Im Here

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Author's POV

"Y-Yoongi?.." "Jennie!!! Are you ok?? Are you hurt?!! Tell me!! You look sick! Wheres your first aid kit?!! Tell me, did that bastard slap--" "She's fine, she's not sick" Jisoo cut Yoongi. Yoongi Sighs, he saw Jennie's eyes were watery. He hugged her and whispered to her ear. "Dont worry, Im here" "Gomawo Oppa." Yoongi noticed Jennie's Phone with a picture of Taehyung and Sana. They let go of the hug and Yoongi walked towards the couch cause Jennie placed her phone there.

He grabbed the phone and read what was posted by the Dispatch. He was furious on what he saw. He controlled himself, because he knew Jennie would be scared. He turned around to see Jennie, looking down and crying. He came to her and hugged her again. She hugged him back and closed her eyes. She doesnt know what she felt that time until her heart spoke. It feels.. warm, I.. I feel safe now..

Jennie didnt realized that she fell asleep on yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi noticed, so he carrued Jennie, bridal style and went to her room. He gently placed her on her bed and softly kissed her forehead.

"You know Jennie, I like you, no scratch that, I think I love you. The day I met you at the park with Taehyung, I was amazed with your visuals. I  want you, I need you in my life. But Taehyung got you first, I was sad. But Im happy seeing you happy with Taehyung. But seeing you sad because of him, makes me angry. I love you too much thats why Im protecting you too much...

And Im sorry, but if you ever need me...
Im here, Im always here for you" Yoongi teared up. He kissed Jennie's forehead, one last time before leaving. He stood up from Jennie's bed and walked towards her door and gently closing it. Jennie heard everything that Yoongi said. She teared up. She didnt knew that she needed someone like Yoongi would be in here life. He was everything that a girl would need.

She stood up and walked towards her vanity. She looked at the mirror. Her eyes were red, she looked pale and she had HUGE dark bags. "Ugh, I have a shoot tomorrow.." she looked down to find her face cream when she noticed a neatly black letter in the middle of the table. How come I havent noticed this before... She thought to herself. Oh right.. I was asleep and Yoongi Oppa carried me here... Pabo Jennie! Jennie face palmed and took the letter and opened it. It was a note from..


She opened the note. She was shocked to see that it wasnt a note but a.. wedding Invitation?.. Oh right! She engaged to Chanyeol... I forgot. She read the invitation.


Together with friends
And families..



12 PM~  3/##/19
This Invite reserves

4 Chairs


Jennie saw 2 more notes on the letter. She took the 2nd one. It was a letter from Irene. She read the note..

Hey Jendeuk!,
I just wanna say, thanks for taking care of Taehyung. I know the issue between you and him and it was Because of that Sana bitch. But I hope the two of you would get back together. Anyways, Come to my wedding ya dumbass!! And tell your members about it also!!

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