Chapter Twenty Four

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The way that Harry replied instantly telling me that Bethany was just an old friend got me curious but I didn't question anything on the way back to the beach house. The weather was beautiful, it was hot first thing in the morning so I couldn't imagine how it was going to be in the afternoon. We both unloaded the groceries and quietly walked inside thinking that everybody would be sleeping but instead we found everybody lounging in the living-room. "Good morning!" I said as I stood by the living room doorway. 

"Good morning" they all replied quite cheerfully.

"Please tell me you guys went to the market to buy food" Niall begged.

"Ummm, no. Actually we went on a walk. Is there no food?" I replied trying to keep a straight face.

Immediately he said "You're kidding me right?".

"Obviously we're joking!" Harry said chuckling as everybody else laughed along. 

We all shuffled into the kitchen to make breakfast, it was actually very entertaining to watch the boys work together to make pancakes. I have to admit though, they were very messy. The kitchen looked like a disaster but they insisted that Rebecca and I just sit at the table and wait for our breakfast without disrupting them. Boys will be boys! After what seemed like forever, Harry placed a plate full of pancakes in front of me and we all dug into our food without saying a word. 

I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said we all devoured every piece of food on our plates. We were just sitting at the table discussing the warm weather when Niall chimed in suggesting an idea, "How about we have a bonfire tonight?" he asked excitedly. 

"Yeah, that'll be perfect" Liam replied.

"Anything works for me!" Louis admitted.

"Great, we're having a bonfire tonight then!" Niall said before getting up from the table. 

I've always wanted to have a bonfire at the beach and I guess today was going to be the day! I was really looking forward to tonight even though it was nine o'clock in the morning. After cleaning up after ourselves, Rebecca and I decided to sit on the front porch and get our daily dosage of sunshine. Just sitting outside in the sunshine for five minutes made us sweat like crazy so we made our way upstairs to our room to change into our swimsuits.

"I love your bikini" I said as she got out of the bathroom after changing. 

"I was just going to say that about yours!" she exclaimed excitedly. 

Throwing on a chiffon cover-up we both headed down the stairs hoping not to see any of the boys because that would just be embarrassing. We quickly ran out of the front entrance and ran across the burning sand and took off our flip flops and cover-ups before running into the water. "So refreshing" I said as I started swimming.

We had totally lost track of our time and were fooling around in the water when we heard the boys coming. Turning around to look, I noticed that all of them had changed into their swim trunks and were running towards the water. My eyes searched for Harry, when I saw him my heart started to flutter. He had the most perfect body ever, I repeat, the most perfect beach body ever! Rebecca quickly swam over to Niall as soon as he entered the water and I started to swim farther so Harry would have a hard time swimming after me. I swam farther until I felt someone's hands grip my waist underwater. Absolutely terrified I screamed loudly only to see Harry come out of the water. "You jerk!" I said as I punched his arm. 

"Did you think it was a shark?" he said laughing.

"No, I thought it was a pedophile living in the ocean" I said jokingly. 

He swam closer to me and gripped his hands around my waist, "I must admit, you're a great swimmer" he said giving me a cheeky smile. 

"Thanks" I said smiling sheepishly into his eyes. 

Just staring into eachother's eyes, I leaned in close to give him a peck on the cheek but instead he moved his head making our lips touch. His lips tasted salty from the ocean water but I guess mine tasted the same way, his soft lips made their way to my jawline and I pulled away humiliated after realizing that we weren't the only ones swimming. I didn't have to say anything to him, I just looked into his emerald green eyes and he understood that I was embarrassed so instead he started swimming after me trying to catch me in the water. I started swimming towards the shore because everyone else was there, I swam quietly and snuck up behind Louis and managed to scare the living daylights out of him. 

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed loudly.

"Chill out Lou, it's me!" I said unable to breathe from laughing.

I was waiting for the sass-master to get angry at me but instead he just gave me a death glare and I burst out laughing once again.

"Let's not give each other heart attacks" Liam suggested and I politely nodded my head. Liam was honestly such a sweetheart, he acted so mature and I admired that. I guess a boyband needs at least one band member to be mature since all the others are immature! Harry swam over to us and we all decided to make our way inside to dry off and eat supper before getting ready for the bonfire. I was sitting at the front porch waiting for Rebecca to come out of the shower when Harry sat beside me. "Did I mention you have the hottest body?" he asked smirking.

He always knew how to embarrass me, "Did I mention that I don't like lies?" I joked.

"Did I mention I never lie?" he questioned.

"Thanks" I giggled to myself. 

I used to be so self conscious about my body but after my mom died, I found myself going to the gym and working out whenever I felt depressed which was very often. I was slightly toned from working out but I never felt confident about my body until Harry complimented me a couple seconds ago. "Ella!" Rebecca screamed from our bedroom window.

"Yes?" I asked looking up at the window.

"I'm out of the shower, just thought I'd let you know" she said smiling before walking inside.

"I should go take a shower" I said as I got up from my chair and gave Harry a peck on the cheek. I made my way inside and up the stairs to my bedroom. I was definitely in need of a refreshing shower before the long night ahead of me. Making my way into the bathroom, I couldn't help but smile excitedly, tonight was going to be a good night! 

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