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When everyone come home from a very fun and tiring day the omega immediatly colasped in his bed.As much he was tried from today he was that much happier.Cuz he got to have fun with Jungkook and spent some time with him.

Jimin also got Jungkook's phone number.He make himself comfotable on his bed placeing his head on the white pillow.He took his phone on his hand and look at it,seeing if he got any massage or calls from the alpha.
But..he didn't get any."Why am I waiting for his call??"the omega asked to himself.

"I should get a bath...if anyone want to talk with me they can wait"Jimin said and got up from his bed takeing his PJ with him before takeing a look on his phone,he took his phone for one last time and checked if the device volume is highest or not.


On another site of the city a alpha was being little restless.He was thinking really hard what should he do...The alpha was pacing back and forth on his room,sometimes sitting on the bed or couch on his room and bitting his nails"I can do it!!....No I can't"he try to cheer himself,but that didn't seems to work either way.

"fuck!why its SoO difficult...Jungkook you can do it,you are an alpha.And alphas don't scare of any war!"The alpha said and sign for the million time.

"Wait...why am I saying it a war...It's just a phone call for moon sake!"
Jungkook groaned for the last time and pick his phone from the table.He put the phone on the table like this as it was any idol of god.

He grabed his phone and start scerching for the number that he saved today,or can be said he asked Jimin his number when they almost reached their home.Asking for the omega's number remind him of his dead grandma,Now the tension of  calling the omega remind him of the day before his math exam.

But lastly he call on the number that he saved writeing 'bully omega'.
He call for the omega and hear his phone ringing.


"9 down,2 more to go"

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