Pregnant? Did it ever occur to you that I made sacrafices that you never did?

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The Dr wasn't very welcoming He glanced at Carol with a scroll on his face " Have a seat" he said coldly.
Carol walked over to the seat and sat down " have a bad stomach bug?" The Dr asked as he checked Carols notes and she shrugged "I guess so...." the Dr nodded.
" Okay I want to rule out other things so, I'll be doing blood tests" Carol nodded.
The Dr grabbed a tourniquet, needles and vials and sat opposite Carol who held out her arm ready.
" you'll feel a sharp scratch" the Dr and seconds later he put the needle in to her arm and began to draw blood. Once he was done he placed a piece of cotton wool in its place " Hold this in place for 5 minutes" The Dr said and Carol placed her hand on the cotton wool and folded her fore arm up. The Dr walked away with the vials leaving Carol alone and she glanced round the room at the medial posters and suicidal posters.
Half an hour later the Dr came back with the test results clutched tightly in his hand " So...." the Dr said taking a seat opposite Carol " So Miss Denning I have your test results back from our machine and the results has comeback with that you are in fact pregnant" Carol was shocked " No!! I can't be....that machine is wrong" Carol blurted out.
The Dr was very serious " Miss Denning you really are pregnant. What I want to know is how did you get pregnant and by whom?" The Dr asked.
Carol was still in shock " What's it got to do with you?" Carol barked at the Dr.
" Okay well I'll want to have regular appointments with you until the birth. We will be giving you daily doses of Folic acid until your 3rd trimester so please Join drugs round every morning it is essential" Carol nodded weakly.
" Right well I'll request another appointment and blood test in a months time" Carol got up out of the chair and walked out of the Dr's office and out into the hall where Ross was stood waiting.
Ross grabbed his hand cuffs and Carol held out her hands and Ross cuffed them. They walked in silence until Ross spoke up first " So what did he say?" Ross asked and Carol shrugged " Not much just to drink plenty of fluid and to come back in a week if it still is not better" Carol lied.
Ross nodded " Well I'm glad that you're okay, you scared the shit out of me" Ross said sweetly.
Carol was still processing the news so she was rather quiet as they walked back to C block.
" Hey are you sure you're okay?" Ross asked as they approached the C block gates " I'm fine" Carol said in a rather unconvincing manner as she walked into C block.
Carol was greeted by her army of followers asking questions but she just ignored them until it got too much she snapped "will you all back off and just leave me the fuck alone" Carol yelled " Hey Inmate" An Officer yelled whisky Ross watched rather confused. " What more can you do to me I'm already in hell" Carol said and stormed off and went into her cell and laid down on her bunk and just stared off into space.
Officer Jones charged into Carols cell " On your feet Inmate Denning. So you think you're already in hell? Well you clearly haven't spent the week in Segregation and lucky for you there is a spot just come up" Officer Jones smirked.
Ross walked in " Is everything alright?" Officer Ross asked " Inmate Denning here thinks she is already in hell apparently and I said she hasn't seen segregation am I right?" Officer Jones hell out his and for Ross to high five but he just glared at Jones hand " Okay....well anyway I am taking her there now" Officer Jones smirked " Look she isn't well mate she's just been to the Dr and he told her to rest so she's not going anywhere"Ross shrugged " Like hell she isn't, she was rude and to me and deserves to be punished" Jones sneered as he felt the anger rising.
Ross sighed " Come on mate, can we just let this go this time?" Ross said placing a hand on his shoulder " Fine this time only but if she mouths off again she's going to segregation" Ross nodded and Officer Jones stormed off in a huff.
Once Officer Jones was gone "I don't need your help" Carol snapped at Ross " I just saved your ass from segregation I think I deserve more of a thank you don't you?" Ross said with a hint annoyance in his voice.
" Oh gee thanks so much my knight in shining armour I don't know what I'd do without you. There happy now?" Carol said sarcastically "You know what just Get the hell out" Carol barked " I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but you used to be nice but lately you've been......" Ross said not finishing his sentence " I've been what? Acting like a complete bitch.....a murder and convict? I hate to burst your bubble but I am a murderer and a convict and your a damn officer of the law and You forget one thing when you go home at night, you leave me here locked in here like some kind of animal" Carol said as tears slipped down her cheeks.
Ross sighed " You did this Carol, you chose this life when you and Barbara decided to kill Debbie that evening not me .You knew what you were doing and yet you still chose to do it anyway. I know you don't care but if you hadn't of done what you did then we wouldn't have met and I wouldn't have fallen in love with you. Now next time when you decide to have ago at me remember it has been me who has been there for you and that I love you Carol Denning" Ross said thinking he had won Carol over when she suddenly came out with " I don't Love you Ross that was just excitement, adrenaline and it was nice whilst it lasted" Carol said weakly.
Ross looked at Carol with her head in her hands and turned to leave, Ross took a deep breath "Did it ever occur to you...? I can't believe I'm saying this" Ross said nervously "Did it ever occur to you that I did the things I did to impress you?" Ross said nervously "No, you did it because you wanted to and didn't think of the repercussions and I would've done the same thing,except one of us has to come to terms that you and me aren't going to work out because I'm in here and I'm never going to get out and you deserve better and well it Certainly wasn't going to be you was it because you were getting what you wanted.Did it ever occur to you that I have made personal sacrifices for us that you never have?" Ross was silent "No, of course not. So just go away" Carol said not meaning any of it. Carol watched as Ross looked hurt and all she wanted to was rush into his arms and for him to hold her but instead she watched him weakly walk out of her cell and it was then that Carol laid down on her bunk turned away so her back was facing the door and she was facing the wall and just sobbed.

( I know Carol was very out of character in this chapter but her hormones are all over the place at the moment. )

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