Play girls

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A few months later:
It's early morning and Carol is fast asleep in bed when she hears the key in her door and doesn't get much time to prepare as the door slams open with a bang " What the hell is going on?" Carol groans with sleep still audible in her voice.
" Up Inmate we are doing a routine room search. Are you hiding any illegal contraband?"  Carol groans as she adjusts to the light.
" Why?" Carol asks
" Alright...Alright Jeez I'm up" Carol bites back as she throws back her blanket.
" hands up against the wall Denning" Carol places her hands in front of her on the wall  " do you get off on seeing ladies in their night wear? well here is mine in all its glory" Carol said gesturing to her long sleeved grey super baggy tee.
" Shut up I said hands against the wall" Ross yells forcing Carols hands back on the wall. Ross begins to do a pat down on Carol and his hands linger longer than they should.
" Found something you like there Officer?" Carol says noticing his hands were lingering on her too long as if he was enjoying this.
Ross lets go of Carol and starts wrecking her cell as he chucked her personal items on the floor.
" whatever Your looking for you won't find it here" Carol said as she watched him wreck her cell.
" I said shut it Inmate" Ross barked
" Oh I do like my men like I do my jawbreakers. Big, hard and sweet" Carol smirked.
" CLEAR" Ross yelled as he glanced at Carol and then stormed off out of her room and on to the cell next door.
Carol smirked as she knew she got to Ross.
Later on that day Carol and Frieda where in their little hiding hole in the library laughing when Officer Ross appeared poking his head round the corner.
" What's going on in here?" Ross asked as he glanced at Carol then at Frieda.
" Oh Nothing" Carol said sweetly.
Frieda watched Carol and Ross who barely took their eyes off each other " Do you need something?" Frieda asked Ross who shook his head " No I just heard laughter which is sometimes rare to hear in this place" Ross said and Carol chuckled.
" Well have a good day ladies" Ross said turning to leave them alone.
Once Ross had gone Frieda got up walked to the end and poked her head round the corner to make sure she really was gone and once the coast was clear Frieda walked back to Carol.
" Someone's got a crush on you" Frieda said as she sat back down next to Carol who was smoking.
" Shut up no he hasn't" Carol hit Frieda playfully on the arm.
Frieda smirked " No Carol I'm serous you can see he has a thing for you. You like him don't you?" Frieda said poking Carol who hadn't said a word yet but it was enough for Frieda know it was true.
" Yes he's hot but I already said I'm not going to do anything and what's wrong with a little flirting seeing as I'm gonna spend the next 15 years of my life in this shit hole and your telling you wouldn't tap that either?" Carol shrugged.
" True. Oh I would" Frieda laughed.
Carol suddenly remembered " Oh Hey, Frieda before I forget your dad's hot and all, but I got other plans. Hope you don't mind" Carol said holding up a Burt Reynolds poster.
Carol sighs "Now that is human perfection. Right, Frieda?" Frieda Chuckles "Sure" Frieda shrugs.
One of the junkie inmate knocks on one of the metal shelves and Carol tosses a small bag over "What the hell? I paid less than that for four last time" the girl groaned.
Carol hated it when people question her illegal business "You got a problem with my prices?"Carol snapped the girl knew she had upset Carol "No, we're good.Right, Tyler? Come on" the girl said yanking her friend up from the floor.
Carol tuts "This some bullshit, man" Carol shakes her head " Fucking free loaders, Jeez you are generous once and they expect it every time" Carol shakes her head.
Frieda chuckles "Hey, Carol, maybe you ought to go back to dealing in the showers" Frieda shrugs.
Carol glares at Frieda "You kidding? Finding your hidey-hole is the best thing that ever happened to me.The shower steam made my hair look like shit.Now come on, let's look at the rest of today's haul" Carol says rather a little too brightly.
Carol grabs the book that they kept the drugs and goods in and opens it to see they that had done very well " Damn, Frieda! We're killing it! Oh! And you know I have a sweet tooth" Carol says holding up a large Jawbreaker.
