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1k😱😲I hope it's not a dream...

Jimin Pov

I was waiting for Jungkook at the park near my house.This was the place where we first met.Although our first meeting wasn't good,but still here I'm today waiting for him with blush on my cheeks and smile on my lips.I don't know why I'm waiting to hear how will he say those three words.

I was looking around trying to get any glance of the alpha but i didn't get any.I hope he doesn't get late.

The sun is about to go down now and the park is already getting empty.It won't be good for me if I stay here anylonger,cause if any pathetic alpha or beta saw a omega alone they sure would try to do something wrong.

"Where are you Jungkook?"I asked myself and started giving him call but he wasn't picking his phone.I gave up start walking for home when my phone buzz in my pocket.It was a message from.

Jungkook:  "Follow the sign"

He want me to follow,but what?I start looking around for a clue when something caught my attention.It was a white rose that was place at the ground.I pick the rose and look front of it and saw a yellow rose.I don't know when a smile crept in my face as I took the roses in my hand and took it as sign.I saw another pink rose and I get that this way go at the way to the lake.I found few more flowers and lastly found a red rose.I picked it up but my eyes widen when I saw fell a familar scent of a alpha,Its Jungkook.He was standing in front of me with his cutest bunny smile and a bunch of 'Madonna Lily'in his hand. He offerd the flower towards me as I took it from him blushing madly.

I was about to say something to him but my words were cut off when flower petels start raining over me. And I am sure my face is gonna brust becaue to much heatness.

Jungkook Pov

God he looks so beautiful with his smile and blush cheeks,I want to eat him alive.Why did he have to look like a fairy and moreover the petels was makeing him look more angelic.
I saw how shyly he took the flowers from me.He looks like a fallen angel under the moonlit that was falling at the lake and we could see two white beautiful swan on it and also his scent that make the wind more romantic.It is like the whole world is saying that he is made only for me.

"Wh-what is this Jungkook? I didn't know you were this chessy"Jimin said first as I don't know how to start.

"Why? don't you like it?"

"No-no,nothing like that.It just-it just that I loved it too much"He stated as I feel my face getting hotter this time.

"Actually...Tae and Hobi hyung planned this"I said as he made an 'o' face'Damn!I should've said that'

"So,what do you want to talk to me?" Jimin asked and I become tense.I really don't know how to start.I look at his beautiful brown orbs where anyone could get lost.

"I-I-I"I was trying to say those words and he keep looking at me with his beautiful eyes'if you keep looking at me like this,how can I say anything'

dream/of/me"I said and he look down blushing.

"I know that not what you want to say-" 'he knows!' "So I'm gonna start. Jungkook I have fallen for you at first  sight"He confessed and I become shocked,did I heard wrong?

"That day here when you scold me,I throught who is this crazy but when I knew you did that because you through I was bullying Tae and you just wanted to help...that make my heart beat for you-"I cut him off with a kiss on his pink plump lips and he kiss back.God! these lips tasted havenly.

"I love you"I said breaking our kiss connecting our forehead together and I hug him tightly.

"I love you too..."He replied breathing fastly because of the kiss and when I hear his words my grip on his become tighten.

"I will never gonna let you go,I promise"I said witout any hesitation because"I swore to moon that,we will always be together till our death"

"And I will never gonna let you leave me too"He stated as he hug my shoulder tightly.


"DON'T CALL ME THAT!"we heard both Hobi and Tae shout as we break our hug but hug each other again while laughing at their sillyness.

"I love you,alpha..."

"I love you too,omega..."




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