a FEw YeARs LatEr....

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{A/N: the last chapter and Im serious this time}

And There she was..
Standing in front of his grave.
Eyes welling up while thinking of him.
She remembered those times when they had fun.

Those times when he was there for her when she was sad.

Those times when they had to sneak out of their dorm just so they could see eachother secretly and hang out.

She missed those times.

If she could just hug him one last time

But she was too late..

Kim Taehyung
1995 - 2019

She cried her heart out thinking of him.

And she - oop!


Jennie's POV

I woke up when someone was shaking me. I noticed that my face was wet and my eyes are heavy.

I see Lisa & Rosé holding me and Jungkook holding a cup of water and Jimin calling someone.

"Wha- what happened?" I asked.

"Well unnie, you were sleeping and suddenly you cried and saying 'no!'" Rosé explained.

What a weird dream...

"I called Taehyung, he'll be here in-"

Then the door burst open revealing my panicked husband. He was sweaty and breathing heavily.


He ran to me and hugged me tightly, he then let go and observed me.

"Are you hurt?! What happened?!  Should I call an Ambulance????!!!"

He held my hand. I massaged his hand with my thumb.

"Hubby, calm down, Im fine I just had a.. nightmare"

I led his hand on my belly.

"She- she's kicking!" Taehyung said with joy

"SHE IS ??! " Lisa ran and sat beside me and placed her hand on my belly.


"JINJJA?!! WAAAH" Rosé jumped with excitement.

Jungkook and Jimin also came and placed their hands on my big fat belly.

"Awe, she stoped. I wanna feel a kick☹️" Jungkook said with sadness.

"Well 'he' is.." Lisa said, holding her
6 months tummy.

Jungkook rushed up to her and placed his hand on her belly.

Everyone was happy.

If your wondering what happened to Tae and Sana, they broke up after Tae found out about Sana cheating on him with Jackson.

Yoongi Oppa found someone and Im happy for him. Her name is Mina and theyve been together for 4 years.

Lisa is 6 months pregnant. And Rosé, well she said that she's been puking sometimes.

Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa is in Paris for their honeymoon. YEP THEY GOT MARRIED.

And me, Im happy with my hubby. I-

"Tae- It..it hurts!" I said holding my tummy.

"What... Whats going on?" He asked.

"I think.. I-i think its TIME!" I screamed. Rosé held my hand and I grabbed it tightly.

"Unnie! Your water broke!!" Lisa exclaimed.

Taehyung then carried me bridal style and sat me in the car. We went to the hospital and I gotta say... IT. FUCKING. HURTS.

A few hours later..

Author's POV

Jennie woke up 2 hours later then saw her husband carrying their precious baby girl.

She saw tears in his eyes and he sang a lullaby. He saw her and sat down beside her.

"Hey 'dukie, are you alright?" Tae said caressing his wife's hair. Jennie hummed in response. "It hurts a bit.."

Taehyung then handed their baby into Jennie's arms.

"What should we name her?"

"Taekwon, Kim Taekwon"

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