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Jungkook pov

I was on verge of sleep when suddenly my phone rang. I groan and picked my phone being half sleepy and without seeing who was on the line "What!?!"I asked being irritate

"Easy there kook I knew alpha's are very short tempere but I didn't expect that from you!"

I just groan for the second time before asking, "What do you want, It's saturday and we don't have school so let me sleep, Hobi hyung" I said to my beta friend and hear him laugh from the other side.

"Yah! What do you mean let you sleep it's already 1 pm! You said you will come to the park with us"

"What, it's already 1 but I thought I just slept right now"I whined.

"Stop talking like Yoongi hyung, even he woke up at 12 PM can you believe it. He wake up 1 HOUR EARLIER THEN YOU!"

"Ok, I get it. Now cut it and let me get ready and did you call Namjoon hyung?"

"Yeah, I did, meet you at park by 2" he announced before hanging up. I took a deep breath and head to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

After taking a shower I wore a black shirt and a denim jacket with a black jeans pant. When i came downstairs I saw my mother watching tv while my dad was fixing one of his fishing rod Yoongi hyung had gifted him sitting beside her, they turn their head to my direction and my mom smiles at me, "Looks like our little baby finally decide to wake up" my dad jokingly said, knowing very well that I tend to sleep most of the day on every Saturdays.

"Jungkookie go to kitchen and eat something before you go out" my mom said with a smile.

"Bye mom, bye dad!"

I pass by the kitchen and grab a apple while making my way to the park. Me, Hobi hyung, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung are going to park because today we are going to meet Namjoon hyung's boyfriend Jin hyung. They meet six months ago in a summer camp, Jin hyung is a omega and he is very sweet. We only met one time and now we are meeting after three month.


This is my first story and i need your support very much.
Hope you'll like it, it's too short but I'll try to be a better writer in future.

Love U💞

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