Chapter 14: The truth

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Brice POV

"WHAT!? ARE YOU J-JOKING!?" I yelled to Preston. "Unfortunately, no, i'm not joking, not lying" Preston said to me.

"But... can we... stop it?" I ask. "What'cha Mean?" Mitch ask. "I mean... we.... stop the curse" I said, kinda not sure. They all look at me, shocked and then looked each other. "We... never thought... that" Rob said. "Yeah, because for all of this years, there is never someone who tried to find the cure for the curse, or maybe how to stop all this curse... but hey, maybe we can start and Try!" Preston said, smiling with glee.

"Yeah, maybe we can find it in seto's room" Mitch said and then rob and Preston turn to look him, and i will say they glared at Mitch, because the reaction of Mitch. "What?" ""WHAT"!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT!? ITS SETO PERSONAL ROOM, WE CANT JUST BREAK IN THERE!" Rob yelled.

"Well, maybe we can do it quietly, since seto is in the medical room, with end" Mitch explain his plan. Rob and Preston look at each other again and look back to mitch. "Fine, but if we get caught, you'll be the one who's making this" Preston said, glaring at Mitch. "Alright, alright. It will become my fault" Mitch said, putting his hands in the air, giving a sign of giving up.

Preston turned around, looking at me. "Alright brice, you can come with us" He said. I smiled and we all went back to the cave.

When we come back inside, we heard a shout, came from the medic room and everyone stop fighting each other and we all ran to the medic room. Me being the lead with Preston, sky and rob on my side.

When we arrived, we saw end sitting there, a pool of blood near him and candy and em panting, with fresh cuts on their arms, face and torso. "W-WHAT HAPPEN?! WHERE'S SETO!?" Preston immediately yelled. Candy and Em look at us, frown is on their faces. "Seto..... he-he escapes..." Candy said, looks gonna passed out, her skin looks really pale. "What!? How!?" I ask. "W-we heard seto waking up from bed, but then end told him to stay in bed but seto start to punch his face and beat him up. Candy and i ran here when we heard fights, to see end passing out on the floor, blood coming out his mouth,with a pool of blood near his body and seto standing still, panting heavily and turning his head a little, looking at us. We tried to calm him down but then he attacked us and he just disappeared" emerald explain everything that happen. After a moment, candy passed out, but she is catched by Em, who's near her.

"Holy..... this is making this more complicated.... Brice, Mitch, Jerome and Rob, go to seto room, search for any book that can help cure any curse or something. The rest of you, help me with end, Candy and Emerald. We need to help End right now, he looks like losing blood" Preston ordered. We all nodded and i ran to seto room, rob in the lead and the Jerome duo is beside me.

We all ran up to his room, goes inside, revealing a big room with many book shelves,it kinda looks like a library. "Alright,*sigh* We all split up,search for a book that is a magic book.and when someone find it,yell "Here!" OK!?" Rob said. We all nodded and got to our shelves.

This is going to be a long ride

Seto POV (Ha-didnt expect that coming, huh!?)

Scared, guilty, insane, lost and many other things that i felt. I need to ran away, i need to cover myself, so i wont hurt them, i wont be dangerous, i wont be a killing machine.

I have to protect them, i have to keep them safe, no matter what, I need to make sure they survived, they survived this curse, this madness, this killing spree.

I could feel myself changing, changing into the monster that the curse already gave me. I could feel my blood boiling, my skin rips a little, i could feel blood dripping out. I won't escape this curse, I won't survive this curse, i will become a monster,

i am becoming a monster.

Preston POV

I lift end body and put him on the bed, and now I could see his appearance clearly: his mouth kept dripping some blood, his glasses is broken, his hair is really messy, his face has many bruises, his nose is bleeding,his breathing become more heavier and heavier.

"Guys! I need someone who knows medical!" "I do" Quentin said, volunteering. "Alright, then do you're job, Mr. Quentin" i said, kinda teasing him. He punch me, well, jab me on the shoulder. I rub my shoulder a little and seeing him examine end's body.

"Alright, do you have any medical supplies here?" Quentin asked. I nodded and ran to the shelves. I grab some bandages, a tissue box, some medicine and end's glasses (cause his glasses sometimes broke, or anyone else broke, so we have some stocks) and I ran back to Quentin, giving him the stuff.

He took it and give end some medicine, wrap some bandages on his face and put a tissue on his nose. He look better now,his breathing become normal again, he looks like sleeping,not passing out. Now we all turned to candy, who have been put on bed by Em and Ty. Quentin just put some bandages on her arms, face, torso and wings. Em also got helped by Quentin, bandages on her arms, face, head, torso.

After a while, emerald sleeps on a chair, candy is now sleeping and end just sleeps there. We all waited for awhile but then i stand up. "Guys, Imma check the others. You guys stay here and check on Candy, End and Emerald, I'll be right back soon" i said and left. I ran to seto' magic' room- that's how i used to say it-and check on them. But when i looked, i am really shocked. "Hey guys, you do.......... ne..... "



Hahahaaha!!! Cliffhanger baby! Woo-hoo! Gosh, it's a long time since I've been updating this book.

Yes, my laptop is still broken, yes i wrote it on 11 am, yes, my phone is dying and you know what?

Yesterday we go to a museum of the Communism organization era in Indonesia and we watched some movies, and holy shit, you won't know how gorey it was (it was G 30 S/PKI. Don't watch it if you are still little) .

Also, yesterday, my friend lost his mom so.... yeah.

Anyway, hope you like it, the drawing for some chapters will come out, maybe after this and i will give some sneak peak of my next book after this book is done. Yes, unfortunately it's kinda close to the end so... I'm so sad.

-JTrash, OUT-

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