Chapter 10: Watch out

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Lachlan POV

"SIMON! WHAT THE HELL DUDE!?" Ghost yelled. "CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR!!" Simon yelled back. Ghost immediately closed the door before simon could throw anything to us. We all burst out laughing but ghost look a little annoyed. "Ghost, don't worry, he'll be asleep by now" A voice suddenly said. we all jumped and turned back to see Baki. 

"Baki, gosh, you shock me!" Ghost said. "Yeah yeah, also, you guys come here to buy something, right? now, let's head back downstairs" Baki said and then whisper something to Ghost and left. We all just shrugged and follow Baki down, except for Ghost, he go back to his room.

As we arrived downstairs, We saw Bodil just Reading a book with his headphone on behind the counter.

"So, what do you guys need?" Baki ask. "Oh, uhh.." I reached out to my pocket and took a piece of paper out. I start reading the list and baki just taking everything to us. When i finished reading the list, he was done giving us things. 

"So, how many?" Vikk ask, pulling out his wallet. "Oh, don't worry, brice already told me about you guys and he said he'll pay it, so, It's free!" Baki said. "Wait,what?" We all said in unison. "Yep, and he also told me that Bodil And Ghost will also join you guys so, yeah!" He said. "Like it or not, we're joining!" Bodil said behind the counter. "Jeeze, You already pack your stuff up Bodil?" Ghost ask, coming downstairs with his backpack on the back. "Yeah, of course!" Bodil said, lifting his bag.

"Well, ok then" Jerome shrugged. We all said our goodbyes and left. We walk to Jordan shop, but than, i catch a glimpse on my right. I turn to my right, but see nothing. Just a forest.

"Uh..Lachlan, You okay?" Vikk ask me. I look at him back. "Oh..Y-yeah.." I replied. "Come on, catch up" He said and catch up the others. I saw that they already walk kinda far from me. When i want to catch up, something knock me out. I felt unconscious and passed out.


Brice POV

-A few moments later(Too lazy to write about what is jordan explaining)-

"So, you're telling me that, there are many weird things happening here and it most likely because of the mystery gang?" Sky asked Jordan. "yes, well, not a-" When Jordan want to say something, he was cut off by a loud voice. "JORDAN! WHERE ARE YOU!?"a voice yelled from outside, and it sounded like Ghost.

We quickly ran outside to see Ghost, worried and Bodil and Jerome try comforting Vikk. "What? What happen?" Taylor ask. "L-Lachlan...He's..Gone" Vikk said, scared.

"What? H-how? when?" I ask. "Well-I-I mean-Uh... I don't even Know!?" Ghost said, panicking. "Holy shit man....We lost too many people" Sky said Then sighing.

when we all become quiet, the door opens, revealing the other group, but Ian looked scared. 

"Holy heck, What happen!?" I ask, straightforward. "Ian said that...My nightmare is....true" Jason said. "IT'S REAL! I SWEAR IT'S REAL!" Ian screamed right in front of my face. "Woah, woah...Calm down Ian, Calm down, let's st- Tyler, what are you doing here?" I said but then saw Tyler behind Ian.

"Well, uhh..Kyle said that i should join you guys so i can find Seto so Chimney don't work real hard.." Tyler said explaining. 

"So, Ian, calm down, tell us what happen" Ty ask Ian. "O-okay.." He said. "Follow us, there's a living room upstairs" Jordan said and we all go upstairs.

-Skip to the Living room-

"So, what do you mean Jason dream is real, Ian?" Quentin asked. "Well, uh, when I was searching for the list outside, I saw a monster, glowing far away from my right. I walk towards it and saw a Monster, close enough with what Jason describe in his dream, but instead of Orange, it was blue and i saw the monster, Dragging someone, deeper to the forest. I was scared and then ran away. then i found the list and then ran back to Bodil's Store" He explained it to us. 

"Also, where's Lachlan?" Ian ask, realized that Lachlan is gone.

"O-oh, he.....He's gone" Vikk said. "Wait,what!? H-how?" Ian ask. 

"Well, We still don't know Ian, maybe when we find Seto, Mitch, Preston and Rob, we'll find Lachlan" I said. "Huh, yeah, maybe" Sky said.

"So, let's continue The journey, I guess?" Jerome said. "Eh, sure enough" I Replied and stand up.

"Woah, hey, Where are you guys going? Don't forget about us! we want to know the Mystery Gang!" Taylor said, whining. "Well, too bad, i'm only allowing one of you to Join" I said. They both look at each other and Then they rock paper scissor And Jordan won, not even surprised. 

"Well, we still need to wait you packing stuff." Sky said. "Oh, don't worry, I always have things for traveling in my bag, Just wait and i will take it from my room. Just you wait" Jordan said and ran to his room

-Time skip-

A few moments later, Jordan is back with his bag on his back. "Alright, i'm ready!" Jordan said and we all head downstairs. We all said goodbye to Taylor and went inside the forest. Hope the journey ends well.


Emerald POV

"Emerald! Emerald!" Someone said from behind me. I turn around to see candy running towards me. "Yeah, what's up Candy?" I ask her.

"I-I know who's discovering our Base!" Candy said, excited. "Oh, really?" I asked. "Mhm!" She said.

"Well, can i guess?" I ask. "Sure" She replied. "Hmm....Team crafted, and the pack?"  I guessed. "Well, that's not all but, You're correct!" Candy said. "Woah. really!? Damn... Well, maybe it's too obvious since Seto and mitch is from Team crafted and Preston And Rob is from the pack" I said.

"Well, can i know the other?" I asked her. "Well, It was Ghost, Double, Jordan, Taylor, Simon, Tyler, Kyle and Bodil-" "Wait, the popular troller, Bodil?" I ask her. "Yeah.." "Holy- He was my inspiration of Trolling!" I said, amazed. "But, we are on a dangerous risk, Em. If they found us, maybe our gang is discovered and they are going to attack us. We should tell Preston, right now" Candy explain to me.

"Yeah..You're right. Tell preston right now" I said. "Alright! see you on the tournament later!" Candy said and left.



Holy- I am dying right now...Woh, The projects are killing me.

Also, expect a less update on my books, okay? I'm sorry.


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