He called!!!

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Taehyung wants to call you


Jennie's POV

OMGGGG He called for the first time!!! Should I answer it? Well of course!

I pressed the Accept button and press the speaker mode {A/N: Idk whats it call} and the first thing I heard was a 'Hello?' in a deep voice. Gosh, his voice is sooo sexy and deep okay Jennie Breathe, BREATHE.

I took a deep breath and answered...


Hey Tae!, You called?

Oh hey Jen, are you busy rn?

Hmm nope, why?

Oh nothing..

Something's not right. Should I ask him whats wrong or...

Hey, are you... Okay?


You dont SOUND ok... Is there something wrong?

Umm... Nothings wrong

You can tell me, were friends, right?

Ok... Me and Irene.... We, broke up


But Im okay now... I guess

So... Why'd you call me?



Ca-can we.. like umm..
Meet again at the park near Han river?

Sure, what time?

Like... Right now? Is that okay with u?

Ok, be there at.. 5 mins


Your so childish

I know, and handsome too


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