Third Wheels Pt. 1

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Jennie's POV

I took a bath after talking with Taehyung. He told me that he wants to meet up at the park... again..

I turned on the shower and set it to medium-hot temperature. It took about 10 minutes of showering, I took my bath towel from its rack and wrap it around my body. I went to bathroom drawer, opened it, and got the hairdryer.

after 5 minutes of drying my hair, I went to the walk-in closet that me and Jisoo unnie shared. hmmm, what should I wear?. Since I cant think of what to wear, I called Lisa.

" YAH LALISA!!!" I shouted, making all the members startled and ran to our shared room. "UNNIE ARE YOU OKAY?!!! ARE YOU HURT? DID SOMETHING HAPPENED?!!" Rose said.

"the heck is wrong with you guys, I called for Lisa, btw where is she?" then I noticed, she wasnt there with rose and jisoo unnie. "Lisa went out with someone... and sh didnt told us who it was" Jisoo unnie said.

"anyway, since Lisa is not here, can you guys help me pick an outfit?" "sure! where are you going?" I cant tell them but rose knows, should I tell unnie too? well I should since shes like a sister to me.... but....

"Jen, whos Taehyung?" Oh shit Jisoo unnie ask since she saw Taehyung's name on the caller ID "U-uhm.. He's No on-" "His name is Kim Taehyung, from BTS" This Piece of--. I pinched Rosé's thigh and she replied with an 'OW!'.

"Wait, so Jen... Your dating my boyfriend's bandmate? Im so proud if you!!" Jisoo unie exclaimed. "What? Me? Dating Taehyung? No!! Im n-not dating h-him.." I stuttered. Jen, stop stuttering!

"But do you perhaps.. Like him?" I froze in my spot. Do I like him? I ignored her question and opened some drawers to pick an outfit.

"Is this ok Rose?" "Unnie! You look pretty!!"

I was wearing a black off-shoulder paired with a white skirt and sneakers, oh and a Pink purse cause, Why not? Then My phone buzzed again. Taehyung. I picked it up and held it to my ear.

Tae! Im sorry but Im gonna
Be a little late

Oh! Its ok, Im gonna be a little late too cause Jin hyung asked me to do some errands.

Ok, see you later
Taehyung-ah! (Jisoo)
Tell your Jin hyung to stop giving you some errands especially when your on a date

Haha, Ok Noona! I WILL!!

Ok bye!

"UNNIE!!!" Jisoo & Chae ran away and went outside and they keep on chanting 'TAEJEN IS SAILING!! TAEJEN IS SAILING!!' and I scream back at them saying;
"ITS JUST A FRIENDLY DATE!!" And they were shouting soooo loud that I wanna go out and spank their heads with a slipper (GUCCI of course) but since Im nice, I just mentally face-palmed.

Taehyung's POV

"JIN HYUNG-AH!!" I scream, making everyone in the dorm hear it. "What?" He answered coldly. "Jisoo Noona said to stop giving us errands especially when were on a date". "WHAT?!!!!!" All of bangtan came to our room, shocked.

"Woah Tae, who is your 'date' today?" Hoseok hyung said. I was surprised to hear the word 'date'. "What?! Im not on a da-" "So thats why you asked me which perfume smells better, 'penshoppe or GUCCI?'" Namjoon Hyung cutted me.

"Ok, first of all, it is just a friendly date, second, the 'date' you mean is actually Jennie. So yeah." I simply said. "JENNIE KIM?!!" They said in unison. "you know what? Im gonna be late so Im just gonna go and prepare" I said. 

"Have you guys seen Jungkook?" namjoon hyung asked "He went somewhere with someone..." yoongi hyung mumbled. who is he with? i hope its a girl.

time skip~

Author's POV

Taehyung walked up to the park, finding a place to sit when something caught his eye. And that 'something' was  'someone' familiar to him. is that.. jungkook? with... Lisa?. he thought cause he notice that the boy was wearing Timberlands that was same as Jungkook's and the girl has orange hair with bangs and has long legs. yup. it is them. he continued to walk away from them when he thought of something... and he needed Jennie to do it with him.

Jennie skipped to the park. Excited to see Taehyung when she bumped into to someones back. "ow" she muttered. " oh Jen! Sorry, I didnt see you" Taehyung said. "Its okay Tae, I didnt see you either." "you look.. stunning" he said. Jennie's heart was beating so fast and was blushing a little. Jen! calm down and stop blushing!!. " oh btw Jen, you see those 2 lovebirds over there near the river?" Tae pointed to the 'couple'. "um.. yeah? whats with them?"

"Thats Jungkook and Lisa." he said. "What? so thats why she wasnt home earlier. I was looking for her." " I have an Idea and I need your help." " sure, what is it that you need?" "lets be their third wheels" he said grinning. "good idea!" I said with an evil grin. sorry Lisa, I cant help but to agree with Tae's plan.


author's note

this is probably the longest chapter that I wrote and Im sorry for not updating quickly cause I got writer's block so maybe I'll upload the next chapter for 2 weeks. thanks for reading! and dont forget to vote!

~Y(cause thats the first letter of my name)

Edit: I have a surprise for you guys

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