Chapter Thirty Six

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After the very warm greeting, I grabbed Delilah's hand and rushed her upstairs to show her the room she was staying in. "This is Zayn's room but it's yours now" I said excitedly as I opened to the door to reveal the beautiful room.

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to feel like a princess in here!" she squealed as her eyes lit up with happiness. 

"Delilah, I must say, you're handling all this extremely well..." I said as I sat on her bed.

"Trust me, I'm dying on the inside" she said chuckling, gosh, how I had missed her adorable laugh. 

That evening, I helped her settle into her room and we both headed down the stairs to find Harry in the kitchen looking through a thick phone book. "Looking for a number hun?" I asked curiously.

"Well, um, actually I was just about to ask you guys what you wanted to eat for dinner, everybody else already ate apparently" he explained and I quickly looked over at Delilah who had taken a seat across from him, she had rested her elbows on the table and she looked tired. 

"What do you want to eat Delilah?" I asked as I sat beside Harry. 

"Anything works" she said right before yawning tiredly.

"Do you guys like chinese take out?" Harry asked excitedly.

"YES!" I replied not realizing I had kind of shouted, my quick reply got Harry laughing. "Is this funny?" I asked raising an eyebrow, trying to seem serious. 

"Yes, it is..." he said but couldn't continue because of his laughter. Before I knew it, Delilah was laughing along with him. 

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I asked curiously trying to hold back my smile. I don't know what the hell was wrong with them, but they were both clinging onto their stomachs trying to hold back the laughter. "Did the Joker throw a laughing gas bomb or something onto you guys?" I asked with a completely serious face. Their laughter faded after five full minutes and Harry was dialing the number for chinese take-out as we waited patiently. 

"Dinner will be here in 15 minutes love" he said as he got up and placed a hand around my waist. "Should we hang out with the lads before it arrives?" he asked. 

Before I even had the chance to reply, Delilah excitedly replied with "YES!". There was nothing more I could have asked for, my boyfriend and my bestfriend were getting along just fine I thought as I smiled to myself. 

"Where you guys been?" Niall asked from his seat on the living room couch. 

'Ordering food" Delilah said as she sat on the floor leaning against the couch Zayn and Liam were sitting on. 

"Actually, I was dealing with two laughing hyenas" I said sarcastically looking over at Harry as he held in his laughter. "Don't start again!" I said glaring at him.

"Awww, does Harry have a case of the giggles?" Louis said sarcastically and I flashed him a smile before giving him a thumbs-up. Louis always knew the right things to say, I loved all his jokes.

I looked around to see no empty seats left so I seated myself on Harry's lap, I'm sure he didn't mind at all. He quickly put his arms around my waist as I made myself comfy and focused on the tv. Completely forgetting about Delilah, I turned around to see her and Zayn sitting on the ground talking nonstop. Trying not to make it obvious, I glanced over and I could see her cheeks crimson every now and then. I definitely needed to figure out what was going on!

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