6 hours

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Alice and Ron Denning arrived home to find Carol and Barbs car missing which they weren't too fussed they thought they might have parked it in the garage instead of the drive. once they got inside they saw that the living room was empty but the TV was on and none of the boxes have been sorted out for the Salvation Army, so they checked in the girls rooms only to find them empty and I slept in. Alice began to panic so they now checked every room in the house to make sure they didn't miss them . Once they checked all the rooms, they went outside where they caught the attention of their neighbours and asked them if they had seen The Girls.

Most of them were already in bed so they never saw the girls leave which made Alice panic. The other neighbours said they possibly the girls leave not long after Alice and Ron left and they told Alice and Ron the direction the girls took. One of the next door neighbours who was close friend who's children were very close friends of Alice  and Ron's  decided to head to the route the girls took. 10 minutes later they came back with Barb and Carol and no sign of Debbie.
" Oh god hear we go" Barb whispered to Carol.
" I've already told you I'll totally handle it. Just follow my lead" Carol whispered back.

Alice screamed seeing Barb and Carol and  no sign of Debbie and at that moment Alice just lost it. She screamed and sobbed on her friends shoulder as she watched them walk towards her.

"Alice Love, don't worry everything will be alright and the police will find her" Jackie the good neighbour and friend said trying to calm her good friend down as she rubbed Alice's back.

Alice let go of Jackie and charged towards Carol and Barb as they god nearer and near "What the hell happened?" Alice yelled at Barb then turned to Carol "Don't you know where your sister is?" Alice demanded grabbing hold of Carol and held Carol's arms buy her side and shook her.

" It was an accident,....." Carol said as she began to pretend to sob.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MEAN IT WAS AN ACCIDENT WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Alice yelled and continued to shake Carol hard.
Barb glanced at Carol who glanced at her sister and winked at her and went back to crying. Barb decided to speak up "I don't know mom it all happened all to quickly. Debbie kept going on. And on. And so.....We went to the lake to let those bloody tadpoles free and the next thing we know Debbie got into the car and that's all we remember it all happened so fast" Barb began to pretend to sob just Carol.
" Mom please stop you're hurting me" Carol said trying to break herself free from her mother's tight grasp with tears forming in her eyes.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS" Alice screamed shaking Barb who now began to sob pleading for her mother to let go of her.
"She didn't make it Mom we couldn't save her she's in the lake" Barb pleaded through her tears everyone could see the pain in the young girls eyes as she said those words to her distraught mother.but little did they know that both girls were lying through their teeth to save their own skin.

"Alice, let go your hurting Barb" Catherine another good friend and Alice's friend from her book club walked over to Alice and pulled her away from Barb only to hear Barb scream as Alice's  hand struck the side of her face as she slapped her hard. Barb grabbed hold of her cheek, which was now on fire and quite red and Alice was not finished she slapped Carol twice as hard round the face " It's all your fault you stupid girl, we all knew you hated Debbie and resented her" Alice snapped.

Catherine and Jackie could not believe that Alice had just hit Her daughter's because she never believed Them when they both said it was an accident.

Debbie had now been missing for 6 hours ad there was no sign of her returning. Catherine called the police to have Debbie down as an officially missing person. Catherine told them about what Carol and Barb had told their mother about it being an accident and that she was in the lake and that they couldn't get to her.

It seemed as soon a Catherine hung up after the call with the police they arrived at The Denning's door as promised with guards at the door.

Alice was in shock and she just couldn't stop crying at the mention of Debbie's  name and every time she thought about the last time she saw Debbie and if only she had stayed behind with the girls rather than to leave her to make her to talk to her gymnastics coaches because this happened. Alice just kept beating herself up over leaving Debbie with Carol and Barb.
Carol and Barb went back into the house and headed up stairs to their rooms. Carol walked into Barbs bedroom unannounced " What the hell was that back there?" Carol demanded.
Barb frowned " What do you mean? I was pretty convincing"Barb question Carol.
" You call that acting. Sure you might as well say we did it Mom and hand ourselves in now" Carol said sarcastically.
" What-" Carol placed her finger to her lips shushing Barb.
" What's wrong?" Carol glared at Barb. " shhh" she whispered.
Carol tip toed down the stairs with Barb following behind. Carol and Barb watched as the police arrived and guarded their house and all the neighbours spreading rumours about Debbie's disappearance as they stood over their fences gossiping they would every once in a while glance over at the their house with sad looks on their faces.

" Ah there you are Girls. Could please come down here and tell this nice officer what you told your mother" Ron said.
Both girls walked down the steps and into the living room.
" Hi girls I'm going to be the lead officer on your sisters missing persons case" Barb nodded and Carol just stood still with her arms folded.
" Sit down girls" Ron said gesturing to the empty Sofa. The Girls glanced at their mother sat in the corner with her head in her hands.
" So you are Barb am I right?" Barb nodded " And you must be Carol" Carol nodded.
" So could you girls tell me what Happened? So we can paint a clearer picture" The officer said.
Barb took a deep breath "Well Debbie had these tadpoles and she wanted to free them and she was driving us crazy begging us to free them" the officer nodded wand wrote down what Barb was saying.
" So we took her to the lake where she could free them and the sooner she did that the sooner we could get back but...Debbie rushed back to the car and sat in the drivers seat. You know Like she has with you dad on many occasions" Carol said and Ron gave a weak nod.
" It was too late we tried to stop her but she just drove straight into the water and the next thing we know the car is under and Debbie is gone" Barb began to sob.
" we rushed back here as fast as we could and well here we are" Carol shrugged.
" Right thank you girls, I have my team ready to search the river. I'll be in touch as soon as we find her" the officer got up and Ron got up and showed the officer out.
Barb wiped the tears away and let out a deep breath they both shared a quick glance at each other.

Rotten to the Core ( Orange is the new black Denning family fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now