Third Wheels Pt. 2

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Author's POV

Jennie and Taehyung hid on the bushes, watching Lisa and Jungkook talking and laughing. "Aw.. theyre so cute together" Jennie whispered. "Our maknae is now grown-up" Taehyung wiped his fake tears making Jennie laugh.

"Okay, on a count of 3, we'll go in there and mess their-so-called 'date', ready?" "Ready" Taehyung nod his head. Jennie was about to stand up when she tripped and fall..

On top of Taehyung. Their eyes met. Jennie's heart was beating sooo fast. She covered her face when she realized that she was blushing. Taehyung blushed as well. He noticed that Jennie was shy to let him see her face cause she was Red like Roses.

Jennie sat up, looking down so Taehyung could'nt see her Red face. "M-mian.." she muttered. Taehyung went closer to her and lifted her chin with his Index finger.

He leaned in closer... Looking at her lips then her eyes. Jennie leaned in closer and closer. Both shut their eyes, ready to have their kiss when...

"I KNEW IT!!! YOU TWO ARE DATING EACH OTHER!! HA! IM GONNA TELL JISOO UNNIE ABOUT THIS" Taehyung and Jennie were startled when they look up from the bushes to see Lisa and Jungkook. They look at each other then looked away, blushing after what happened.

"Why are you guys hiding in a bush?" Jungkook asked. "Cause our plan was to-" Jennie cutted Taehyung off by putting her hands to his lips. " Hahahaha, what he was trying to say is-" "Are you guys spying on us?" Lisa cutted Jennie.

Taehyung and Jennie looked at each other.
"No" they said in unison. "Hyung, tell the truth" "ok ok, we saw you guys talking to each other and laughing so I was planning to mess up your date by being third wheels but now, you guys are the third wheels." Taehyung said, looking at Jennie who was blushing a little.

"Well..This is getting akward so we are just gonna go home now, see you in the dorm Unnie!" Lisa pulled Jungkook and walked up to the exit, leaving the two in the bushes.

"Um.. so it didnt work so Im gonna go-" "please stay." Jennie was shocked to hear those words. She looked at him. Staring at his eyes. His eyes were filled with lust. They looked away feeling... Akward. "A-about what happened earlier, please forget about it.." he said looking away.

He stand up, reaching his hands to Jennie. She held it and stand up. The both walked up to the exit. When they reach the exit, the both were ready to seperate ways when Jennie pulled his hand and kissed him.

Taehyung gave in and kissed her back. He put his hands on her waist and Jennie put hers on his neck. Their kiss was passionate.

They pulled away, foreheads touching each other when they heard people clapping. And those 'people' were Jisoo, rose, Lisa, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, RM, Suga and Hoseok.

"Nice move Unnie!!" Rose said. "Finally" Hoseok added. "I TOLD YOU GUYS, THEY WERE DATING!!" The others laughed at how cute Lisa was. "Ok come on now Jennie, its getting late, lets go home" Jisoo said. "And since you were the first one to make a move, Ill buy you 3 milk ice cream"

"Haha, thx unnie, btw how did you guys know we were here?" Jennie asked. The others pointed to Lisa and Jungkook. "You maknaes better run for your lives." Yoongi said to them. Jennie was ready to kill Lisa so she chased her. "LALISA MANOBAN YOU BETTER COME BACK HERE NOW!!!!" Eveyone laughed at them. Taehyung was also ready to kill jungkook so he also chased him.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!!" He yelled. "YES HYUNG?" Jungkook teased.

Jin went up to Jisoo putting his arm to her shoulder and Jisoo rested her head to his shoulder. Everyone looked at Jinsoo with an 'Awww'. "How come everyone has a partner and I dont.." Rose said, pouting. "I can be your partner unnie." Lisa said. "But I thought you were already mine?" Jungkook pouted.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot, sorry unnie." Lisa laughed. "Jimin can be yours" Taehyung added. "Yah!! T-taehyung!!" Jimin yelled and blushed. Everyone laughed and went home except Tae, Jin, kook and Jimin. They wanted to stay at the girls dorm and have a sleepover. Jimin doesnt want to stay at the girl's dorm but the others insist so he went with them.

Authors note

741 words.. Im still alive. So this is my surprise for you guys!!! I did my best to work on this so I hope you like ittt. Dont forget to vote and comment on what you think of this chapter


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