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Jungkook and Hoseok bunk their school because Jungkook want to ask for Jimin forgiveness as soon as possible. So, they changed their school uniform to something casual and start their way to Jimin's school. They even called Jin, beacuse Jin has agreed to help them and said he's gonna wait for them in the school gate.

As they reached the school they saw Jin waving at them, they greet each other with a smile and also said sorry to him "Seriously, I'm not angry...but Jimin did make much noise. But don't worry Jimin can't stay angry with anyone for long" Jin assured them and start guiding them to the basketball court of the school.

"Thanks. This give me a little peace"
Jungkook said with a smile."Plus I really want to say sorry to him" he added.

"Right hyung. And one thing I think is maybe our little kookie has a crush on....Jimin" Hoseok said with a smirk and Jungkook hit Hoseok head with his hand.

"Stop it. I am not little and I don't have crush on anyone"

"Are you sure?" Hobi asked and Jungkook nooded or maybe he might has a crush on Jimin but that girlfriend thing has to come in middle.

"Why not? it will be great if you to end up togather cuz his girlfriend is a bitch" Jin said and it's looks like he didn't like that girl.

When they reached there they saw some students were making a midium size human pyramid and Jimin was on top of them with a victory smile was on his face. For
once Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes off of him cuz he saw him smiling for the first time unlike their first meeting when Jungkook end up making him cry. It's look like not only his lips was smiling but his eyes was smiling too.

As soon as Jimin saw Jungkook he start trembling and with Jimin on the top the whole pyramid crumbled down, and Jin plamed his hand on his forehead.

Jimin come closer to them and hold Jin arms and Jin brought his ear closer to Jimin's mouth. "Hyung, what is he doing here" Jimin wispered in Jin's ear and Jungkook was trying to hear what's he saying and when Jimin look at him he shift his gaze away.

"Jimin-ah don't be so mean, he want to say sorry to-" before Jin could complete his sentences Taehyung appear in front of them.

"What are you doing here?" Tae asked with a frowned face "We ar-I am here to say sorry to Jimin,do you have a problem with that" Jungkook replied.

"No no, I don't have a problem but Jimin has" tae said straight with a poker face but Jungkook ignore him.

"Look Jimin I'm sorry, I should've behave good with you but it was a misunderstanding-"

"No, why would you be sorry, didn't you say I was a devil" the omega said in a calm voice but still anger could be heard in his way of saying those words.

"For that also I wanna say sorry, not just me but he also want to say sorry" Jungkook quickly said when he didn't know what to else say ahead.

"Yeah I'm also sorry. Will you forgive me? pretty please, Jiminie please" Hobi said doing aigoo faces and Tae chuckled and Jimin giggle at his cuteness and our Jungkookie's start his staring.

"Oh I didn't know this horse like beta was this much cute" tae said with a soft face.

"Ok, I forgive you" Jimin said and then point at Jungkook and the alpha gluped at the omega serious face "But I hate you. You won't get my forgivenees" Jimin spat at the alpha's face and walk away giving a wink to tae and tae smirk at him knowing what was going in his cousin aka besfriend's mind. He now know that Jimin don't hate or dislike Jungkook.
He must've forgive him when he came to say him sorry, and he also know Jimin was just seeing how sweet he can be to earn his forgivness.

"OKaayy...first time some omega said that to me, and I know no one can resist me, he will accpet my sorry" Jungkook said more like to himself but everyone heard him.

"you really don't have a crush on him-"



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