After the storm

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I watch Billy Joel walk towards my father and I take a deep breath and start praying. "Mr. Carol, I love Emily and I want to ask you right here and now not to interfere.  You refused our relationship because she was sick..." he says turning around looking at me. "But she is fine now and I dont understand what reason you have to be against our marrige." "She's my little can't take her from me...!" he yells. "Daddy, please..." I say crying not wanting this to continue. I stand up and run out the back door of the station and down the road my heels clacking as I drag them along eventually losing them.

I can hear someone calling my name as they come running after me. I reach the waters edge and want to jump in but remember my mothers dress. I search the waters edge and find a boat. I jump in start the engine and find myself in the middle of the lake the propeller out of gas and me stuck without a way to get back to shore but I don't care. I sit on the floor of thw boat the puff of white dress surounding me. I take a deep breath then start letting out horrid wailing screaming gut renching sobs tgat cause my throat to become sore.

I guess I fell asleep because I opened my eyes and the sun was rising.  I sat up and my boat had landed what seemed like the west side of the lake in the next county. I look down and find a pair or oars and start to cry angry at myself for not seeing them bwfore. I notch them into place and row as far as I could. by the time the sun set I was at the firestation my dress still white but my skin a bright red.

I walk up the dock to the gate and my feet burn against the asphalt.  I reach the bay door and collapse. I can hear someone calling my name but my eyes close before I can see who it is.

When I wake up I'm in a huge room all alone lying in a bed. It's not the medical center or any hospital I've ever seen its extravagantly decorated and the bed I'm laying in is a four poster king sized bed.

my clothes have been changed and the beautiful dress hangs from what seems like a closet door. I havr an IV in my arm. I pull the covers off and walk to the door taking thw bag of fluids with me. I peer out and see a woman coming closer. I step back as she opens the door. " Oh my, I'm sorry dear, I was hopping you would be awake." she says she wears a bright green silk dress and extravagant jewels around her neck. "Where am I?" I ask. "Your in my home, I am Mayor Buckweeds wife, Joanne Renae, how do you do?" she smiles. "Hi, I'm Emily...wheres Billy Joel? " I ask looking behind her. "He was out searching all night. we called him right after Buckweed found you at the station." she says. "He should be here anytime. anyway you need some fluids." she tells me. leading me and sitting me down back on the bed. "How are you feeling?" she asks. "I'm alright." I tell her. "I wanted to share the greatest day of my life with my father and Billy Joel, but he...he didn't what us to get married because I was broken...because I was dying he didnt want me to feel happy..." I tell her starting to cry. she wraps her arms around me like my momma used to do stroking my hair kissing my head.

I hearbsomeone calling my name and a door shuting. I stand up look down at her and smike i get closer to the door and there he is Billy Joel stood in the door way his eyes meeting mine. I smile and reach out and find his cheek tears running down it. "I thought I lost you again," he says touching my cheek kissing me wildly.

I pull him into my arms and hold him close. my head rests just above his heart he sounds desperate.  "Please, hold me..." I tell him breathlessly. Joanne Renae leaves woth a smile closing the dor behind her. Billy Joel picks me up and carries me to the bed. "I'm sorry for leaving so early." I tell him.  he smiles and pulls me close to him kissing my cheek.  "It's okay, We have eturnity to spend together,  lets not dwell on the past." he says kissing my forehead. "Will you marry me Billy Joel?" I ask.  he nods wipes the tears from his face and reaches out his hand touching my neck "I love you," he says kissing my lips. he pulls me into his arms and kisses my shoulder and moves slowly up to my lips. he rraches the hem of the night gown I wear and I pull away. "Marry me first." I tell him.  he frowns. if tgat what you want...thwn i can hold myself back..." he says twirling my black ringlets with his fingers.

That night we gathered in randpa Bick and Joanne Renae's living room and just spoke our vows.

"I love you to the moon and back, I promise to keep you safe and happy and healthy and never let you go from now till forever," Billy Joel tells me.  "I Love you to the deepeat depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of space, I will stand by you and love you care for you honor and obey you whether we're sick or not or have money or not. this I promise to uphold from now till forever," he smiles. "kiss your bride son!" grandpa Buck tells Billy Joel.  he pulls me close and his lips cover mine and I'm breathless my first kiss as his wife...

He smiles and runs his hands over my back pulling me closer.  "We'll be taking a vacation so you two have the house." Joanne Renae tells us pulling a crying grandpa Buck out the door.

Billy Joel slings me over his shoulder hikes up my dress so he doesnt trip and carries me back to that kingsized bed. he flows me down and I start to unzip my zipper when he reaches around and kisses my neck. he slowly and tourchuously un zips the dress and sets it in the chair near the bed. he touches my thighs and his hands are shaking I take his hands in mine and raise them to my face and smile. "Kiss me first." he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his passionate kiss.

After a handful of passionate kisses later he pulls away and smikes. "Mia bella," he says kissing my shoulder. 

Hours of tying the sheets in knots Billy Joel smiled and kissed me again. "Mia bella Emily, I love you, " he says kissing my hand holding it close to his heart.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep Billy Joel telling me sweet nothings. I slept so peacefully and comfortably that it almost seemed like I had died again. When i woke up seeing Billy Joel asleep drooling on the pillow next to me holding my waist with one arm and my hand with the other. I lean over and kiss his nose and I smile knowing he's mine till death do we part.

I'm having my someday right now.

Someday is magical.

Thanks for reading.

Yours truly Vampiris!

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