Little Debbie Dennings Murder

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" Ugh I have plans. Make Carol do it!" Barb whinged
" But Mom, you already told me I could go out tonight." Carol moaned back.
"Oh, please.Who are you gonna go out with, the chess club?" Barb said sarcastically "You're not the only person who has a life here!" Carol  said glaring at Barb, curling her hands up into fists.
"Yes I am" Barb argued as she continued to glare at Carol.
"- Everybody, shut it." Ron Denning snapped so loudly that it made everyone jump.
Alice Denning pointed her finger at Barb "You're both taking care of Debbie tonight" then pointed her finger at Carol who rolled her eyes " Ugh you have to be kidding me" Carol groaned folding her arms across her chest.
"But you said we would release my tadpoles tonight." Debbie said to her father giving him the sad puppy dog eyes.
Alice  sighed "We have to meet with Coach Emery to discuss your transitional training. You do realize that we're doing this for you, right? Now, please, practice your pirouettes and then go straight to bed" Alice said sternly.
" Right You two, finish packing.Moving van gets here at 11:00 tomorrow." Alice said gesturing to Barb and Carol.
"Okay.Well, I'm already done, so...." Carol shrugged
" you still Haven't separated what's going in the Salvation Army pile.The three of you will be sharing a closet in the new home" Alice said only to receive icy cold glares from Carol and Barb.
"What? Does that mean I have to share a room with them? Both of them?" Carol whined
"You know how much it's costing us to relocate?" The Girls shook their heads "Be grateful you have a bedroom" Alice said with a quick glance at ! Barb, Carol and Debbie.
"Do we get to have bunk beds?" Debbie said cheerfully
"Oh, just shut up, Debbie!" Barb snapped
"Language!" Alice barked
"Well, I'm not going.Mrs Howard said I could live with them for the rest of the semester and graduate with everyone" Barb shrugged.
Ron Denning stepped closer to Barb "Barbara, does this look like a La Quinta Inn to you? Do I look like a goddamn bellhop?" Ron now had Barb pushed against a wall "That's right. You don't get to check in and out of this family whenever you please" Ron Denning spat at Barb who was horrified at her father's actions.
"Yep Debbie, heels up on the turn and then point, point, point your way through the pirouette" Alice encouraged Debbie who began to practice her pirouettes whilst Carol just rolled her eyes. Ron backed away from Barb who was still backed against the wall.
"We'll be back by 10:00" Alice denning said opening the door Ron walked out with Alice following behind him and closing the door.
Once the door was closed Debbie just came out with it "They're such dicks.My tadpoles are gonna die if we don't release them"Debbie whinged.
Carol storms over to the tadpoles that sat on the small coffee table and picks up the jar forcefully "Okay, nobody gives a fuck about your tadpoles" Carol hold up the jar into the air as she was going to smash the jar.
Debbie panics "Carol, no! Barb, Barb, do something!" Debbie pleads.
Carol is fuming you could see the steam pouring out of her ears. Barb calmly and sweetly says "Carol, don't be such a monster.If she wants to release her tadpoles tonight, we should take her" Barb says rather calmly and looks at Carol and seconds later Carol gently gestures for Debbie to take her tadpoles back and she does forcefully before Carol changes her mind and smashes the jar there and then.
" Am I going to release the. Tonight Barb?" Debbie says rather cheerfully as she looks at the tadpoles.
" We sure are Debbie go and grab your coat" Barb says softly.
Once Debbie was out of ear shot " What the hell are you doing Barb?" Carol hisses " You heard me, we are going to let Debbie release her stupid tadpoles and poor innocent Debbie is going to go swimming with her little fishes" Carol frowned " That's So amateurish" Carol says.
" Well have you got any better ideas that aren't so far fetched?" Carol thought about it and shook her head " Swimming with the fishes it is then" Barb smirked.
" Barb? Carol? I can't find my coat or ear muffs" Debbie calls out from her room.
" Ugh she's such a brat" Carol snapped
" moms probably packed them away! Coming Debbie" Barb called back with a smirk played on her lips.
Minutes later Debbie and Barb coming rushing down stairs in their coats ready to go.
" Ready to go Debs?" Barb asked and Debbie nodded " Uh Huh" she said looking at the tadpoles.
" Shot gun" Debbie called out as she rushed out the door.
" I don't think so Debs, get in the back" Carol barked.
The drive to the lake was a quiet one but Barb and Carol shared glances at each other through out the journey.
Carol slowly pulled to a stop "I'm not in the mood to freeze my nuts off, so I'm gonna stay here" Carol announces.
"Come on, Debbie" Barb says getting out the car with Debbie behind.
Carol watches as Debbie and Barb walk towards the lakes edge "You know, I'm real sorry about the move. I told Mom I don't want to go either, but they don't care what I want" Debbie shrugged.
Barb looked down at Debbie "You don't wanna go?" Barb asks
Debbie shakes her head "No.I like Coach Emery.And I heard this girl talking about how the coaches at Trudy's give the girls rubdowns after the meets. Like, everywhere" Debbie shudders at the thought.
"Ugh" Barb groans.
Barb stopped walking halfway and Debbie edges closer and slowly releases the tadpoles into the icy lake and Debbie walks back over to Barb "Thanks for bringing me, Barb" Debbie smiled at her big sister.
Barb smiled back "You know they're just gonna freeze, right?" Debbie shook her head "No.They're wintering tadpoles, so they go into hibernation" Barb nods to show she understood.
Barb looked at Debbie "You know what? You're not so bad, kid" Debbie smiled.
Suddenly Carol came charging towards Debbie and Barb with an axe " Carol! No! Wait!" Barb said grabbing Carol "Get in the car, Debbie! Hurry! Lock the doors!" Barb called out to Debbie who did as Barb had said and rushed back into the car.
Barb continued fight her way out of Barbs tight grasp "Let go!" Carol yelled
Debbie shut the car door not realising that there was no way out "There's no button.There's no button.I can't get out" Debbie panicked as she tried to prize the doors open.
Barb and Carol watched with huge smirks on their faces. Debbie turned to see her big sisters smirking and watch her panic "Let me out! Barb, what are you doing? Barb" Debbie was shocked she thought Barb loved her after their little chat seconds ago "Barb, what are you doing? - Barb, please!" Barb held up the pins from all 4 car doors with a sinister smirk played upon her lips" Barb and Carol walked round to the back of the car as began to slowly push the car towards the lake "- I don't know what happened, Mommy.I told Debbie to stay in the car.Maybe she accidentally put the car in drive or something? You know how much she liked to pretend-drive with Daddy" Barb said sarcastically and Carol laughed.
Debbie watched as she sisters pushed her near and near to the edge of the lake "Please! Please! Carol! Please!" Debbie viciously banged on the windows pleading "You're really gonna stick the landing this time, kid!" Carol called out as she and Barb let go of the car watched the car enter the lake and Debbie as she continued to call out "Help me! Please, Barb! No, no, no, no, no! Please, help me! Please, help, help, help!" They both watched as the car began to sink and Debbie began to disappear from their view car disappeared beneath the water.
" Nice work" Carol held out her hand and Barb high fives her.
" An axe really Carol. Was there any need for that?" Barb asked as they continued to walk through the snow.
" It worked. Didn't it? It made her go in to the car so I don't see what the problem is" Carol shrugged.
" It felt a little psycho" Barb said as she looked down at the snow beneath her feet.
" Ugh you do realise we're gonna have to deal with mom and dad" Barb groaned.
" When the time comes I'll totally take care of it" Carol said forcefully " so don't worry for pretty little head about it Barbie" Carol pats Barb on the back and walks ahead.

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