A night to remember

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Jessica's POV
"mom... All will be fine, I promise... The doctor said your injuries aren't that bad, that you'll recover quite soon" I lie to my mom, the doctor had said that she had so many internal injuries, even in her head, he said she had a low chance to survive
"what of your dad?.... How's Jack?" my very weak mother asked with so much worry in her eyes.
"he'll be fine to....i promise" I lie for the second time, my dad is in comma right now, after he sustained a serious head injury, I can't possibly tell her these and I don't think I should be telling lies to her, not while she's in this state, but that's my best option.
My mom and dad got into a fatile accident while on their way back from a dinner they had, a drunk truck driver hit their car so bad and had impacted serious damages not just to the car, not just in my parents life, but to mine also ....i don't know how I will possibly pay for the outrageous bills the hospital is requesting, all I really want is for my parents to get better. So many thoughts kept swimming in my head and I don't know when I finally drifted to sleep right there with my head resting on my mom's hand.
"hello" this person has been trying to wake me for a while now.
"huh" I say still sleepy.
"good morning" she greets, oh... It's the nurse from last night, she was the nurse that attended to my mom.
"morning, nurse" I greet her
"the doctor wants to see you" she informs me
"oh, I'll be there in a minute" I say and wait for her to leave then I say my prayers and drop a light kiss on my mom's forehead before I leave the room.
"come in" the doctor calls me in on my second knock.
He offers me a seat immediately I enter the office, then he begins to tell me how my dad will need a surgery and how much I'll need to deposit before they could go ahead with the surgery.
I beg him to commence but he says he won't until I bring some payments.
"oh" that's all I can say at the moment
"yeah, I'm really sorry Miss Jessica but there's nothing I can do" the doctor tells me
"it's fine" i simply say before I leave his office.
I walk straight to my mom's ward... She's awake now
"hey" she says immediately she sees me come in
"good morning, mom" I say to the woman I love the most in the entire world.
"how are you feeling?" I ask her
" I'm fine... How's he?... Can I see him now?" oh God
"no mom, you can't" her face squeezes a bit
"I'll be going out now, I have to get to work and maybe try to see if I can get a loan to pay for the bills" I tell her
"hey darling.... You don't have to stress yourself always, you need to rest and live a little" she tells me
" I will Mom, but for now I have to go" I kiss her before I leave. I can't hold back the tears that comes rushing down my eyes, I'm so weak right now,I can't look weak in front of my mom when she's at this state. I clean my eyes and head to exit the hospital not knowing where exactly I will be going.
I dial my boyfriend's number, Liam, but it goes into voicemail. I would go to his place now but I don't have time on my side, I need to make this payment before the end of the day.
I head straight to my bank, I file for a loan, luckily and fortunately for my bank statement was convincing and I was granted the loan.
I head straight to my workplace to explain to them why I won't be at work, my boss was quite sympathetic and tells me to take as long as I want.
" what time is the surgery scheduled for? " I ask the doctor after I finish with the payment documents
"8pm, ma'am" he responds with a smile which I definitely ignore.
I head back to my mom's room she's seated up now but still on the bed, she's starring at something, a picture as I get closer I find out its our family picture
"you were so playful as a kid, you know?" she tells me
"Mom don't start with your stories" I laugh
" you and your dad were growing this flower, everyday you'll wake up and first thing you'll do is to water that plant" she tells me with so much emotion in her voice
" when that plant died,you were devastated, you would refuse to talk to anyone at all...or even eat"

I managed to crack a smile... But couldn't withold the tears.... I was so close with dad, he thought me basically everything I know, how to ride a bike, hold a pen...
I can't believe that same man is laying helpless on that bed not sure of seeing another day.

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