Eight- POV Harry

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 "Thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me," I said, looking at the piece of jewelry. 

        "No problem, Mr. Styles. I hope she loves it." Carly said. I stuck the velvet box back in the bag, along with the receipt, and took it from the counter.

        "Please, call me Harry," I insisted, giving her a smile, "See you 'round." The bells on the door chimed as I opened it, and the cool North Carolina winds blew through my hair. When I got back into the hotel room, I hid the jewelry bag in my suitcase and got ready for the band's practice on the stage we were performing on that night. I slid on my black, ripped jeans and some black boots. Just as I took off my white, buttoned shirt, Nate and Bobby walked in the hotel room.

        "Dude, what's up with Jo?" My eyes quickly focused on Bobby as he said her name.

        "What do you mean?" I asked.

        "She's been texting D all day, saying you won't answer. She thinks you're cheating on her," he said, tucking his lips in after. Nate's eyes shifted, and looked down at his phone. "She's been messaging me on Facebook, as well. Why haven't you been texting her?"

        I hung my head back, and pulled out my phone. Two missed calls, and 5 messages. All from Johanna. 

        "I, I've been busy." I said simply to them. I couldn't tell them what I've been planning. I couldn't even tell Jo. Nate handed me his phone. It was on a Facebook message, and at the top of the screen said her name, Johanna Lynn Red. They were messaging back and forth, until I read the longest message she sent him that day; "Nate, I don't know what to do. He won't talk to me, I don't know where he is, and I don't know what he's doing. Last time I talked to him he was on he phone about seeing a girl. I'm so nervous right now I can't even sleep or eat. Please tell me what's going on." My heart sunk. I didn't know I made her that upset, I would have hated seeing her like that. I never even thought about cheating on her. She was my everything. I handed Nate's phone back to him, and realized I was still shirtless, my many many tattoos exposed. I grabbed the shirt I was wearing for the show out of my suitcase- a plain black cut-off.

        "Are you gonna call her?" Bobby asked.

        "Yeah," I said without hesitation, grabbing my phone.

        "I know you're not sneaking around, but don't lose this, bro. She's a really cool girl."

        "I don't plan on it, really, guys." I looked down and clicked the side button on my Galaxy. The screen instantly illuminated, exposing my lock screen photo- a picture of Johanna and I. She was hugging me, kissing my cheek and popping her foot up. I looked so sweaty and gross in that picture, as it was taken right after a show, but she looked incredible. As I admired her, the picture on my phone faded, as it locked itself. 

        "Be at the music hall at 7. We have to rehearse Love You Always before doors open at 8," Nate said. I sang through the chorus of Love You Always in my head. I had written that song about Johanna. It was her favorite to listen to. I sat down on the hotel room bed, and tapped the 'Messages' button. The screen went right to Johanna and I's message chain. She was really the only person I texted. I started tapping the letters on my screen.

        Hey, baby. I'm really sorry I haven't been texting you, but you've been in my head all day. Super super busy all week. 

        I locked my phone, and put my hands behind my head, closing my eyes and relaxing for a moment. Two minutes later, I got a response.

        it's ok harry. I just am worried and really want you home. hope you're having fun.

        I cocked my head, wondering if she was being sarcastic. I ignored it, and shook my head.

        Wish I was with you, love. I'll text you after the show. Gotta go rehearse your favorite song. I love you so much. xoxox

        Not even waiting for a response, I packed my Nike drawstring bag for the show- two bottles of water, my phone charger, extra change of clothes, and my good luck charm Jaycee had made me in her class. It was a butterfly made of string and Q-tips. She said she made a butterfly to match the tattoo on my stomach. I grabbed my phone I had sat on the bed, and went out the hotel room door. As I was walking, I opened the text Johanna had sent back.

        Love you always, Harry :*

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