5 - Project II

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- Second Person -
You and Donghyuck had gone to your room where he put his backpack down and took his notes and the project out.

An hour had gone by of you explaining the project and looking for ideas. The teacher had assigned a visual poster for someone who 'made an impact in history.'

"Who do you think we should make the poster for?" You asked him, looking over.

Both of you were seated across each other on the floor, your backpacks and notebooks on the bed with papers spread out in front of you on the carpeted floor.

He took a moment, sighing as he was a bit stuck on his decision.

"I wanna say Martin Luther King but I also don't know all the details and what other people we could pick from..."

"Seems like a good person to get ideas from. Here," You took out two blank pieces of paper.

"Lets write down people we find in our notes or people we suddenly think of for now. The project isn't due for another three weeks."

He nodded, "Right, good start.."

Time went by as you both were quiet and writing down names on your blank pieces of paper.

There were moments where you looked up at Donghyuck to see his paper and then glanced at him, catching him staring. He quickly looked away, acting as if he was just noticing you looking.

When he looked away, you only stared for a bit, not knowing the feeling, you labeled it as being fascinated by him focusing on the project.
"I'm hungry." You mumbled after pushing a bit longer on taking notes and ideas.

Donghyuck looked at you and smirked, "Thought I was the only one hungry."

You got up, "Let's go make something. We deserve a break."

"Really?" He'd set his pen down and get up.

Nodding, you waved him to follow you.
Entering the kitchen, you get out a bowl and look at Donghyuck.

"What do you want to eat?" You asked, a bit hesitant since you can't really cook much if he asks for anything other than noodles.

"Hmm..." He thought for a bit.

"Right now I really just want some...

Crap, how are those made??

Noticing your blank expression, he strung out the question.

"Do you know how to make pancakes?"

"...No." You'd admit, staring at the bowl you took out.

He chuckled, looking around your kitchen.

"If you see the ingredients just... like, take them out and tell me how to help." You sighed, feeling defeated since you planned to treat him for working hard instead of making him work more. It wasn't what you were used to.

"Alright," He nodded, opening cupboards and grabbing certain ingredients and putting them on the counter.
You were putting the ingredients into your bowl and looking at him for directions.

He didn't understand why you were staring so you sighed, "What do I do now? Is it that hard to read facial expression?"

He'd chuckle, "Chill, I was just confused."

"Just uh.. mix it." He said, taking a seat on a stool and propping his chin up on his hand as he watched you.

You started mixing, getting stuck on some parts and getting flour on your shirt.

He got up and grabbed a towel, wetting it and walking over. He started to dust off your shirt and wipe the batter that got on you.

You stopped, looking over at him as he was focused on cleaning your mess.

He'd look up and notice what he was doing. He retracted and sat back down.

"Sorry, I just-"

"It's fine, thanks." You interrupted.
After the whole mess, Donghyuck insisted on cooking the pancakes, letting you sit out and just wash the dishes.

Both of you sat down and started to eat the pancakes.

"Oh this is good!" You blurted, looking up at him from across the table.

He laughed at the syrup dripping down the corner of your mouth, giving you a napkin.

"All thanks to your uh... mixing." He scoffed.

"Making fun of me pretty boy?" You'd ask in a fake intimidating voice.

The title pretty boy is something he wasn't familiar with, so his face heated up as he hesitated to spit out a comeback.

"N-No just stating the- obvious!"

You raised a brow, chuckling.

Once you both finished eating you washed the dishes as he went back to your room and organized his stuff and put them in his backpack.

You walked into your room and also cleaned up your books and papers.

"We got more done than I expected." You grin towards him.

"Let's work towards that A, Y/n."
He smiled, waving as he left. Suddenly he tripped on the steps outside your door as he was too busy looking at you than where he was going.

"You alright?" You asked, holding back a laugh.

"Act like that didn't happen!" He yelled from a distance.

You couldn't help but to look down as you grinned,

he's adorable.

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