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You have a message from


Unknown: Hey

Jennie: Umm, who are you?

Unknown: Its me, Taehyung.

Jennie: Oh, new number?

Taehyung: Yeah. I cant contact you from my old number cause you blocked me.

Jennie: So, you still remember my number? I thought you didnt.

Taehyung: Yup, I still remembered it.

Jennie: Ok

Taehyung: So.. What time tomorrow?

Jennie: You'll go?

Taehyung: Yeah.
I want to talk to you about something/Deleted

Jennie: How about 3 ish? Is that good?

Taehyung: Sure. Ill tell Namjoon hyung if I can go.

Jennie: Well, its ok if you cant come. I guess/Deleted

Taehyung: No! Ill come.

Jennie: Ok...

Jennie: Its getting late, you should rest.

Taehyung: You should too.

Jennie: well, Goodnight

Taehyung: Sweet dreams..

Taehyung: Princess💚

Unknown Number | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now