Chapter 1: Oh god....

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Third Person POV

"Mitch! what do you think you're doing!!?" "Is this not clear!? I'm leaving if Seto Doesn't leave This group!!!""Mitch, please, don't kick Seto out" "SHUT UP JEROME!!!!" Mitch shout at Jerome face Angrily. Everyone Gasped at Mitch. He says something, he never, ever, say, to his biggums. Jerome eyes filled with tears. "M-Mitch....i..." He couldn't help it anymore. He cried into ty's shoulder and ty pat his back. "Mitch, why are you doing this? ple-"

"I'm Leaving" A voice came behind their backs. It was Seto, his face is stressed and his eyes we're dull. "Seto...." Sky says, looking to Seto. "It's okay Sky, i'll be fine" He said smilling, well, a fake and forced smile. Mitch just look at seto like he was nothing. "Good, guess i'll stay" He said, crossing his arms. "I'll be in Brice house if you guys need me, i also already pack my stuff up" Seto says than leave to his room.

He's back with a backpack on his back and a huge suitcase. "Seto, you don't have to leave..." Jason begged, he's worried about his friend. "It's okay jason, i'm fine. I don't want to cause a fight, so i'm leaving" He says and then glared at mitch. Their eyes met. "You know, if you don't like me, you can just said it quietly so i can leave without causing this" He says, no expression on his face. They stared a little before mitch looked away. "Bye guys" Seto said then leave.

-Time skip, a couple years later-

Still Third Person POV

"Sky! why would you such a thing!?" Mitch shouted. "Well, If you haven't kicked Seto out, this wouldn't be happen!!" Sky shouted back. "What!!? you thought i will stay with that FREAK!?" Mitch shouted Back. "Guys, please, you guys breaking this team!!" Ian tried to break the fight the fight, well, TRIED. But instead, they ignored him.

"You said he's a freak, but you don't see yourself!! you are more than a freak!!" Sky shouted, angrily. "If you don't Bring him to this team this wouldn't happen!!" Mitch shouted back, on sky's face. "If you didn't kick Seto out, this wouldn't happen!!" Sky shouted back. The rest of them are just to scared for what's gonna happen. Mitch couldn't handle it anymore. he's about to say a sentence he'll regret later.








"IF YOU DIDN'T MAKE THIS STUPID TEAM, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN!!!!!" Mitch shouted on sky's face.








Everyone was shocked. They all stand like a stone. " could you..." Jason say, quietly. Sky glared at Mitch, his expression are bad: Sad, Mad and shock. " How dare you...HOW DARE YOU SAID THAT TO MY FACE YOU BASTARD!!!!!" Sky shouted, tried to tackle Mitch, but Ty hold sky on his back, and Mitch just flinch, glared back at sky. "Sky! calm down, this doesn't making ev-" Ty was cut by Sky sorrow voice. "Mitch....Leave...." He ,muttered, calming himself.

"Wha-" "I.SAID.LEAVE" Sky eyes are now back at Mitch, his eyes has changed colors: Yellow, bright yellow. "F-FINE! I'LL LEAVE THIS PLACE!!" Mitch says than go to his room to pack stuff. Everyone cannot explain what happen: Mitch says a sentence he will regret, and everyone can't stop him, even Jerome. Mitch is back, stuff on his bag and suitcase. he Glared back to sky before leaving. "Wait! mi-" "Go.Away.Jerome." Mitch says, turning his head a little than started walking away.

Everyone didn't move or make any noise, to shocked about what just happen. Jerome stand closely to the doorway, Eyes filled with tears and he started crying, burried his face on his paws and sit on the floor. Jason came up to him and hugged him, try to make him calm. Quentin hugged Ian Tightly and Ian hugged back. Quentin was crying on Ian chest. Ty hugged sky calmly. Sky start crying on Ty's shoulder. "I....I cannot help myself...Ty...." He says between his sobs. "I know sky, i know. Just, give him time. Things has changed and his mind maybe messed up. So let him calm himself" Ty said as he pat sky head. "I hope s-so Ty...." Sky said, hugging ty tighter and burried his face on Ty chest.

"I hope so....."


Hey Guys, JTrash here. So, how do you think of this story?

I give you guys conflict already in the first chapter...

Heck, What happen to me?

Anyway, hope you like it anyway,


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