Marko's Prom Special

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(A/N: Who's ready for a prom with the Lost Boy member Marko? This is the prom dress you're wearing! This character is picked by AmyDunbar2 but prepare for the twist you won't be seeing it coming.)

You are so excited for prom as you got on a cute prom dress as you got flats on your feet, a beautiful necklace, earrings and a beautiful corsage. Marko begin to ride on his motorcycle and he showed up as you smiled as Marko got on a beautiful tuxedo. You came down and begin to smile at him as he kiss your lips softly as your mom and dad smiled at you.

"Have fun at your prom." Your dad smiled

You begin to go to the prom which is located at a music area as you smiled to see Marilyn Manson there as you see your closest friends and many teachers that are dressed like something in the 80s. You giggled as the song Living On A Prayer by Bon Jovi came as you dance with Marko and the rest of the students.

"Oh we're half way there
Oh livin on a prayer
Take my hand
And we'll make it I swear
Oh living on a prayer." Marko sang

"Oh Marko." You giggled

After a few songs, Marilyn begin to perform The Beautiful People as everyone started to mosh. A biker gang begin to show up as they all got off their bikes as the leader who is a bit muscular looked at the other three guys.

"On my cue." The leader said

As you danced with Marko as Marilyn performed the song Say10, the leader nodded as they all begin to trash the prom as many people screamed with fright as the leader flipped the table as the food landed on the ground. The second men tale out his Swiss Army knife and cut through the prom dresses as the girls screamed with fright. The third guy throws gasoline on the table containing the sweets including the ice cream bar as he lit it up as it's melting the candies and ice cream. As for the fourth guy, he flipped the table, making the drinks fall on the floor as many are spilled on the ground. Marko felt angry as you felt extremely upset that those bikers are trashing the prom. Marko quickly morphed into his vampire form and roared out in anger and lunge at those bikers and begin to beat them up brutally as the students ran out of the area.


You got the teachers and quickly directed them out as the bikers quickly went back on their motorcycles, leaving the prom trashed. You started to tear up as the principal went on the microphone.

"I'm so sorry students but the prom is cancelled since those bikers trashed the place. I hope you all have a wonderful evening." The principal said

You felt hurt that your prom is ruined as you cried softly as Marko came over and hugged you tightly as you cried harder.


"Shhh... shhh.." Marko shushed

"Also to the man that saved us.. you are a hero." Your principal said

Marko heard some applause as the students and teachers clapped their hands as he begin to thank them as the principal thanked him for the rescue. You are now at the beach as Marko came over and kiss your cheek, lips and forehead.

"My boo don't be sad." Marko said

"I thought my prom night is going to be perfect." You said

Marko understands that you wanted an excellent prom night as he pick you up and set you on his bike and carried you back to your home. As you came inside, your parents hugged you as they saw the news about the prom disaster. Michael Emerson begin to feel bad about your prom night. Marko then look at you and took you for a nice bike ride around Santa Carla to cheer you up.

"It's ok boo. I know it's bad but we still have each other." Marko said

"I wish those bikers needed to be arrested." You whispered

After a nice bike ride, he took you to the hideout as you got carried into his room and he begin to cuddle you close as David, Paul And Dwayne roared with anger as they also heard about the prom disaster since Marko telepathically told them.

"Don't worry boo. Stay with me." Marko said

Lance flew in the room and begin to make a few whistles as he begin to make a few cute licks on your cheek. You begin to feel heartbroken that your prom is ruined.

Marko: That was a shocking prom!!

David: Grr those bikers!!

Sarah Bailey: Well that's one shocking prom.

Nancy Downs: Well which character do you want?

Jacob Goodnight: Pick whichever character you want and please take your time

LookSee: *waves goodbye and vanishes*

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