Chapter Fifty

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I could hear faint knocking in the distance but I was too tired to get up.

"Ella, honey. You awake?" I heard my uncle say and my eyes quickly opened as I realized Harry was with me.

Quickly nudging him, he managed to wake up "It's my uncle! Hide!" I whispered and his eyes widened as he ran out of bed and into my bathroom. "Come in uncle Paul" I said sleepily.

"Good morning sweetie" he said sitting on the edge of my bed. "The boys arranged a trip to the London Eye today and they're all taking you and Delilah around town" he explained and my face instantly lit up. "Don't waste much time" he smiled before walking out.

"You can come out now!" I said to Harry as I walked over to the bathroom.

"That was a close one!" he said breathing a sigh of relief before kissing me.

Not wasting anymore time, we went joined the boys and Delilah downstairs for breakfast, got ready and headed out to see the beautiful city. It was one of the most entertaining days, the boys completely made Delilah and I forget about our current situation and I enjoyed every second of it, forgetting that I would be saying goodbye the next morning.

That night, Harry slept by my side and whispered sweet words into my ear as I fell asleep, I snuggled close to him during the entire night knowing that I would be missing him soon. My alarm clock rang the next morning at 5 am, and I woke up with butterflies in my stomach, I felt sick when I thought of leaving and going back to Toronto.

"Good morning love" Harry said kissing me passionately first thing in the morning.

"Good morning" I said gasping for air as I breathed in his addictive scent and ran my fingers through his tousled curls.

As I went downstairs for breakfast I prepared myself for the depressing atmosphere, putting a fake smile on my face as I entered the kitchen. "Good morning boys, Delilah and uncle Paul!" I exclaimed as I took my seat and looked around at everyone.

They all seemed like they had been deprived of sleep, but they all managed to give me a half-hearted smile. Breakfast was dull and depressing. I already hated this day. I helped Delilah finish her last bits with packing her suitcase and Zayn and Harry carried our luggage's downstairs when we finally got ready. I looked in the mirror one last time and I honestly couldn't have cared less about how I looked, I wasn't going to dress up and put makeup on when I knew I was going to be bawling my eyes out in an hour.

"Ready to go girls?" my uncle asked as we all stood in the front foyer.

"Yup" Delilah said holding back her tears. I looked around the entrance one last time before walking out the door, knowing that I would soon be missing this place terribly. This was the place I met my incredible boyfriend who was much more than just a member of a boyband I previously hated with all my guts, this was the place I spent the best summer of my life, this was the place I would never forget.

Harry and I chose to go to the airport with his car as all the other boys followed from behind, Zayn and Delilah together of course and the rest of the boys with my uncle Paul. Watching the view of London from the passenger side, I could already feel a lump in my throat forming but as always I forced myself to hold back the tears. "We're here" Harry said sounding miserable as he hopped out of the car and opened my door for me.

I had always hated airports for this reason, goodbyes. Niall, Louis and Harry were nice enough to wait in line as Delilah and I sat in the chairs and tried to calm down and not make a big dramatic scene at the airport. "I don't want to leave Zayn" Delilah admitted as Zayn approached and heard, he quickly comforted her by wrapping his arms around her and saying "We're going to make this work love, I'll come as soon as we're done recording."

At that moment, I suddenly got the thought that Harry and I were not going to be able to make this relationship work, especially with the distance in between. It felt as though my heart had leaped into my throat, I hated this feeling.

"Flight 213 to London, boarding in five minutes" the intercom said and suddenly my hands started to shake as I blinked away the tears.

"Alright, well this is it..." my uncle said as we got up and all the boys approached us.

I didn't have the strength to look at Harry in the eye so I started saying my goodbyes by giving Liam an enormous hug, "I'll miss you so much Liam!" I admitted as a couple tears escaped from the corners of my eyes. "It's not going to be the same without you Els, we're going to keep in touch though, ok?" he said forcing a smile and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

As I pulled apart from the hug, I heard someone screaming my name in the distance, turning around I was surprised to see Eleanor, Danielle and Rebecca running side by side towards us. I couldn't help but smile thinking of the fact that they had come to say goodbye to me, I said goodbye to each of them at least three times.

"I'm going to miss you, you crazy Irish!" I said crying as I hugged Niall tightly. "I'm so glad I met you Ella, I'm gonna miss you" he admitted as we pulled apart and he wiped away a tear.

"Lou, oh my gosh. I'll miss everything about you!" I said as we hugged tightly and I wiped away a couple tears. "You need to come back soon, ok? Or I'll come visit you and drag you back here!" he joked trying to make me laugh, but as I turned away I could see him wipe away his tears.

Zayn pulled me into a tight hug and I couldn't help but cry "I'll miss you Ella, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused in the beginning" he admitted and I couldn't help but chuckle, "I'll miss you soo much!" I replied wiping away my tears with the back of my hand.

"Uncle Paul! I'm going to miss you so much, you have no idea!" I said as I buried my face in his neck crying like a baby. "I'm going to visit in a couple weeks Ella, from now on we'll see eachother more often sweetheart. Have a safe trip home, and say tell your dad I say hi. I'll miss you" he said hugging me one last time before letting go.

This was it, I needed to say goodbye to Harry, I had to. We were standing face to face and I could feel my heart tremble and my hands shake. I bit my quivering lip as I wrapped my arms around his torso and breathed in his scent, not holding back the tears anymore. He buried his face in my neck and breathed in as if he were trying to memorize what I smelled like, "I love you so much Ella, you have no clue" he admitted and I felt a splash drop on my neck, instantly knowing that he was crying.

"I love you so so so so much" I said as I pulled apart and gazed into the mesmerizing green eyes I had fallen in love with a couple months ago.

"You're more than just a summer love Els, you've become my everything and you're going to stay that way" he said as he pulled me into another hug, kissing my neck. "Just know that whatever happens, I love you, ok?" he said whispering into my ear, looking up at his teary eyes I couldn't help but wipe away his tears and kiss his sweet lips.

"Flight 213 to London, boarding now" the intercom said and Delilah and Zayn pulled apart as Delilah rushed to get her luggage.

"I love you Harry, so much!" I said kissing him one more time. I couldn't see clearly from all the tears that had collected in my eyes, in fact I was surprised that I hadn't run out of tears yet.

Just as I was about to pass the gate, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to find Harry's lips locked with mine. "I love you" he said as we pulled apart and he ran towards the exit because the security guards were getting mad at him.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as he scurried off, "I LOVE YOU TOO HARRY STYLES!" I screamed as he turned around and waved at me.

"I LOVE YOU TOO ELLA WILSON!" he shouted back in his sweet accent before he was escorted out with the security guards.

I turned around one last time and waved goodbye at everybody before Delilah and I walked through the gate and boarded our plane.

"That was the best summer of my life" I said crying as we walked towards the plane.

"It's not over yet Ella" she said placing her hand around my shoulder and crying along with me. 

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