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I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.I didn't really expect that,I never consider it could can get more than 200 reads.

Also this story didn't turn out how I wanted it to be😧

Jk didn't leave Jm finger and hold it tight😍(That jikook video was like offh...my Jikook heart is jumping)

Author Pov

At the time the omega come out from shower he saw his phone was ringing loudly,he took his phone from his bed plaching it on his ear without seeing it was a video call.

"Hello..."Jimin said only to rechive a laugh from other side.He took the phone in front of his eyes with a raised eye brow,because he answer the call without checking the calle ID.
As he saw that it was a video call and it was from Jungkook he facepalmed himself in his mind"great,now he will think you stupid"

"Sorry...I th-though it was a voice call"the omega said with red cheeks that didn't go unotice by the alpha.
Jungkook could tell that the omega just take a shower,as his wet blonde messy hair was covering his was covering half of his forehead and water was leaking from them.This sight make something to Jungkook inner wolf that even the alpha couldn't reveal himself.

"Are you going to sleep now?" Jungkook asked the omega also hopeing that the omega will say no.

"Well-kinda,but no.Why did you gave me a video call ?,we are not so close for that"

"I think I wanted to see your face, hear your beautiful voice or maybe also fell your marvelous scent" Jungkook said in a hyper emphasize tone.Jungkook soon realised what he said but it was like he wasn't saying it,his inner alpha was talking.And it also make Jimin to blush deep shades of pink.

"Are y-you fl-flirting with me?"the omega manage to ask between all the blushs while setting in a near chair.

"What if I am,what's wrong with it?as your claming lavendra and cotton candy flavor odor always make my mouth water in all our meeting" Jungkook said tha made the omega to blush more,but the alpha mentaly curse himself for saying these kinda things.

"There's many wrong in it...first of all it was the first time you called me,
and you're also flirting with me with so much pervert word.Second we only met three times,and third thought you were some shy types of alpha,it's look like I was wrong!" Jimin said trying to control his laugh seeing the alpha face to turn into a horrofic guilty look.The way Jungkook was talking to him,Jimin was loveing it all.But he was also surprise that Jungkook was being such a head over heel in their conversation.

"Sorry"Jungkook said softly to the omega looking down with a sad face that make Jimin to brust out laughing.Hearing the laugh from other side of the call Jungkook look up at the phone and saw how Jimin was laughing like a child.

'He is so adorable'

"You look so pretty when you smile" the alpha said being uncontrolled of himself that make Jimin to look at him with a sweet soft smile.

"Really...I though you become shy again"

"Let's have a DATE"Jungkook said in one go as if his life depend on it"I know we only met three times,but we can always fall in love in lees than a period..."

"What?"Jimin couldn't believe his ears, he wanted to know so badly of the alpha was intrest in him,but he couldn't find it so he lost hope.But now hearing and seeing the alpha confess to him is like a dream.

"You heard right I'm in love with you physically...!"


"Your smile.The way you laugh it make my heart pound,that day in park the way you were giggleing it make something in my heart that I couldn't give a name.I didn't know why I feel like to reap someone head that day when you were talking about your ex-girlfriend and Tae" Jungkook said with a grin,all the things that he was saying right now was melting Jimin's heart like wind. But Jungkook saw the omega alnost panic when he was going to say those words"One min what did you though-No-no-no,I wasn't talking about anything sexual..By physically I mean your smile,your giggle,your laugh"

"Oh...OkAy...But don't you think y-you shouldn't say these things over phone"Jimin said with red tint on his face and that made Jungkook realised what he said.

'SHIT.I'm a idiot.What kind of a Alpha propose over phone,but it's seems like Jimin want to reject me or else he should've said something else.I think he will slap me when he will see me I can't risk it'

"Hey,Jungkook are you there?"


"So shall we meet tomorrow?"

"First tell me you won't slap me,will you?"Jungkook asked to the omega and that make Jimin to brust into laugh again.

"Why I would do that to you?"

"Because I said many chessy things"

"Chessy things?So were all the things you said was lie?or your way to flirt?"

"No.It was true,I just can't risk to get a slap from you-"

"Why do you think I will slap you?We both can't really say this things through phone.We have to meet for that.Now stop thinking to much and meet me tomorrow at the park near my house and now sleep and dream of me...ok bye"Jimin said and cut the video all and jump on his bed with a huge grin and blushing pink cheeks on his face.

On the other hand Jungkook was in tense.He was hopeing that the omega won't slap him and will accept his love.Unknown to him that he was worrying aimlessly.


😘love yaa all.

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