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Jungkook's biting his nails in anixity. He couldn't think where he could take the omega out. So, he called Namjoon to ask Jin about Jimin's few likes and dislikes, So he can work according to that. He also thought maybe he should take his friends with him, but
"What if he start beating me with his cousin?" these were Jungkook thoughts, when his phone start ringing.

Namjoon hyung!!....

"Hello...hyung did you talk to Jin hyung!?...."

"Calm down..Kook,yes I've talk to him!.."Namjoon replied in the same tone like his friend.

"Really!! What did he say!?..did he say which places, food Jimin like?.."

"Yeah he said Jimin likes... amusment parks, zoo, movie...about food he said Jimin likes everything" Namjoon replied with a laugh.

"He still like to go to zoo..." Jungkook laugh at the omega childness.

"But why do you need to know all this...are you perhaps trying to....
make a move on him" Namjoon asked disbelief. Because he never saw Jungkook having intrest in any omega.


"Ok, ok. So, are you going out with him?"

"Kinda...I want to say sorry to him, that's all. Taehyung said I've to take him out-"

"On a date?"

"No. Taehyunh'll be there too."

"Hey, me and Jin hasn't been on a date for a month, Can we join?"

"One month is not a big deal-"

"It may not be a big deal for you but for us it's a huge deal. When you have your omega you will understand"

"Ok. You can join, now stop. How about you tell Yoongi and Hobi hyung too. I think we should go to the amusment park"

"Ok. Bye Bye..."


Jungkook sighed after cutting the call.
He was happy at least one problem is
solve. Now he can only hope everything goes well.

(Time skip.Day of the picnic.😥Cuz
I'm lazy)

"Jimin, Tae.. hurry up, We will be late" Jin called for his brothers
from the doorway of their house. "Coming!" Came Jimin's reply from Tae's room.

When they were outside their house. Everyone was already inside a limo. Namjoon was driving and Jungkook was sitting beside him and Hosoek was sitting in the backseat. When they saw them coming toward the limo Namjoon got down to greet his boyfriend. "Tae did you see, he brought everyone with him. Maybe he doesn't want to go with me alone." Jimin stated being offended.

"Stop thinking too much. He
must have brought them because they insisted," Tae explain and Jimin nod with a sigh.

"Joon, where's Yoongi? Didn't he come?" Jin ask not seeing the beta with them which Namjoon replied that Yoongi had to join a family dinner. Jungkook got down from the limo to greet Jimin and with his luck the omega give him his eye smile. That smile Jungkook didn't wanted to see again. Because of that smile Jungkook couldn't sleep at night
and that smile was also the reason which made the alpha desparate to have this omega in his life.

"Hi Jimin..!" Hobi said being a hyper beta he is and his hyperness broke Jungkook day dream."Hi..!"Jimin replied with same tone the beta use and both of them start giggling."hey horsey,looks like you are very happy today,what's the reason behind it" Tae asked and they both start their wrangles."hey stop you two!....
Jungkook can you sit behind with Jimin I want to sit with him"Jin said pointing towards his boyfriend,as Tae and Hobi was sitting together and keeping up their bussiness amd Jimin was sitting alone behind them.


Jimin and Jungkook sit together.No matter how much Jungkook try to keep his mind away from the omega's sweet scent he can't.Jimin's claming lavender and sweet candy like scent was makeing Jungkook hard(not that kinda hard😉).

"So....where are we going?"Jimin asked softly as Jungkook wasn't saying anything."We are going to amusement park,that's you like..right"Jungkook replied.The alpha was happy because the omega asked him something and after hearing his reply how the omega's expression changed like a happy

"Really..how did you know I like that?
I don't remember last time when we meet I didn't say you that"

"I have my way"

"WoW...you are cool".Like this they started talking like friends and Jungkook was sure the omega don't hate him.Jimin was also happy to able to know about this alpha very much.He throught they might have a chance,and he had some hint while talking to the alpha maybe he(jk)
like him.So,Jimin want to know and he try Tae mastetplan.

Jimin start talking about his girlfriend(ex).He was saying how much that alpha love him.He was talking that much about his ex-girlfriend that he didn't notice what Jungkook was doing.Hearing this much sweet talk about the omega's girlfriend that he start pokeing his toung in his cheeks,but,he didn't let the omega see his anger or jealousy.

Jimin didn't know the alpha was jealous.Because Jungkook face don't have any hint at that,also Jimin was sitting in left side of Jungkook and Jungkook poked his toung in his right cheek.Seeing the alpha and omega talking like friends Hobi look behind him and saw how Jungkook poked his tounge in his cheeks.

"Jungkook what happen to you?why do you look so angry"Hobi asked and Jimin felt guilty.He through Jungkook was angry because his non stop talk.

"did I make-Sorry,Sorry.I didn't know-"

"No,Jimin I am not angry at you.Hey!hyung what are you saying I'm not angry!"Jungkook whined because he made Jimin fell bad.

"As I don't know.You do that with your toung when you are angry or jealous!..Jimin did you said him anything about you girlfriend that make him jealous?"Hobi asked and Tae and him both look at them with a smirk.

"You saw wrong,and stop talking nonesense we will be there now"Jungkook replied being emberresd.He was thinking what will the omega think about him now,
when suddently the limo stop with a
shake and Jungkook look beside him and the omega and the alpha's lip connect.

Both of there eyes were wide they can't think what to do now.So Jungkook apart their lips,and start looking around if anyone was it or not.Fortunetly no one saw it and they start getting down from the limo. Jungkook said sorry and saw Jimin was blushing deep shade of red.So,
Jungkook quickly got down the car.

Jungkook wasn't able to understand if he should curse the sudden shake or say thanks to it.Because thanks for able to taste Jimin lips or curse for Jimin lips was too sweet,he want to taste it again but he can't.Jungkook was processing what happend when Jimin call him from behind.He still have his blush.

"Jungkook about tha-that gi-girlfriend thing I w-wa-was jokeing.We had breakup one month ago"with that Jimin ran away from Jungkook and start walking with Tae,leaving Jungkook dumbfounded.



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