Ad seg

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Ross laid on the mattress with the small blanket draped over him, he watched as Carol get dressed back into her blue scrubs.
" What are you doing? Why are you getting dressed?" Ross asked " This isn't a hotel Ross you need to get dressed now and take me to ad seg" Carol as she slid her trousers back on.
Ross sighed but he knew she was right so, he got up and began to change back into his Officer uniform. Carol watched as Ross buttoned up his shirt, Ross glanced up to see Carol staring at his rather toned and slender torso Ross smiled  " You like what you see?" Carol smirked. Ross walked over to Carol and kissed her and she kissed him back but pushed him away " No come on or People will get suspicious " Ross nodded as he reached for his hand cuffs and Carol held out her wrists and Ross cuffed them.
They walked out of the library with Ross's arm resting on her back. Once they reached ad seg Ross took off Carols cuffs and opened the door and she calmly walked in and Ross watched as Carol looked around at her new surroundings.
" Carol listen I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before but the reason you're here isn't all because of your fight with barb but  because the warden has your stash of drugs and sweets and they will charge you with more time" Carol was fuming "WHAT THE FUCK? YOU ONLY TELL ME THIS NOW?OH I SEE HOW IT IS YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE ME AFTER ALL BUT NOW YOU'VE GOT WHAT YOU WANTED YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW AND I WILL BE TUCKED OUT OF THE WAY NOW I AM GETTING MORE TIME. OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND" Carol yelled " SHUT UP INMATE" Ross said stepping into Carols room and shutting the cell door.
" Carol Calm down it's not like that at all okay?" Carol was now pacing up and down, Ross reached out and placed his hands either side of Carols and stopped her pacing " Get off me" Carol said trying to shake herself free.
Ross shook her " Listen to me Carol! It was not like that I like you Carol hell I'll even go as far as to say I love you okay. You are so much more than a one night stand" Ross said forcefully as he still held on to Carol who was now silent.
" You love me?" Carol mumbled " Yeah I Do Okay" Ross said as he gently let go of Carol who had calmed down.
Carol smiled " I'm sorry for having ago at you before" Carol and quietly " How long am I going to be in here?" Carol asked.
Ross shrugged " I don't know but I will come and see you for as long as you are here okay?" Carol nodded.
Carol looked at Ross " God I want to kiss you right now" Carol said with a smirk.
Ross smirked back " Oh Do you now?" Ross winked " well we'll have to make that happen soon" Ross smiled those pearly whites.
Ross sighed " well I better go and I'll see you as soon as I can" Ross said as he turned to leave the cell.
Once Ross was gone Carol sighed as sat down on the bed and glanced at the four walls.
~ A day later ~
Carol was sat on the bed twiddling her glasses in her hands when the door opens and in walks a different guard and Carols heart sank " Inmate Denning let's go, you're coming with me" The Officer says getting out his cuffs.
Carol gets up off the bed " come with you where?" She asks as she places her hands out for officer to cuff.
" Where's Officer Ross?" She asks " Never you mind, let's go?" The Officer says taking Carols arm and leads her out of her cell and out of ad seg.
They walk along the corridor in silence until Carol speaks up "Where's Officer Ross?" She asked innocently.
The guard didn't answer her at first but then he spoke up " look I'll tell you once and once only...It's his day off today okay Inmate, why are you so keen on his where about?" The guard asked.
Carol sighed " I just wondered" Carol said back coldly.
They stopped outside the wardens office and the guard knocked on the door and the warden called out " come in " the guard opened the door and gestured for Carol to come in.
" Ah Miss Denning, have a seat" Carol sat down opposite the warden and the guard shit the door and waited outside.
" So Miss Denning, you're probably wondering why you're here?" Carol nodded " Well I was handed yours and Barbara's stash of drugs and other regalia and I am afraid to say you and Barb are now on a drugs charges and now we are going to be adding another 30 years in addition to your 25 years charge" Carol already knew this but she was still angry.
" That bitch Frieda she totally rattled me out....I'm gonna kill her " Carol spat.
" So you're not denying that the stash wasn't was yours" The warden said raising his eye brow questionably.
Carol shook her head " No. what more can you do to me I'm already in hell" Carol shrugged.
" You Carol Denning will be spending the rest of your life in here. an additional 30 years have been added to your sentence" The warden announced rather coldly.
" This is absolute bullshit" Carol spat as she rouse from her chair " Back to Ad seg for you" the warden smirked
Carol shrugged "Whatever" she said as the guard cuffed her.
Carol walked mournfully along the corridor " Come on Denning hurry up" the guard snapped as he grabbed her cuffs and pulled her towards him so she would walk faster.
They reached Ad Seg where Carol was left once again. A few days later Carol was let out of Ad seg and let back into C block only this time she had 30 years added to her sentence.
Ross came back to work after a couple of days off " Morning" he said to his boss as he opened his locker and hung up his jacket.
His boss nodded his head " Nice couple of days off?" Ross nodded " great thanks" Ross said shutting his locker.
" Okay So today you are on D block for a change" Ross was gutted he wanted to see Carol.
" Okay is Carol out of ad seg now?" Ross asked innocently.
"Yeah she's out now and back on C block, he has asked after you actually" His boss frowned but Ross didn't care he was happy to hear this as he has been thinking about her a lot lately.
"Oh has she" Ross said as a matter of fact.
"Well you'll get to see the other Denning" his boss said and Ross frowned.
" The other Denning?" He asked as he didn't know Carol had a sister as he has been assigned to C block and C block only since he started.
"Yeah Carol has an older sister, Barbs is an angel compared to Carol trust me" his boss shook his head " once you've been to D block you'll never want to go back to C block " his boss scoffed.
Ross laughed not realising his boss meant it and Ross soon wiped that smile of his face.
Ross arrived on D block to see it was a similar lay out as C block so it wasn't to much of a change but the thing is D block didn't have Carol there but Ross was still pretty new to the whole job and didn't want to start of on the wrong foot with his boss so he willingly accepted that he had to go to D block today.

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