Two- POV Johanna

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Being backstage at a concert isn't as fun as you may think it is. If it wasn't for Harry signaling me for a water bottle every two minutes, or the close speakers slowly causing me to go deaf, it would be quite nice. Or the fact that Harry won't leave me alone even when he's on stage. If I'm backstage one night, he would take selfies on my phone, take my scarf and wear it, or steal my books and read them aloud into the microphone. He's quite stupid sometimes. I've never been on stage though. The most they've gotten of me was when Harry ran back to me and wiped his gross sweat all over me. His microphone picked up my voice saying "you're fucking disgusting" . I thought it was funny. Harry just walked back on stage and apologized. 


        "Good luck," I said with a smile, straightening out Harry's multicolored bandana for him.

"Thanks, sweets. What's in your backpack?" He took a big swig of water, and pointed down to my blue bag.

"Just some books, snacks, and juice." Backstage before that show, the atmosphere was so relaxing. The hushed voices of the band manager and the venue crew were slightly toned out by the band tuning their guitars and checking their microphones. Harry ran around before shows backstage, taking to everyone and trying to find snacks before the show. Sometimes I would find him singing to himself softly. There's something about him being so passionate for music that makes him more attractive. Watching him in his own little world, doing what he loves, to me, is pure bliss.


        "Doors open in five, Styles," Randall, the band's manager said to him. He walked right past, not acknowledging me. He doesn't think much of me. 

        "Thanks, sir." Harry held my face kissed me on the cheek playfully, making my lips look like a fish face, "I love you, Johanna." I blushed. Harry always added my name at the end of the phrase, making it more personal, and more meaningful. It's never just "I love you".

        "I love you, too, Harry." I hugged his torso, and then watched him gather up with the rest of the bad backstage. There's him, the lead singer, and then the other singer, people call him "Diesel" but the band just calls him "D". I still have yet to believe that's his real name. There's also Bobby and Nate, the brothers and they switch between guitar and bass; they can play either. Last is Reggie, their amazing drummer, and the only one taller than Harry. The guys pray in a circle before ever performance, which I respect. My dad, sister, and I are technically Christian, but we only go to church on Christmas Eve. Dad calls it going to "Jesus' Birthday Party". After they were done praying, I heard he venue doors slam open, and an instant crowd pour into the auditorium- mostly girls. That night, they were playing out of state in Gilford, New Hampshire. It was only one state over from our home-state, New York, so I traveled with them. It was only about five hours long, not too bad. Just a half hour after doors opened that night, Randall came over to the band with a clipboard. He usually looked unhappy, and stressed out but there was a look of surprise on his face.

        "You're never going to believe this," I saw him mouth. I could hear over the sound of the crowd murmuring, but after he talked, I saw Harry's face light up. "Are you serious?"  His mouth said. I waited until after Randall scurried off to go over to the band. 

        "What's going on?" I asked excitedly.

        "We just sold our last ticket at the door- the venue is sold out," Harry beamed.

        "Oh my god, that's amazing!" He held my face, kissed my lips hard, and brought me into a hug, holding my head to his fast beating heart. That particular venue held 8,000 people. The most they've ever played in front of was 6,000. This was great for them. "Don't be nervous!" I said. The rest of the band had just gone out on stage, I figured, by the sound of girls screaming. Harry kissed me once more and adjusted his face mic. He ran out from behind the curtain, and was immediately stunned at the amount of people in the theater. His face lit up, as he grabbed the hand mic.

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