Ten- POV Bobby

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        "What," I said, flinging my head up.

        "Are you tired or something?" Nate asked.

        "He's not cut out for the tour life," Reggie joked. Everyone in the room chuckled, and got up to get dressed for our flight to Atlanta, Georgia.

        "Hey, at least I'm actually awake, unlike someone." I said turning towards Harry. He was snoring softly, hugging his girlfriend's black and white Adidas hoodie.

        "Harry!" Reggie yelled. An annoyed hum came from his bed, and we all laughed.

        "Come on, Harry. We gotta go. We have a 5am flight." Harry looked around with squinted eyes and messy hair.

        "What time is it?" He asked. I clicked my phone to light it up.

        "It's 3:30. But we really should leave soon. We need to have our bags check in by 4:30," I said. He nodded, and put his face back into his pillow. 

        "Harry seriously."

        "Give me a minute," he said, checking his phone. "I gotta text Johanna." Harry chuckled a bit, looking down at his phone.


        "I think she was drinking, she sent me a half finished text," he said, sending her a message back.

        "I thought you didn't like her drinking?" I asked. Everyone else had left the room, getting the free breakfast at the hotel or something.

        "She said something about her and Jordan going out, but since I haven't given her much attention in the past week, it wouldn't have been my place to say she couldn't go."

        "No, I get you, man," I said, trying to find a clean shirt in my suitcase. I decided on a North Face sweatshirt since it was chilly. Harry awkwardly stared at me, as if he were about to say something, but then looked away.

        "What?" I laughed.

        "You know you're like my best mate right?"

        "Jesus, Harry, what is it?" I didn't know if it was something bad, or an odd favor he wanted.

        "I want you to be the first to know," he said, his mouth widening into one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen him give. He walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a velvet box. As he was about to speak again, I heard a vibration.

        "Wait," I said, "I think your phone's ringing." We stop moving, and listen to the silence, as a vibration noise barely fills the room.

        "Shit," he said.

        "Who's calling you at three in the morning?"

        "It's Jo," He said, slightly confused, and swiped his screen to answer it.

        "Hey, baby? Why are you- Mister Red?" He said into the phone. I immediately turned my head, interested in what was being said.

        "What's going-" He said, being cut off I assumed. He sat on the bed, biting his thumb nail, with a concerned look on his face. Before that day, I had never even seen Harry shed a tear, for anything; Not when his best friend was in the hospital, or when his father went to jail, nothing. I knew he never cried in front of anyone. His mood changed in a matter of seconds. He was just the happiest I've ever seen him, but, right then, he started tearing up.

        "No," Harry breathed, "No." He covered his mouth, muffling his short breaths. He clicked his phone off with his thumb, and dropped it from his ear. My heart stopped, and just by his reaction alone, I knew something terrible had happened.

        "Harry," I said gently. He ignored me, wiping his face, and then knotting his hair in his fist. And then, he cried. He just sobbed into his hands without any attempt to hide it. I knew how Harry was, so I stood back a few feet. I simply stood next to him, so he knew I was there if he needed me. I was so worried about what had happened, but I wasn't going to ask him. Then, he told me.

        "Johanna was taken. By a gang." Harry said in the middle of a choked sigh.

        "Oh- oh my God," I said. I was stunned. It felt like I couldn't move. I had known her since the band started, and she was the sweetest person I knew. I couldn't believe it when he told me. After blinking away a tear or two, I looked back at Harry, who just kept crying; so hard that he had to gasp for air. After a few minutes, he held his chest with one hand, catching his breath, and wiping his face with the other hand.

        "H-Harry?" I said after he was calmed down some. He looked up at me, and I could see in his red eyes that his heart had just broken. His usually perfect, tanned skin was blotched with pink all over, and the sparkle in his eyes had disappeared, the whites in them discolored. He was broken inside, and it was clear. His mouth curved into a frown as his bottom lip quivered. Tears welled up in my eyes for Johanna, but I immediately blinked them away. Harry had it way harder than I did. Something unbelievably awful happened, yes, but it happened to Johanna, who was a good friend of mine, but the love of Harry's life. He looked down at the black velvet box he had taken from his suitcase, opened it up, and turned it so I could see. Inside was a gorgeous, custom diamond ring. 

        "Harry, it's beautiful," I said softly, aware of how fragile he was at that moment, "Jo will love this ring." He choked a cry, and looked up at me, shaking his head.

        "I was going to ask her to marry me."

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