Is it a Yes?

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Taehyung's POV

So I am now waiting for Jennie here, outside her dorm with my facemask, of course. Suddenly my phone rang; Sana

(Bold - Tae, Italic - Sana)


Hey babe, where are you rn?

Oh! Hey babe, Im here in.. uh..
'Shit I cant tell her where I am rn' I thought

Sorry, what? I cant hear you.

Im at the.. uh.. mall with Jungkook and ehm.. Lisa.. yeah

Ok, Im just making sure if your with someone else..

What? Why would I be with someone else? I told you that Im yours right? Only yours

Aww babe, thats soo sweet..
Sana! Oh babe, I gotta go practice.. ttyl!

Call ended

After the call, the door opened revealing Jennie.. Wow, she looks soo beautiful.

"Are you done staring at me?" She said. 'She still savage'

"Sorry, you just look beautiful.."
'Taehyung, what the fuck did you just say' I mentally slapped my head because of what I said.

"W-whatever, lets go" She looks cute when she blushes. God, how I miss her..

We walked up to the parking area and I opened the door for her but she gave me the 'The-fuck-I-Can-do-this-on-my-Own' Look and I gave her the 'Im-being-nice-here' look. So she just rolled her eyes and went in the car.

~time skip brought to you by Burger king~

Jennie's POV

This. Is. Sooo. AWKWARD. When taehyung started driving, it was DEAD SILENT in the car. No one talked, but I caught him staring at me and he looked away and blushed. Me on the other hand... KINDA blushed too.

But Im not assuming that he still likes me because he has a girlfriend and we broke up 2 months ago. But to be honest.. I miss him. I miss his hugs and kisses. I miss my taetae.

I was recalling our memories together and I didnt realized that there were tears falling down my eyes.

"Shit.." I said, softly and quiet so Taehyung couldnt hear.

"What was that?" Taehyung softly said

"N-nothing.." i said and looked away


"Were you crying because you missed me?"

'Alright jen... Lets stop pretending now ok?lets tell him the truth' my mind said. I sighed.

"Y-yes.. and Im sorry.. I wanna stop this fight. I was just soo mad because you cheated, I never expected that this will happen... And I dont want it to happen again.. Im sorry but I still love you"


I still love you too.."

Authors notes

Guys Im very sorry if this is short!! I have many things to do and Im really sorry!!! I promise I will still update soon!!


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