he says. "Really?" "Everything will be spic and span when you gwt back and everything will be done." I smile a wide smile. "what about your dad?" Uncle Ishmael asks. "He...won't be comming..." I tell him.

"Billy Joel,  you take care of her. The bike-a-thon starts tonight and ends early tomorrow morning. make sure she gets some sleep and keep her safe." Grandpa Buck tells him.

I'm loaded into a truck and Billy Joel sits next to me holding my waist with one arm and my hand with the other. I lean on his shoulder as the truck starts pulling out of the station and I start to feel tired. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

when I wake up I'm in a feild of wild flowers momma stroking ny hair as I sleep. "Am I staying this time?" I ask.  she smiles.  " Do you want to?" she asks. "but Billy Joel..." "He's a good boy. my father said the same thing about yours." she laughs. "Can I go back to him?" I ask.  she nods and kisses my forehead.  "I love you Monkey," she says. I close my eyes and I gasp for air. I look around and Billy Joel has a terrified face. he wraps his arms around me. "I died..." I say kissing his cheek. "Why did you come back?" he asks touching my cheek knowing so much more about me than I realized. "You," I tell him.

years stream fown his cheeks and i kiss them away the slaty sweet kisses that followed were like heaven in a nutshell. perfect, endless, beautiful.

Once at the bike-a-thon Billy Joel took me to the medical tent just be check me out. the sent me to a hospital just down the road where they checked me out. " I can't see any sighs of what you were told." I turn to Billy Joel and smile. "I'm ok..." I tell him.  he walks over kneels in front of me and wraps his arms aroind my waist. "Your okay..." he says happily.  we leave the hospital quickly and head back to the bike-a-thon. When we find the team they're just putting their helmets on. "Uncle Ishmael!" I call not messing up the S anymore. when we reach them he seems worried. "What happened?" he asks. I look up at Billy Joel and stand up. I walk over to him and hug him. "the doctor said...I'll be okay..." I tell him.  he wraps his arms around me and holds me close. "A miracle," he says lifting me up off the ground spinning me around and around.

Billy Joel and I stood at the starting line Uncle Ishmael and the sharks were the first to leave. Billy Joel took me to the truck and I kaid down in the back seat and fell asleep my head in his lap.

When I wake I find Billy Joel checking his watch. "What time is it?" "They should be coming in anytime now." he says.

We walk to the finish line and stand waiting peering off into thw darkness waiting for them to appear. I start geting cold and as if reading my mind Billy Joel wraps his arms around me.

the first ciclist comes speeding down the hill and skids to a stop. He moves quickly out of the way and a shark helmet comes flying by. Its Greg. a few rides more and Johnson comes down followed by Tomas and Hank. I search for Uncle Ishmael. he isn't here. I wait till everyone makes it down the hill then I run out on the track and ask them where he is they dont know. I grab a bike and a helmet and start biking up the track a headlamp the only light I have. "Uncle Ishmael!!!" I scream.  I stop on a ridge and look around i find his bike. "Ishmael!!" I scream.  I hear a faint gasp for help. I peer over the edge and he had slid under the guardrail and was hanging by his shirt gasping for air. I reached down and grabbed his arms and tried to pull him up but I wasnt strong enough. I stand up and scream for help but no ones there. I grab his arms and start pulling and as soon as I do the guys sow up and pull him to saftey. He has a large gash across his neck but it was the hand of God he survived. on the trip home Billy Joel held me in his arms tightly not wanting to let me go. I grab his face between my hands and pull him close and look deep into his eyes. I startled him. I smile and reach my arm around his neck and pull him closer till our lips are touching.  I move my arm down his shoulder and rest just above his elbow. The sun is shinig brightly as we pull into the full fire station parking lot the firetruck sitting ready out front. Billy Joel and I smile. we get oit of the truck helping Uncle Ishmael out. the I run over to Grandpa Buck and hug him tightly. "I'm ok. ..." I tell him. he smiles and pulls me close to him. "Your just like your momma," he says kissing my forehead.  "Come on don't keep your guests waiting for much longer.  they'll take out the buffet!" Grandpa Buck laughs. im ushered away, Billy Joel being taken the other way I laugh.

I find my momma's dress hanging there just waiting for me to wear it. I smile and run my fingers over the simple bead patern. I start to cry as I zip it up. I let down my hair a brush it out. I look in the mirror and smile.

I walk out and find my brother standing there in a suit.  "Don't you look handsome?" I ask playfully running over wrapping my arms around him. "You look stunning." he says.  he walks me into the main bay and I hear the music start to play. I look down the isle and see Billy Joel dressed in a white suit. he looks up and sees me and blinks a few times then smiles. people start to give me complements then all I hear is laughter from Billy Joel.  I reach the front and he smiles. "Who gives this woman?" The preacher asks. "I do, with the blessing of our mother." my brother kisses my cheek and i walk up to Billy Joel and ask "Why are you laughing?" "Because they get to see you beautiful for what, today? I get to see you look so beautiful everyday." he tells me.  I start crying. " dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Emily Rose Carol, and William Joel Young if anyone sees fit that these two should not be married speak now or forwver hold your peace." I turn around and look out over the croud and not a word is said. I take a deep breath and look back at Billy Joel. Then I hear it and my heart sinks. I turn back to the croud and my father stands with his arms crossed in the doorway of the bay. I sink to my knees crying.

Why now..?

Why here...?

Why on my wedding day...?

Billy Joel kneels down next to me and holds me close kissing my forehead.

"I'll fix this." he says.

I watch as he moves towards my father. Crap. I think to myself.

Thanks for reading.

Yours truly Vampiris!

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