Nineteen- POV Harry

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"Okay, call me if anything changes. Please." Anthony hung up the phone. He still wasn't speaking to me. It had been a few days since the accident, and we were taking turns going in to see Johanna- well Jordan, D, and Anthony were. The last time I had seen her was when we all went in together, the first day. I looked over at the clock. It was almost 6 on that Monday evening in the Red's house, and Anthony was about to leave to drop Jaycee off at dance class. 

        "Who was that?" I asked him, referring to his phone call. He passed me in the kitchen as I sat at the table, and poured a small pink water bottle with water in the kitchen.

        "Do you plan on ignoring me forever?" He set the water pitcher on the counter, and glared at me.

        "You almost killed her," he said coldly. His statement startled me- it was like a slap in the face. I stood up from the chair, and made my way over to him.

        "You don't know the half of it."

        "Oh, forgive me for not even trying to get the full story when you deliberately put my daughter at risk, and crashed into the fucking car she was in. You knew she was in there. You knew she was going to be injured. So why did you do it?" I was taken back at his hostile tone, but didn't back away from Anthony like I usually would have. I was not going to let him accuse me of intentionally hurting the love of my life.

        "She was in danger. She could have been raped by those men- those disgusting pigs. They could have hurt her- hurt her far worse than what she is now. They could have kept her and tortured her for as long as they wanted, or until her body had enough of it and finally shut down. She might be in a coma, and broken right now, but she's far better off now than if they were to have kept her. Because of me, yes, she is hanging on to life by a thread, and it fucking kills me that it's my fault, Mr. Red, but she is away from them, she is no longer in contact with her kidnappers, and I would rather have her here and broken, then away, and violated, beat, and afraid. And if you still don't know where I'm coming from, and you don't think I did the right thing, I don't know what else to say. You know I had no choice." I looked him in the face as I said it. Words just poured out of me, I couldn't control it. His mouth pressed together to form a line, and he didn't say anything for a while, until his lips parted again, and he took in a breath.

        "It wasn't the right thing to do," he said. I shook my head, and lowered it slightly.

        "But, it wasn't the wrong thing."


        I opened the door to room 356, in the ICU. It was my first time being in there alone. I set the stuffed, tiedye puppy I bought her on the window ledge, and sat on a circular wheeled chair, next to Johanna. She had a smaller number of wires on her, but she still was intubated, with a tube down her throat. They said it's because she couldn't breath on her own. Her head was wrapped, and her beautiful brown hair was draped softly over her shoulder. She had on a blue and white neck brace, with different colored wires coming out the top of her hospital gown. Her eye, and her cheek were badly bruised, and her arms were pretty scratched up from the pavement. My heart sunk. I knew I did it. I made her this way. I snaked my left hand underneath hers, and held it gently. Chills ran up my arm as our skin touched for the first time in too long. I felt the warmth of her hand radiating to mine as I rubbed my thumb against her soft knuckles.

        "Baby girl," I whispered, bringing my head down to kiss her hand. "Please wake up for me, baby." I looked up at her bruised face, and my heart sunk once more.


        My head sprung up from being rested on the hospital bed. I must've fallen asleep. There was only darkness in the room, besides the green and red lights coming from the machines Johanna was attached to. I slowly moved my hand from underneath hers, and stood up to stretch. The time on my phone said 11 PM. My back was aching from sleeping in the hospital chair. I walked across the room and turned the light on, and I looked back at Johanna. She hadn't moved an inch in those five hours, and it was strange to see her in one position for so long. She had such an energetic and bubbly personality; she would never sit still. I smiled at the memory of her as I walked back over, to sit where I had been the whole night. My phone lit up on the side table, and made a dinging noise. Looking over, I saw it was from Anthony. 

        Anthony Red

        Any updates? Improvements? Anything?

        I sighed slightly, and typed back, Nothing yet, and set my phone back down. 

        "Please, Hanna. I can't live without you." I reached my hand in my pocket, and pulled out the velvet ring case. I cracked the box open, and inside was the beautiful engagement ring I had yet to give Johanna. I looked at her, and back at the ring. 

        "I want you to be mine. For... well, ever, baby." I pulled the ring out of the box, and held it between my fingers. I set the box near my phone, on the table, then took Johanna's hand again, sliding the ring on her ring finger. 

        "Perfect fit," I whispered. The ring looked so good on her finger, complimenting her slightly grown out French Manicure. A few minutes went by where I just stared at her, and I looked up at her beeping monitors. Her heart was steady at 64 beats per minute since I saw her the first time, until I noticed the number dropping slowly. 63. 62. 59. 

        "Hey," I said out loud. I quickly glanced over at Johanna, and noticed the color of her face changing, turning a light shade of blue. The tube coming from her throat twitched with the forced coughs trying to come out her mouth. Her eyebrows slanted, and she had a pained look on her face. 

        "Hey, nurse!" I yelled to the girl passing Johanna's room. She looked in the window at me and quickly opened the door, running in to Johanna's side.

        "Please," I said to her.

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