His post

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Jennie's POV

I woke up the next morning and went outside to see if my members are awake. "Good morning Jennie unnie" Lisa said with a smile, plastered on her face while sitting at the couch. "Yawn~ Good morning Maknae" I said as I stretch my arms. "Whats for breakfast?" "Sausages and eggs. Btw Jen, we have to talk." Jisoo unnie said and came out of nowhere. She dragged me in the kitchen."So.. what do you wanna talk about?" I said, munching on my food. "About, you and Yoongi Oppa." I froze at my spot. "W-what about Y-yoongi Oppa?.." I mumbled. "Look, I-I heard what he said last night at your room and I.. just wanna tell you that if he will ask you to be his girlfriend.." she paused and looked at me with a worried face.

"Please dont accept it.." "B-but unnie, I-"
"Because I know you still have feelings for Taehyung and.. dont you think its a little too early to be in a relationship again after you already broke up?.." "But unnie, Taehyung is now with Sana and I cant force him to love me back again.." "I know but if ever Yoongi Oppa would ask you.. please say no.. Im doing this for you Jen.." "Unnie.. Why?" "Because YG-nim already knew about our Relationship to BTS"

I dropped my fork to the ground."Shit, what do we do?!!!" I asked, panicked. My hands were shaking, my heart beat is pounding faster than a cheetah and I was sweating. "Dont worry, I already talked to him and told him everything. About you, Me and Lisa's relationship to the boys and surprisingly he agreed that we were dating them but on one condition.."

she paused again and looked down and looked back up to me, meeting my eyes. "If we ever broke up with them, he wont agree to let us date with an another man but only the man that we've dated before or we will disband.." She told me with an apologetic look. I was sad upon hearing YG-nims words coming out from Jisoo unnie's mouth. I really like Yoongi Oppa.

But Im scared that I would ruin our reputation and my members reputation. Including his. My eyes are getting watery but I held it in. I wanna show them that I already moved on from Taehyung, but to be honest.. I-i still love him even though he cheated on me. I finished eating my breakfast and went to the bathroom to take a shower and did my morning routine. I wanted to go to the park, so I wore a casual outfit (A/N: its GUCCI so dont worry) and grabbed my cap and mask and went outside of the dorm.

I was standing infront of the park entrance and remembered something from 3 months ago.. Me, kissing Taehyung while the others were cheering. Jen, forget that. Remember, youve already moved on from him. I thought to myself. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. A lot of memories kept on flooding in my mind everytime I walk into the park. I wanna cry, but I held it in. I went to a spot and sat there, alone. I grabbed my phone and was just checking on my insta when I saw a post from dispatch and it caught my eye..


Posted 5 minutes ago

V or Kim Taehyung of BTS, posted a selca with Sana of TWICE

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V or Kim Taehyung of BTS, posted a selca with Sana of TWICE. Blinks were furious upon seeing the selca while Onces were filled with joy when their Ship sailed. How would Jennie react to this?


Oh come on! Its obviously
Photoshopped!! Taehyung would
NEVER do that to Jennie!!

HAS SAILED!! I hope TzuKook is next


See more..


I was mad. Suddenly, tears were falling down from my eyes. I wiped them away. Be strong Jen, Be strong. Youve already moved on. Be strong. I sighed and looked back at my phone. I was still sniffing but I held my tears in. I have to do it..

I went to my contacts to find Taehyung's Number. I found it, and I have to do what moved-on-girls have to do.

I blocked his number...

And I regreted it...

Because of this...

After 2 months...
(This is Twitter btw)


I didnt Expect you to block me 2 months ago but you did. If your wondering, Im happy with my girlfriend. Im inviting you to come to our party this weekend. If you want to... @Jennierubyjane

This fucking bitch... So were playing this game now huh? Ok, bring it on!!

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