The lives of newlyweds

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After a few days I moved all of my stuff out of my father's house and moved into the fire station temporarily. When we found a home that fit our needs and price range we couldn't pass it up. It's a two bedroom house with plenty of space to build on.

I haven't seen my dad since the wedding my brother told me he went up north for a while just fishing.

My brother finished his test and is helping out where he can while Billy Joel and I finished the house. When we finally got all of our stuff out of storage and into the house we found that neither one of us had any furniture except for a small shimmering lamp i had bought myself for my 16th birthday. However we did manage to have blankets, pillows, dishes, curtains and a few towels because my grandmother before she died insisted on me having a hope chest.

The first night in the house we slept on a pile of blankets and pillows. the day after I asked around town if anyone wanted to get rid of any old furniture and ended up with three end tables a bookshelf a rocking chair a baby bed a hood vent and a couch with a pull out bed. I had to smile at the thought of a baby.

When Billy Joel got home from work I was pulling together the baby bed. he smiled. "Is there anything I should know?" he asked. "Not really, just preparing the fields," I told him. "What feilds?" he asks. I smile then tell him the story of the two farmers. God had told the two farmers that there would be fine crops. but only one farmer prepared his feilds while the other was lazy and in the end the farmer who was perpared prospered, but the lazy farmer recived nothing. He smiled. "So we're preparing for a baby?" he asked. I nod and continued working. that night Billy Joel and I put the baby bed and the rocking chair in the spare room alongwith the rocking chair and one of the end tables. The other two end tables went into our bedroom along with the couch. We dragged the couch to our room made it out then flopped on it exhausted. "Good night lover," I tell him closing my eyes.

The next day I put away the towels, dishes and hung the curtains in the living room. And set my lamp on the end table by the couch. I went to the store but only bought dish soap and a sponge because I didn't have enough money to buy milk and cereal.

When Billy Joel came home he brought with him two glass dishes of casseroles. "Joanne Renae said shes giving these to you," he says holding up the two warm casseroles. we sit down in the floor of the kitchen. I'm glad the house has a stove refrigerator and microwave. "What do you want for dinner tomorrow?" I ask. he smiles. I don't mind casserole, " he says. "alright," I tell him.

After dinner I gather the dishes put the food away and do the dishes setting them out across the counter on a towel. I walk back to the bed room and find Billy Joel passed out on top of the covers.

I rub his back and fall asleep next to him. the next morning Billy Joel left me 35$ I went quickly to the store bought milk a box of cheerios and just for Billy and I, I grab a loaf of bread and some jelly.

(I don't eat or use nuts in anything I believe it to be cannabalisam hence Emily not buying peanut butter to go with the jelly)

When I get home I put the groceries away and head in to go through my boxes. I hear the front door open and hear Billy Joel calling my name. "Emily, Emily?" he calls. as I'm about to leave the room i hear him say. "She's not hear we have to hurry!" I peer out the door and see the guys from the station running around the living room. I walk over to the coich bed and lay down I close my eyes and fall asleep listening to the scrambling around the house.

When I wake up Billy Joel kissing me and I wrap my arms around him. "I bought you some stuff of jelly sandwiches," I tell him. "Splurging arent we?" he laughs. He lifts me up off the couch bed and carries me to the living room where he sets me on a chair and I finally see the faces all smiles.  "Surprise honey, he says kneeling in front of me his hands holding mine. I look around and see the room is filled with furniture and even a rug. There's two matching chairs centered in the room around a beautiful oak coffee table book shelfs and nicnac shelfs line the room and a lamp sits in the corner. I start to tear up then the couch is set in place. the room fell into place. "Thats not it," Greg tells me with a smile. Billy Joel helps me up and walks me to the kitchen where pots pans and utensils are put away in the cabinets and there's a dish drain. Then they open the fridge and pantry and I break down. "You guys..." I say wiping away tears. then I watch as Billy Joel heads to the spare room. He gleams with pride as we walk into a bright room.  the walls have fresh paint and I wonder gow long I've been asleep. I started the paint the other day I was glad you didn't come in this room. he tells me with a smile.  I look around and on the back wall is a mural with a bird and a fish. "Why the bird and fish?" I ask. "In the celtic zodiac our signs are a bird for me and a fish for you," he says.  I smile. "And the colors because my favorite color is blue and yours is orange," he tells me taking my hand in his. The baby bed has a beautiful bed set on it the room is decked out with decorations and a homemade wooden mobile smoothed down for the baby saftey birds and fish flying around in a circle above the bed. I turn towards Billy Joel and wrap my arms around him. "We're going to be great parents,  i can feel it," I tell him caressing his cheek. "Any minute they'll have the bed put together and the master suite you get to decorate youself." he says kissing my forehead.

we walk to the bedroom and there in the middle of the room sits the four poster kingsized bed. I turn towards Billy Joel and jump into his arms happy that we now have a home not just a shell. I thabk everyone and send them off with a jelly sandwich then Billy Joel and I head to bed tying knots with the sheets again in this bed makes me feel like I could really live in this small house balancing check books and helping with homework and making meals for my husband and children, I can see our lives happening right here.

I can hear little feet runing up and down the hall the sound of laughter echoing through the house. I can see my babies faces already their daddy's eyes my hair their daddy's nose. I can already see the wedding and the tears I'll shed. and i can see the grandkids we'll have all looking like their grandpa and grandma. the thought of forever was truly and conpletely exhilarating to the point I couldn't wait.

Thanks for reading.

Yours truly Vampiris!

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