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Jungkook couldn't believe his ears what he just heard.Why would Jimin joke about his ex-girlfriend in front of him?,what was he trying to know?,
and moreover why did he even tell him about this joke when Hobi said 'you do that when you're jealous or angry'these were the throughts that was running at the alpha's mind.

"Did he that joke to know if ,I like him"Jungkook shake his head for stop himself to think things like that.

"Hey!Jungkook,come here fast!"Hobi stated shouting at the alpha,as he was frozen in one place lost in his own world.Hobi's voice broke the alpha's throught"Coming!"he shout before jogging up to Hobi,Tae and Jimin.As the NamJin couple was busy doing there lovey-dovey things.

Walking with them to a ride Jungkook keep glanceing at the omega.When Jimin used to caught him staring at him the alpha used to shift his gaze some where else,and Jimin was also trying to hide his red face,but that didn't go unnotice by the alpha he could only say "Cute" in his mind.

When Tae make Jimin and Jungkook sit together with each other in a ride and the omega caught his hand in fear,Jungkook felt like his heart skip a beat as they were in a very high place.Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off the omega.Jimin was looking like a angel with his white shirt and pink jacket and blue skinny jeans.There was pink blush and his parted red lips as the ride was going down and Jimin press Jungkook hand more tightly.

"You look so,beautiful...."the alpha comment,and it was like Jungkook don't even know how did he manage to say those words.He was praying that Jimin did't hear that as Hobi shouting being scared and Tae was shouting at him to shut his mouth and NamJin was laughing.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?I AM LOOKING PALE AS EVER BEING SCARED!!!"Jimin shout and fortunetly no one heared it expect Jungkook.


It was such a hard day yesterday.
There was a faerwell ceromony in our school for our seniors as they are gonna give their final board exam next month.And we are in our senior year now after them so we have to prepare all things.My whole body is in pain.

I can't believe that this book got more than 200 readers.Thank you guys very much🙇.

Love ❤u all.

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