10 years later

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This particular day Carol sat at her usual round table with her army of followers playing cards. Carol had a lollipop in her mouth as she waited to be dealt a good hand.
The door to the C block opened and no one really takes any notice of who comes and goes but on this particular day one of Carols loyal followers glanced up to see a rather handsome and fresh face newbie officer being shown round C block with a senior officer.
" Ermm....Hello" Carol said kicking the girl under the table.
" ouch what the hell Carol" The girl groaned " Well I've been waiting for you to play cards but you've been drooling over him for the past 10 minutes" Carol said as she glanced at the guy that was turning all the ladies heads.
" He's pretty hot" One of the girls said as they came a little closer.
" Hmmm he's okay I guess now Come on back to cards or I'm gonna kick your freaking asses" Carol moaned.
" I hope that was a joke I heard there Inmate Denning" the senior officer said raising his eyebrow at Carol.
" Oh you know me I didn't mean it" Carol teased " That's what worries me. I do know you Carol" he said Brightly.
" This here is Inmate Denning, She likes to think she's top dog around here she also plays a pretty mean game of cards" The Officer said to the newbie who looked at Carol and smiled " Be nice to him Carol, Officer Ross is a newbie so show him the ropes" Carol smirked " Oh we will don't you worry" Carol looked up at officer Ross with a wink.
" Come on That's enough come on Ross" The senior Officer walked off and Ross followed closely behind " Oh man look at that fine piece of ass" One of the girls said glancing at officer Ross' behind.
" Yeah not bad at all" Carol said looking at Ross' behind only to get caught by Ross when he glanced back at Carol and then at her minions.
" Uh Oh Someone got caught looking" The girls laughed " shut it and let's play" Carol said.
Later on that day Officer Ross was aloud to wonder round by himself so he wondered round the seating area and decided to lean against a wall and watch in case something kicked off.
Ross looked round the room at the ladies as watched as a group of them as they sat and chatted and laughing occasionally , he then glanced to his right and then to his left.
" Hey Officer hotter" one of the inmates said as they walked past and winked at him.
Carol and Frieda were in their hiding spot in the back of the library lounging around and mucking around.
"So what do you think of that new Officer?" Frieda asked Carol who shrugged " I guess he's okay. Why?" Carol asked.
" I'm just asking because I hear he's the wardens nephew and he's rather cute and so your type Carol" Frieda shrugged
" oh you have to be  kidding me! Thats a shame he is actually but he's an officer and I'm so not dating an officer if I want a chance in getting out of this place, do I look stupid?" Carol said
Before Frieda could reply she was interrupted " Hey can I get a hit?" A girl asked and Carol grabbed some pills and handed them to the girl who handed over a large jawbreaker.
" You think selling this shit is safe? Anyone can rat you out Carol" Frieda said.
" I know but who gives a shit and who would think to go against me and if I find out who I'll kill them" Carol laughed.
Carol and Frieda's library time was up so they strutted  back into C block with Carol walking confidently towards her room.
" Keeping out of trouble Inmate Denning?" Officer Ross said to Carol " You bet your all so sweet ass I am" Carol winked.
" Woah Inmate that's a shot" Ross said getting out his note pad to write the shot down.
" you've got to be kidding me what the hell for?" Carol sighed.
" Woah Ross is it?....You don't give Carol shots" a tall blonde said.
" I'll do whatever the hell I want Inmate" Ross bit back.
" Whatever" Carol stormed off to her room and sat on her bed and just glanced up at the base of the bunk.
Carol was in a world of her own when Officer Ross walked into her bunk.
" Hi I just wanted to say sorry for the shot I was unfair in giving it to you" Carol turned to see Officer Ross standing in her cell door way.
" Don't worry your tight ass about it, your just doing your job" Carol shrugged.
" Oh well thanks and sorry again....wait a second you've been looking at my ass?"Ross mumbled as he turned to leave only to turn back.
" well when fresh meat wonders in to my block I'm going to need to check him out" Carol smirked.
" well good to know, thanks for the talk Inmate Denning, I guess I'll see you around" Ross said walking to the door way "not if I see your sweet ass first" Carol chuckled and Ross shook his head.
It was at that moment that Ross decided that he quite liked Carol Denning she had something about her a fire burning inside her considering what she had done.
" And What the hell was that about?" One of Carols followers said walking into her cell.
" Nothing to do with you nosey, get the hell out I'm trying to sleep" Carol snapped.
" More like trying sleep with a certain someone" The girl mumbled under breath.
" shut your fowl mouth and Get the fuck out stupid girl " Carol barked feeling herself getting angry.

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