We could kill her if we wanted to

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Barbara Denning stood in the corner of the high school gym making out with her boyfriend. Carol Denning watched as her popular older sister made out with her current boyfriend who she was sadly saying goodbye to. Carol smirked as she continued to watch them make out.
Barbara broke out of the kiss and let go of her Boyfriend and looked up to him and told him that it was goodbye but he wasn't happy he was not having it. After repeating that they were now officially over Barbara sighed, turned and walked over to Carol who was sitting in the bleachers and Barbara joined her "Gish that look painful" Carol laughed " So, how'd he take it?" Carol asked Barbara who had just sat down "He was devastated, obviously.God, Carol, I can't believe I have to leave him" Barbara sighed sadly "He's the one" Barbara said glancing back at her Boyfriend.
Carol followed her sisters gaze "Really? The one?" Carol asked
" He's my soul mate.He gets me" Barbara turned back and shrugged.
Carol rolled her eyes "Okay, no, he gets in your pants. And as soon as you're gone, he's gonna get into Pearl Peterman's pants, where he's gonna shuck her oyster and suck it raw" Carol chuckled.
Barbara was shocked "What the fuck, Carol?" Barbara shook her head in bewilderment
"Don't be such a precious little Barbie doll. You know it's true." Carol shrugged
Barbara turned to her sister "You're just pissed 'cause no one here will even miss you." Barbara snapped.
Carol snarled "You don't know shit about my shit, so don't take it out on me. It's not my fault we keep moving. It's that fucking little cunt" Carol spat with venom dripping from her voice.
"Up next, our own Debbie Denning! This is Debbie's last meet here in West Virginia, as she's been accepted to train at Trudy's Gymnastics Institute in Plano, Texas." The gymnastics announcer said cheerfully over the loud speaker "Go get 'em, Debbie!" He cheered and the crowed clapped weakly.
"I could kill her" Barb said watching Debbie twirling her ribbon.
Carol smirked "Oh, we could, you know, if we wanted to" Carol said as she went back to colouring in her note book.
Barb glanced over at what Carol was drawing "Jesus, Carol.Oh, you're such a sicko.And her boobs are not even accurate, mostly 'cause she doesn't have any" Barb said glancing back over at Debbie totally unaware that her big sister were thinking or possibly plotting her death.
"Okay, well, the body's better on this one. Look, I even did some perspective.Poison? Glass shards in her Yoplait" Carol gestured to the Images turning over the page.
Barb looked at it not too sure "That's too obvious. It'd have to look more like an accident.And you'll have to burn that book" Barb said pointing to the note book.

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