Court house circus!

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The court date came and I met Tommy and Abby's future foster parents. They're clothes had tags hanging off of them and they had four other children with them. I couldn't believe that these people could take care of them or even wanted to.

I held Abby in my arms and Tommy was clinging to Billy Joel's side. I look over at Billy Joel we both gave the other a worried look. I start praying. Billy Joel takes my hand and smiles. He mouths the words, 'It will all turn out' I nod and we sit. The last few weeks have been a nightmare paper work and Lawyers and Judge's and CYFD at my door wanting to take my babies. 

I hold Abby close as she sobs quietly, Tommy sits between us and holds Billy Joel's arm with a death grip. "All rise for the honorable judge Franklin," The guard says as the door on the right side of the room opens. I stand Billy Joel and Tommy standing up with some difficulty. "You may sit," the man says his face drawn into what seems to be an eternal frown. I know this won't turn out well by the look of our lawyers face. I squeeze closer to Tommy and Billy Joel trying to reassure them.

"In the case of State vs Young," he starts to say. "I rule that the children be given to the state. Court room dismissed," he stands.  "No daddy mommy don't let them take us!!" Tommy crys I pull him close and kiss his head. "It will only be for a short time, we'll do everything we can to get you back, I promise." I tell him. "Be brave T-rex," Billy Joel tells him with a smile. "What about Abby, they'll be mean," he says. "I don't know, we'll try everything we can, just take care of her okay?" "Okay I will momma," he says kissing my cheek. "I love you both very much," I tell him holding him close. "Come children, come with me." The guy walking over terrifies myself, I know Abby will have a problem. "Give me the children." He says irritation strong in his voice. Tommy shrinks into Billy Joel and Abby wakes up. She screams as the man touches her arm. She is pulled away "MOMMY, MOMMY SAVE ME MOMMY!!!" She screams. I cry falling to the floor watching Tommy and Abby being taken away. "No...not my babies...not my babies..." I cry holding my head as Billy Joel wraps his arms around me. "Shhh, it's okay, we'll get them back I promise." He says kissing my forehead.

One year later-

We hired more lawyer's went through countless court dates but not once have I seen my babies.

Today I will see them.

I pace the court room praying they remember me. "Billy Joel, what if they don't remember us? What if thet do and they hate us now? What do we do then Billy Joel?" I start to become hysterical. "Shhh it's okay, they'll  remember us and they will still love us just like we still love them." He says kissing me on the forehead his arm gently drapped across my shoulders.

An hour ticks by and I hear the little running feet of children. "Wait no running!" A man calls. I turn to find two little kids out of breath and still running towards us. Abby is much bigger her smile still the same. Tommy's hair has grown out and he's wearing a baseball cap. "Mommy!" Abby yells running down the hall wrapping her arms around me. "Abby my darling, I missed you so much!" I tell her kissing her cheek. Tommy runs over and hugs me. "Hi momma," he says tightening his grip. "Hi baby," I tell him kissing his head. "Dad!" He says letting me go and running to Billy Joel. "Hey T-rex!" Billy Joel laughs hugging Tommy tightly. "Daddy!" Abby screams happily reaching out for Billy Joel. He takes her and spins her around. "How's my beautiful princess?" "I love you!" She calls happily. "Your  so pretty!" He says spinning her around again. The out of breath social worker comes down the hall and pulls Tommy  away then takes Abby from Billy Joel's arms. "These children are property of the state, you cannot play wuth them!" He huffs. "Is that all my children are to you? Property?" I get real hot under the collar. "They are not you children!"

And snap! There goes my self control. Billy Joel can tell he wraps his arms around me and covers my mouth. "We'll see you inside." Billy Joel tells the man.

"Oh that man!" I kick the tire of our car. "That down right no good dirty scum of the earth!" I yell angrily. "Calm down," "He called my children property, and took them from me, and now he's  going to call me insane!" "Getting angry will not help the situation. Take a deep breath and cool off." Billy Joel tells me. I hug him because I know he's right.

