Twenty- POV Johanna

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"Baby girl," I heard, distantly. I felt large hands on my knuckles, rubbing them back and forth. I remembered when Harry used to do that. It's almost like it was. I really missed him. Then, I saw him. It was Harry, right on the other side of the hospital bed.

        "Harry?" I said. He didn't look my way. What? Wait a minute. I looked at who was on the hospital bed. Though there were many bruises and cuts, I still recognized who was on the bed. Me? How could I be looking at myself? I thought. Am I dead? I can't be dead. I looked up at the monitors above my head, and saw the steady beeps. 

        "Harry," I said louder than before. No response. I turned back to myself.

        "Wake up." I got in close, leaning on my own stomach. "Wake up!" Tears welled up in my eyes.

        "Please wake up, baby," Harry said, kissing me on the hand.

        "I'm trying!" I cried. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. Please.


        I should have control over my own body. Why am I not waking up? Breaking my thoughts up, I saw Harry stand up from the chair he was in.

        "Where are you going?" I asked. He didn't say anything, just reached his arms up, and stretched his back out. He walked over to the door to turn on the light, and I followed him. He stood there for a minute and looked at my lifeless body on the bed, then walked back to the chair. 

        "Harry," I said near him. Nothing. I should stop trying. His phone buzzed on the table next to me, and he picked it up. I read the text over his shoulder. It was my dad, asking if I was improving. Harry typed "Nothing yet" into the phone, and sent it.

        "I'm right here!" I shouted at him. "Please Harry! Why can't you see me!"

        "Please Hanna," I heard him say. "I can't live without you." His voice sounded muffled, and as if he were 15 feet away from me. All of a sudden, the image of my body, and Harry faded away. What's happening? The muffled sounds from Harry faded as well. No!


        The feeling of pain hit me. Out of no where. I didn't know where I was, and I couldn't open my eyes. I just felt the sensation all over my body.

        "Hey," I heard a familiar voice call out. I was trying to get air in my lungs, but something was blocking me from doing so. I clenched my teeth around an object coming from my throat, and gagged at whatever was in there.

        "Hey, nurse!" I heard from the same voice. "Please." Footsteps filled my ears, and then, I felt hands on me, on my face.

        "What's happening?"

        "It's okay," a new voice said, playing around with whatever was in my mouth. "If she's choking on the tube, it just means she can breath on her own." I felt a tight squeeze on my left hand as the blockage in my throat was cleared. I took a huge breath of air in, and let it out again. Tears found their way out of my closed eyes, and then I saw a bright light from a flashlight the nurse held to my eyes. She said something, then left the room- I heard her footsteps. I couldn't move at first, and I didn't like not being able to.

        "Hanna, can you hear me?" I heard. The voice warmed my whole body, and gave me instant happiness. I knew it was Harry's voice. I couldn't really speak, but I wanted to answer him, to tell him that I could. I opened my eyes, squinting at first, then blinking rapidly. Then, I saw him. 

        "H-H," I just managed to get out small exhales of breath, trying to say his name. He stood up slowly from his chair, and leaned over me, giving me the biggest smile.

        "Hey, princess," he said, gently brushing my hair with the heel of his hand. His sweet, familiar breath filled my nose for the first time in a long time, and it left butterflies in my stomach. I tried to sit up, but had no strength in any part of my body.

        "Hey, don't move, I'm right here." As I shakily tried to reach up for him, he took my hand and placed it on his warm chest. Tears ran down my cheeks as I felt indescribable joy, and relief. I thought I would never see him again. 

        "What's wrong, baby?" He said wiping his thumb over my tear.

        "I missed you," I mouthed between my choked sobs.

        "I missed you so much more. You have no idea. I cut my tour short, and got kicked out of the band by Randall," Harry said lightly, chuckling at the end.

        "Why?" I mouthed. He licked his bottom lip, and tucked it in between his teeth before looking back up at me, with his big, wattery green eyes.

        "Because you're the most important thing in my life."

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