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Jungkook pov

When I reached at the park I found children playing around, some omega talking and other's drawing or studying. It was a little hard to spot my hyungs, but soon I found familiar scent behind me.

"Kook! You came at last" Hobi hyung said hugging me and I hug back
boringly, "Yeah, yeah, where's other hyungs?" I asked as I wasn't felling their scent around "Don't tell me they didn't come!"I asked shocked.

"No, Yoongi hyung is trying to sleep
on the park bench" hobi hyung mentioned with a laugh before pointing toward one of the park bench where I saw hyung lying with half of his body dangling out of thr bench "and Namjoon hyung is coming-"

"Hey guys, How are you doing?" before hobi hyung could complete his sentence we saw Namjoon hyung wave at us. we give each other a bro hug while asking about Jin hyung, which he replied saying he's on his way. Yoongi hyung soon joined us in this process.

After waiting for like five minutes Namjoon hyung suddenly said that
he was here and soon we found him.

"Love, Is everything good? Why were you late?!" Namjoon hyung whined, giving a small peak on Jin's lips. It's funny seeing the always sane one among us and a IQ 148 man behaves like a baby infront of his boyfriend. Although he was only 5 min late but hyung was still whining like a small kid who was waiting for his mommy to show up with candies.

"Yes, everything's good and stop being so worried about me I'm not a
kid" Jin hyung said, "Oh, hello guys! How are you?" Jin hyung ask us three and give us a hug even if we might've met one time but we've became very close.

"Good hyung," Hobi hyung replied with a huge smile on his face.

"We are good hyung. and after seeing you we have become more fine" Yoongi hyung said with a flirtatiou tone just to see Namjoon hyung flame up.

"Stob it Yoonie, you always make my face flame up!"

"Stay away. He's my omega! And why are you giving him pet names?!" Namjoon hyung suddenly screamed making all of us laugh.

"Keep laughing, when you get a lover then you will know!" Namjoon hyung whined like a kid again and we all just laugh, "Babe, did you come alone?"Namjoon hyung asked Jin hyung and we all look at him as Jin shakes his head as a no.

"No, I came here with my brothers and their friends"

"Where are they? These people are boring and I need someone to talk everytime" Hobi hyung said with that same huge smile on his face. Jin hyung laugh before replying, "Actually they are prepareing for their school play nearby, I will make you meet them later" hyung said and Jobi hyung nood with same enthusiasm.

"Guys let's let these two lovebirds talk
and let me finish my nap" Yoongi hyung said yawning.

"No, no, you guys don't have to do that"

"You are saying this now but later Joon will eat our head saying why we didn't let you talk alone "Y oongi hyung said and we all nood our head agree with him and let them have their lovey-dovey moments. As we come toward the park bench Yoongi hyung lay down there again, not caring how people were giving him weird looks and me and hobi hyung went away because if we spoil his sleep he will killed us for sure.

As we were roming around the park and hobi hyung was telling jokes and sometime I was just laughing.
suddenly we heard scream from behind one of big tree and being curious we glanced there and saw some teenagers around my age, it looks like they were watching something, So when me and hyung went closer to them I saw a beautiful blond haired boy, I think that boy is an omega because he is too pretty to be an alpha. But the next thing I saw I understand that we should 'Never Judge A Book By It's Cover' he was actually bullying a boy that looks more look like an beta or an alpha and that boy was much bigger than the pretty boy.

"What are they doing? A smaller person is bullying a big boy like him and others are just watching them, I think we better stop them" Hobi hyung muttered and I come out of my little imagination, "Let's go" I said and went to the boys. I was right, this boy is an omega, his scent is like claming lavendra with a mix of cotton candy while the person he's bullying was actually a alpha. I think they were busy watching the scene that when we got closer to them they didn't see us. That omega was about to raise his hand to the alpha on the ground when I caught his hand and made him turn around.

He was wearing a white U crew neck
short sleeve t-shirt with a black pant with black sunglass and a black cap that was facing forward with brim pointed upwards silghtly to reavel more of his face,but his blonde hair and bark sunglass was covering his eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing?! leave me!" the omega shouts with his sweet voice as he try to wiggle his hand out of my grip, for once I trought how can this omega be a bully. "Hey man! leave him!" the boy who the omega bullying said and me and hyung was like wtf.

"We saved you from him and you are saying to leave him! You are a great man!" Hobi hyung said "You don't need to be sacred, we're gonna save you from this little bully"

"What are you saying he wasn't bullying him" five friends of the omega said "Yeah, he wasn't bullying me" that alpha said "You don't need to lie, let him deal with this omega" Hobi said pointing toward me.

"You shouldn't be bullying anyone! Did you see your size and his size! You two are so different. You look like an angle but you are a devil! What would you feel if anyone had bullyed you, hah? I am sure you must be some brats that's why you are doing this" I scold the omega who was in my hold trying to set himself free and after my long speech he calm down.


Jikook is my life. And I love jikook stories. So, I want to write it from start and I know this idea is flop,But still I wanna try it. Plese support:)


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