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Seeing the omega in front of him stop wiggling and being confused Jungkook take his hand back from the omega's mouth "Why aren't you saying anything!?" Hhobi asked as the omega wasn't saying anything and everyone with the omega was dumbfounded. When Hobi took the sunglass off from the omega's eyes and saw the omega eyes was looking glassy as tears were filled on both of his eyes, and same time Namjoon,Yoongi and Jin come to them.

"Oh God! What happend to you, Jimin!?" Jin said running to the omega, whose name Jungkook learn was Jimin, and hug him as he saw Jimin's eyes was glassy with tears. Jimin hug him tightly and hide his face on Jin neck and start sobbing endlessly, and Jin was trying to make him stop.

"Hyung! this boy made Jiminie cry!!" one of Jimin's friend said and point toward Jungkook and other agree with him.

Jungkook was busy trying to know what was happning, but he couldn't do anything. "We were rehearsing our play and these two came to us and caught Jimin saying he was bullying me!" the alpha stated and Hobi and Jungkook's mouth open in disbelief. They just scold a omega without knowing anything.

"h-hy-hyung h-he shout at...me,an-and said I was bully-bullying Tae, hyung!" Jimin said while crying "Kook why did you guys made the kid cry?" Yoongi asked.

"Hyung, We didn't know they were rehearsing we throught-aggh!,hyung you tell them".

"Right, we saw this tae guy was laying on the ground and Jimin was about to hit him and these idiot's were just watching them so, we trought they were bullying him" Hobi said.

"How dare you call us idiot's, you human with same energy as a horse!"
Tae said and his friends start laughing at the name that he called Hobi.

Jimin just ran away from Jin hold and went to the other side of the park "Jimin! stop!" Tae said as he and his friends start runing the way Jimin
went before giving Jungkook a
stay away from us look.

"I should go with them, guys take care. Bye" Jin said giving Namjoon a
goodbye kiss and start looking for his friends.

"I can't believe you two! Why you'd  do that, what if Jin is angry with me! AAAAH!" Namjoon whined.

"Stop. If he was angry with you he wouldn't have talk to you or us, or give you a kiss. So, stop whining around and you two, you are gonna say sorry to that kid, specially you
Jungkook" Yoongi said to Jungkook who was just standing there like a statue.

"We will definietly gonna say sorry to Jimin for making him cry" Hobi spoke guiltly and they all nooded being agree upon it.


It was the next day and Jungkook's only mission was to seek Jimin forgivness. He learn from Namjoon that Tae guy was Jin younger brother and Jimin was their cousin. He even learn the omega(JM) was dating a female alpha who is few years older then him and she's very possesive about Jimin.

But that could not stop him, he will succeed in his aim. So, now he was sitting in their school canteen trying to find a way.

"I think you should go to his home and give him chocolate and flower and say sorry to him" Hoseok stated while drinking his lemon juice.

"That's too old fashioned...and wait why should only I say sorry, even you need to say that" Jungkook point out.

"I know but I can't face that alpha...he called me a horse" Hosoek muttured.

"He didn't called you a horse he said you've the same energy as a horse. We better find a way before Namjoon and Yoongi come back" Jungkook wispered in hobi ear as the olders has to do some project so they can't join them.

"How about we go to their school and say sorry to him" Jungkook suggest.

"Hmm....good idea, but you think you really want to see him" Hobi asked with a smirk and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Did you forget he has a girlfriend"

"But...they always can break up" Hobi said and Jungkook hit his head to shut him up.

"stop talking nonsense, let's go to their school"

Sorry for the mistakes.I got some readers💖and I know that not very much but I'm very very happy with it.

Take Care😘

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