Carol and Frieda are interrupted "Just one- Oh! How much for a jawbreaker?" The girl asks spying the large jawbreaker Carol snaps "They're not for sale" glaring at the girl.
"But you got so many.I like watching the colors change" the girl said sweetly
Carol humours her "Do you now? Well, come on in" The girl gets up and walked round to the other side.
Carol invites her in cheerfully " Come on in" the girl smiles and walks closer.
The girl reaches out towards the jawbreaker but Carol snaps the book shut catching her fingers " Ouch" The Girl recoils "Do I look like Willy Fucking Wonka to you?" Carol demanded the girl nervously shook her head "No, ma'am" she said nervously "This place look like a candy store?" The girl shook her head once again but Carol had other plans. Carol grabbed the girls hair and yanked her to the ground "- Ow" The girl said.
"Frieda, hold her hair for me" Frieda takes the girls hair in her hands and yanks her head back forcefully "Ow!" The Girls cry's out Carol bends close to the girl so she was inches away "Now open your fucking mouth before I shove this so far down your goddamn throat you give birth to it" The girl does as she is told and opens her mouth and instantly Carol shoves a jawbreaker into her mouth.
Carol smirked as the girls nearly chokes "Go on.Start sucking" the girl continues to choke on the jawbreaker and Carol laughs maliciously.
Barb stood and watched as her younger sister Carol stood and watched an inmate choke on a jawbreaker "Jesus, Carol You're such a little psycho! Bad enough you're stealing my customers, you don't gotta go kill 'em too" Barb says making Carol jump.
Greeley takes her chance and spits out the jawbreaker and runs off "Yeah, you better fuckin' run, Greeley!" Barb yells after the scared girl " Sorry ladies, shop's closed" Frieda says to Barb" Piss off, Flunky.I'm here to see my sister" Barb says gesturing to Carol.
Carol rolled her eyes "Didn't anyone tell you? Family reunion's been canceled this year" Carol smirked.
Barb smirked back "It's funny, because Mom's coming to visit me later, just like she did last week and the week before.
She doesn't send her love, by the way" Barb laughed.
Carol put the used Jawbreaker into her mouth "What do you want, Barbie? I mean, besides an ass that don't look like a pizza box?" Carol spat "I want you and Gnarly Davidson to step off my H game" Barb said glaring at Carol.
Carol chuckles "Sorry, sis, but you ain't the boss of me no more" Barb walked up to Carol and stood toe to toe.
Barb sighed "We had a deal, Care.D block gets smack and weed.Cunt block gets rock and pills.Look at yourself, Carol.You're a child. Amateur like you got no business selling horse.You'd be better off dealing ex-lax to the biddies in Florida" Barb smirked.
Carol was fuming "Frieda, you gonna sit there with your thumb up your butt or you gonna do something about this?" Carol demanded Frieda pulled out a home made shiv from her front pocket "All right, ladies, it's time for you gals to move it along" Frieda said as she walking towards Barb and her gang with the shiv pointed out in front of her.
Barb slowly backs away "Okay" Barb holds up her hands.
Carol laughed as she watched her sister had her followers back away "Come on, Frieda.You and me got some beef to look at" Carol says pulling Frieda back towards her.
Carol picks up her favourite porn magazine, play girl "Oh, my God! Ah.Oh, God" Carol squealed as she looked at the hunky men in the magazine with next to nothing on.
Carol turned the page "I love a man with a big bush" Carol turned to Frieda who was now sitting beside her.
Carol studied to page almost drooling "Oh, God, look at that little Dickie-doo." Carol laughed "He's all alone in the forest" Carol said in a rather baby voice whilst Frieda sat quietly.
" Do you reckon Officer Ross is you know....bushy down there?" Frieda laughed.
" Oh I'll have to find out won't I " Carol smirked.

Rotten to the Core ( Orange is the new black Denning family fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now