The breeze from the lake

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I sat on the edge of the lake just outside the garden and just past the roses. Billy Joel sits next to me holding a rose he picked for me. he leans closer and slowly sticks the rose into my jet black hair pulling the ringlets out of the way. I can see them sway out of the corner of my eye. I've gotten better the last month and I can speak full words just have dificulty putting them into a flowwing sentence.  "Mia bella Emily," I smile. "" he smiles. "Only for you," he tells me. I take his hand and hold it to my heart. I can move my fingers, legs and arms. feet are still out of the equation.

"I love you." Billy Joel tells me. I look out and see my dads boat coming into the nearby dock. " Da!" I say pointing towards him. Billy Joel smiles and takes me to him.  dad smiles hugs me then takes over for Billy Joel. "I'm sorry for asking because it is not my place but shouldn't you be at the station, you won't be able to pay your food bill if you don't work," he says.  I look over at Billy Joel and he has his head hung. he leaves with just a hug once we make it to the room. I know he'll be back tonight bit I can't help but miss him. "Your recovery seems to be coming along well." he says.  "" I tell him with a smile secretly hoping it was Billy Joel holdung my hand and not my dad. I still love my dad but Billy Joel is different I want to marry him.

dad rammbled about how many fish he caught and the one that got away then kissed my forehead and left after kissing my forehead and twlling me good night. a few hours later Billy Joel came back and fell asleep at my bed side without a word and when I woke up he was gone again.

I wish we were back on the banks of the lake the breeze flowwing over the water a touch of cattails mixed with the aspen, pine and fish. the rose from Billy Joel in my hairtickling my face. the thought of being back there excited me.  "I...want...Billy Joel..." I tell a nurse. she smiles.  I'll see if I can find him." she tells me.

I wait half an hour and he walks in my room a smile on his face. "You missed me so much you wanted to pull me from work just to be with you." he says walking over I pout. "Ye..s..." I tell him still having problems with the letter S.

he smiles walks over and kisses me. "I'm sorry for leaving so early. I had a call a fire down on a dock. It was in a camp ground just a few feet away. It was Ms. Ginger again." he says a hint of a laugh in his tone. I laugh.  " her hi...s...tory year...s...he retired...s...he wa...s...awe...s...ome." I tell him.  he smiles.  "Your speech is getting better." he says touching my cheek. " Billy Joel." I say wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and pull him closer he smiles just before our lips touch. Emily Rose Carol!!" I hear. Billy Joel pulls away and I see who yelled. "Da...I love Billy Joel." I tell him. he seems angrier than when he came in. "Your taking advantage of a little girl?!" dad yells. "brain washing too!" I scramble out of the bed and stand in front of Billy Joel. "I love him daddy," I tell him. dad looks me up and down then storms off. I collapse into Billy Joel's arms exhausted. "Careful there," he says picking me up into his arms carrying me back to the bed. "...s...tay with me," I tell him a tear slipping down my cheek. he kisses it away and smiles. "I'm here," he says kissing my forehead gently. that night he sat in the chair by the window and held me in his arms.

the next morning I was woke up by loud yelling. I look out the window and see my dad screaming at Billy Joel. I quickly slide into the wheel chair and wheel out there and hear what hes yelling about. "My daughter is different from those other girls you dated, she has a heart for one and for two shes damaged!" Billy Joel becomes angry.  "she is NOT "damaged" in any way!" he says. I wheel over and stop just behind my father. "She isn't well...she's very sick and she isn't going to be around for much longer." he says. I tense up and  tears start streaking my face. "Daddy..." I say.  he turns around and comes closer. "What do you know?!" I yell. "your dying...your organs were to severely have a week at max to live..." he says telling me falling to his knees crying. I look up at Billy Joel and he walks over pushes me quickly towards the chapel.  he drops to his knees at the alter and starts crying. "God I pray you let Emily stay with me...I love her..." he says starting to cry harder. I lean down and touch his back and fall to the floor next to him. "We'll pray together, We'll pray as help a couple..." I didn't stutter or even faulter in a singke word and he smiled. we both bowed our heads and in that moment I found that wjat my father was teaching wasn't what I needed to find God it was God I needed.

Billy Joel and I fell asleep praying, and when we woke up we felt a burden lifted from us.

Perhaps prayer really does bring healing, perhaps what we should strive for is abundant health.

Thanks for reading.

Yours truly Vampiris!

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