Chapter Six

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I hear the screaming and swearing before I even step up to the front door. Slipping the door quietly open, I see tears streaming down Kaya's face, and my mom place a comforting hand on her shoulder. She's also telling Kaya to stop cursing.

"But Mom! Look at it," Kaya wailed, and ran a single finger up and down the jagged pieces of leather sticking out of the saddles brown fender. Mom sighs, and tentatively open the door, and step inside. Kaya whirls around to face me. "Did YOU do that Robin?" I slowly nod my head.

"I didn't mean to though Kaya! It was a complete accident." My eyes shift towards the floor, and well up with tears.

"Sure it was." Kaya says sharply and bounds upstairs to her room.

"Kaya! Wait!" I kick off my boots and race after her. At the top of the stairs, I turn to face her door. Muffled sobs can be heard from inside. "Kaya?" I gently knock on the cedar door.

"Go away Robin!" She shouts, and throws something, a shoe I think, at the door. Sighing, I slump down to the floor, and rest my head against the white wall.

"Look, Kaya. I didn't mean too. It was a complete accident, like I said before. My knee hit it, and it was nocked off the saddle rack. There was a rasp propped up against a bucket, and the fender slid down it, and was scraped," I explain, even though I don't think she's listening. I continue anyways. "I felt awful Kaya! Just as awful as you most likely. Please don't believe I'd do it on purpose."

The sobs start to cease. Kaya's feet thump across the floor, and there is a faint click when she opens the door. "Was it really an accident?"

Looking up, I see Kaya's tear-streaked face looming over mine. Standing up, I say, "Course it was."

"I believe you." Kaya sniffles. I wrap my arms around her, and she returns the hug.

"I really am sorry. Dad said we could send it to Grandad and that he'd fix it."

"Hey! You're right," The news seems to brighten Kaya up. "I didn't think of that."

"I'll pay for the shipping." I decide. I clasp her hand and we both walk into her room, and sit down in her plush green duvet.

"No. We both will. It's partly my fault in a way. I was the one who left that rasp there." Kaya and I agree to both pay for shipping. Half and hour later, we have completely made up and are once again great friends.

"You two back to normal?" Mom asks when we head downstairs. Kaya and I both nod happily.

"Of course," Kaya smiles, and slides on her boots and light blue riding vest. "Wanna go for a quick ride Robin?"

"Sure." I shrug, and slip outside. Kaya walks alongside me.

"Robin, where on earth are your shoes?" She looks at my feet in disgust.

"Don't need Em." We head over to the barn where, Karma, Kaya's mare is stabled. Kaya puts a hackamore on Karma.

"Who are you taking?" Kaya asks. I've already selected Ursa, a 16 year old bay mare. I have to bridle her; she has a strong mouth. "You ready?" I nod and we lead the horses into the slowly fading sunshine. Lightly, I hop onto Ursa's brown back, and loosely collect my reins. Kaya hops onto Karma, and we trot off towards a large field.

"Race ya there?" I flash Kaya a cheeky smile, and let out a bit of rein.

"You are on." She shakes her head and smiles.

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