Billy Joel and I walk back in and sit down in the courtroom I can see a bee and Tommy just a short ways away I waited a happy smile back Tommy can't keep his eyes off Billy Joel. They've missed us just as much as we have them.

"All rise for the honorable judge Franklin," the guard calls. I grab Billy Joel's arm and squeeze. "Billy Joel..." I say feeling worried.

He pats my hand and shhhes me. "In the case of state vs Young, I rule that the children stay in the custody of the state." "No!!" Tommy yells standing up and running towards the judge Abby chasing right after him. "Judge Mr. Judge sir don't let them take us from our mom and dad, please!" The judge stands and turns to Tommy and Abby. "You can't  see your mom and dad again." "MOMMY!" Abby screams running over and crashing into my legs. I pick her up and coo her quietly. She calls down and falls asleep on my shoulder. "See mom's real good with Abby! Better than our foster parents. They don't brush her hair, and they lock us in a closet when we talk. Please don't send us back, please!" I can't  imagine what these two have been through in the past year. I notice now that Abby's light and her dress fits loose. Tommy reaches up and grabs the judges robes. "They don't feed her, they say she's ugly and they're  mean to her." Tommy says. The judge looks between Tommy and Abby and sighs. "What do you want kid? I have many more dockets today and I don't have time to spend all day on this one." He says crossing his arms. "I want my mom and dad!" Tommy says. "And who pray tell are they because according to you file. They are dead." The social worker says. "Well who else in the room do you hear me calling mom and dad. These two!" Tommy says pointing his thumbs back and Billy Joel and myself. "Well young man, you've made your valid point," The judge says. "However, they are not your parents, nore with they ever be. Case dismiss-" the judge is cut off. Or maybe thats just me... I'm falling...Abby...I place her in Billy Joel's arms then before I know it I've hit the ground. "Emily!" Billy Joel yells dropping to my side Abby in his arms. "Mommy?" Abby asks a terrified look on her face. "Hush now baby, don't you cry, momma loves you," I tell her brushing her cheek. She smiles. "I love you too mommy!" She tells me. "Momma, I don't want you to leave me..." Tommy says holding my hand. "I'll be back soon," I say closing my eyes. "Emily!" I hear Billy Joel calling my name. Then the darkness over comes me.

I wake up in the hospital. Grandpa Buck stands next to the doorway watching me. "Hey kid, quite a scare you gave us," he says coming closer. "Where's Billy Joel? Where's my babies?" I ask. "Shhh, just wait and see Billy Joel with be by tonight I can promise you that," he says kissing my forhead. "We've all been taking shifts but I think your brother and uncle Ishmael have been here the most." He says. "All?" "Yeah, while Billy Joel's in court the guys and I, oh and Joanne Renae wanted you to know that she's at court with Billy Joel, being a retired lawyer and all." He says a beeming smike. "Thank you Grandpa Buck, I don't know how to thank you," he smiles. "When you get them kids back bring them by my place, that's payment enough for me," he tells me. "Thank you Grandpa Buck," I say. "Yeah, yeah just go back to sleep you need your rest," he says kissing my forehead.

I wake up because there's something heavy sitting on my stomach. I open my eyes and see Abby. "Abby!" I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. "Oh I missed you so much!" I twll her kissing her cheek she giggles. I'm so glad after everything that has happened she still has her amazing giggle. "Hi momma," I look over and Tommy had his hands in his pockets and he smiles. "I missed you too my T-rex!" I say reaching out and pulling him close. I look up and Billy Joel is smiling. "They're ours, we get to keep them," he says kissing me deeply. "Joanne Renae helped me do it. She's amazing!" BillyJoel tells me.

"Your finally my babies!" I say cuddling with my kids. "We sign the papers tomorrow," Billy Joel says. "Now we need to build on the house," I tell them. "Abby I'm going to work hard and build you a castle just for my little princess and Tommy, trains, cars, baseball, dinosaurs anything!" "Princess Castle!!!" Abby squeals happily.

The court house circus has ended!


Now on to our lives!

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