Nine- POV Jordan

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"He said 'Wish I was with you, love.. I'll text you after the show, gotta go rehearse your favorite song, I love you so much- ex, oh, ex, oh, ex'. He's so cute," I said from across the room as Johanna fixed her hair into a bun. I had read Harry's text word for word. 

        "Jordan, he probably doesn't even have a practice or a show today," She said, rolling her eyes. I looked away, and quickly typed away on my laptop as Johanna walked over to me, and sat down next to me on her bed. As I way typing, Jo took her phone from beside me, and typed a quick reply to Harry.

        "...Eighth and L tour dates..." I mumbled to myself, clicking the search button on Google. A list of dates flashed on the screen.

        "What's today?" I asked.

        "Uh, the twenty-eighth." She replied, unsure at first. I glanced around at the screen trying to find today's date.

        "Jo, here it is," I pointed to the third column, "November 28th, Charlotte, North Carolina- The Fillmore: Charlotte, twenty-one plus. They serve alcohol." She nodded at me, and read more tour dates.

        "This is their last show in North Carolina. Then they go to Georgia, then Florida a day later," Jo said, pointing at the screen.

        "Well, the point is they do have a show tonight," I said, "So you can't be mad." Johanna shrugged, and went back to her mirror, putting a bobby pin in her hair to make the messy bun stay. I had stayed with Johanna almost every night since Harry was gone, and she was upset every single one of those nights. She saw my reflection in the mirror, as I glared at her. She turned around fast, with a bobby pin in her mouth.

        "What?" She squeaked.

        "I'm tired of you being miserable. We're going out tonight, and we're drinking," I said. She crossed her arms and crinkled her nose.

        "It's Tuesday."

        "So?" I made my way over to her closet, and pulled out my favorite dress of hers

        "Who would I be trying to impress?" She asked, making fun of my logic.

        "Well, I guess you can wear that." We both looked down at her black leggings, and Harry's black and white rose print tee shirt she had on. It didn't look bad.

        "Works for me," she said. I had on my grey sweatpants, and a yellow softball tee shirt. I just wanted to see Johanna go out and have a good time, I didn't care what we looked like at that point. We grabbed our phones and wallets and went downstairs. 

        "Where are you girls off to?" Johanna's dad asked us. Jaycee looked up from her play-dough. 

        "Yeah," Jaycee said.

        "We're just going down to Electric Night for a drink. Wanna come, Tony?" I joke, using a nickname of her father's. No one really calls him by his full first name, Anthony.

        "Ha-Ha," he said, mono-tone. 

        "I wanna come!" Jaycee sprung up from her small play table, and ran over to Johanna. Tony and I laughed as she convinced Jaycee she shouldn't come.

        "We'll be back around 2. I'm gonna call a cab."

        "Alright, be safe you two. Love you Jo."

        "Love you too, dad," she said sweetly, walking over to him to get a kiss on the cheek.


        "Call the- call the cab," Johanna said, leaning on me. She was more drunk than I was.

        "Did you have fun?" I asked. A few cars passed us, including a black Range Rover.

        "Yeeeeah," she said, giggling at the end, "but I just want to go home and have left over pizza." She got her phone out of her back pocket, and started texting someone. I looked over, curious.

        "Jo, who's that?"

        "It's uhh.." I looked over to the contact, and took the phone from her, putting it in my back pocket.

        "Harry hates when you drink without him, you can't text him, Jo," I scolded.

        "Jordaaaaan. He hasn't texted me much today. Please," she begged.

        "No, I'm calling a cab, now shush," I put my arm around her to hold her up, and Goggled the cab company's phone number.

        "I got mushroom pizza for you, your favorite," Jo said, switching subjects, and tapping me on the shoulder annoyingly. We started walking down the street of New York at around 1:30 in the morning, and something didn't feel right. I knew at that moment, I shouldn't have drank that much- hell, I shouldn't have even drank at all. We continued walking, and just as I got the cab's phone number typed in my phone, the sketchy black SUV passed us once more and stopped around ten feet in front of us.

        "Why'd you slow down? I wanna eat my pizza," she said, throwing a hissy fit.

        "Jo, fucking stop. We need to get out of here now," I snapped. She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes, and pouted. Walk with a purpose, I thought to myself. I grabbed her hand, and walked swiftly past the SUV.

        "Alright," I said to her, "I think we are in the clear. All I have to do is call-" I was cut off by the terrified scream of my best friend, who had been grabbed from behind by a tan, black haired man. I gasped, and immediately grabbed his hands, trying to pry them open, but he was too strong.

        "Leave her the fuck alone!" I screamed.

        "Jordan!" Johanna yelled, her sobs muffled against the kidnapper's hand. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to feel. All I knew was, I needed to save my best friend. For me, for her family, and for Harry. Two more men came out of the Land Rover, and forced her in the car.

        "Hanna!" I screamed, trying to open the door. I ran over to the passenger side door that was just being closed, and I ripped it out of the man's grip.

        "Let her GO," I demanded, even louder now. The guy had tattoos up and down his arms, and a tear drop tattoo on his cheek. What the hell, I thought. A tattoo like that means you've murdered people. Murdered.

        "Jordan!" I had heard her cry in utter terror. The driver reached back and punched her right in the temple. Before I lost my grip on the door, the last thing I saw of Johanna was her face, filled with fear, mascara down her cheeks, and red, inflamed bruises. The man I was trying to take the door from elbowed me in the mouth, hard, and slammed the door. Moments later, I was sprawled out on the pavement, stunned and confused, until a lady noticed me.

        "Call an ambulance!" She yelled to another bystander. No, I thought.

        "No, no ambulance." I got up, and looked around for the car, which was no where in sight, and I had no idea where it went. The lady insisted I stay and get checked out as she pointed to the blood all over my shirt. I looked down, the ground felt shaky under my feet, but I had to get help. I ignored her, and started running, as fast as I could to the house, five blocks away. I started sobbing as I ran. They could have already killed her.

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