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author pov

Jimin can't stop the smile that crept on his face every now and then. His cheeks was a lot pinker than usual.
When Taehyung entered his room the omega's facial expression didn't go unnoticed by the alpha, after the omega saw his cousin he quickly try to hide his face by buring it on the pillow. Tae just sit beside him on the bed munching an apple that he'd grab on his way to Jimin's room.

"Woooh...what happen to you?....after meeting that Jungkook boy you're looking lot happier.... don't tell you have something for him already!" Taehyung exclaimed while trying to lift Jimin's face from the pillow.

"Shut up, Tae! What do you mean by I'm looking very happy? I'm always happy, there's no special reasons. So, Shut your nonesense"

"I know you're always happy, but that glow on your both cute little cheeks are saying something else"

"I have to help mom...I will talk with you later. Till then clear your eyes, so
you won't see any pink thing" Jimin stated, while standing to ran away from the alpha.

"Hey, don't go!" Tae requested, holding his wrist and made him sit on the bed again.

"Your mom's not home. I found her note on the frigde, So stop right there Park Jimin."

"Shut up!"

"Now tell me why didn't you listen to Jungkook? He's looking really sorry. Just forgive him" He suggest.

"I am not angry with him....I just want to see...what h-he do"Jimin said and that pink shade return to his face.

"So you just want to see if he is boyfriend material or not" Tae stated with a smirk and Jimin just turn red as tomato.

"NoOoO...." the omega whined, hitting his cousin with a pillow.

"Okay, Ok, stop. But why not, it's been one month since you and Ji-hee broke up (Jin dosen't know) and I think that boy's quite sweet. You two will look cute together".

"Me and Ji-hee has to end up. She always get angry and I don't like those kind of people and plus she already got herself a new girlfriend"Jimin replied.

"That's why I am saying this. You should find yourself a boyfriend too. And I think Jungkook is perfect for you.''

"OK...maybe I like...him, but why would he like someone he just met and hated their guts on the first sight" Jimin said and Taehyung laugh at the omega's cute way of saying it.

"Why won't he like you, if you can like him, then he can like you too. Didn't you see how he was eager for  your forgivness."

"You have a point. But how will we know if he like me or not?" Jimin asked sounding too eager and Tae chuckled a little befire answering, "Look we will first look how he say sorry and you will try to know if he like you or not, then we will make him jealous... because no alpha can't stand their omega with others and don't tell him you broke up with your gf"

"Sounds too cliché but I'm ready to try. But how would he know about my girlfriend? I never hold him about that, and why are you favoring him so much?" Jimin said crossing his arms over his chest and growl at the alpha like a angry kitten.

"You are SoOo cute!" Taehyung cooed, pulling Jimin's both cheeks, which made the omega frown and lecture the alpha to not do that again. "Jin hyung told him. Hyung didn't knew about you break up, being too busy with his study and after you were gone from the basketball court we talked and Jungkook vowed to himself that you will forgive him within three days, now let's go watch TV" Tae said taking the omega to the living room.


Jimin pov

Me and Tae were watching TV for like one hour and he was too focused on the screen to notice anything else, but my mind was shifting somewhere else. Jungkook is so sweet. He is not like those alpha's who have so much ego. He was like an angel, a very handsome one.

I think I had love at first sight like those movies. That feeling when I met him my heart was racing like a twister. The first time when we met I felt so stupid, I start crying and the second time I have to fall down and also why did I didn't accept his apology, if I did we could have been friends now.


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